Has anyone else noticed that it's been 23 days since the last blog entry? I hope Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore's ok.
Fav Blog?
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Chapter Nine: Here, There and Underwear
A word to the wise: don't go shopping with Damian. Having got a week and a half into the tour we took the trek to the local Denton shopping mall to pick up socks and underwear. This should be easy. It took me about three minutes to grab what I needed when I noticed Damian intently staring at the underwear rack:
Damian: "Don't you think the selection here is a little weird?"
Me: "Uhh, I don't know, why?"
Damian: "Like, look at these [picks up a pair of drawers]. It's possible that these will have too much fabric and then you'll just be swimming in it."
Me: "OK."
Damian: "But these over here [picks up another pair], there's a decent chance they'll be too small, and that you definitely don't want...I mean, Jesus, just get those off of me...you know what I mean?"
Me: "I guess."
Damian: "I'm just not familiar with their selection."
Me: "Dude, it's underwear, who cares?"
Damian: "No, I can't deal with this...we have to go somewhere else."
Me: "[sigh] Alrighty."
This happened two more times in other department stores (I shit you not). From now on all my interactions with Damian will be non-undergarment related, I promise you.
Just imagine saying that dialogue....
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Chapter Forty-Eight: Scaredy Pants
After four-straight barbeque-filled days in Texas, we rolled up to Kansas City where the legendary cuisine is... yes, barbeque. Knowing full well we'd be receiving some form of bbq-sauce slathered meat at the Grand Emporium tomorrow night, Damian and I decided we'd be better off giving our brisket-coated stomachs a break by hitting the self-proclaimed "China Bistro," P.F. Chang's. I thought P.F. Chang's was a local California chain, but upon eating their carbon-copy fare in the middle of Missouri, I realized they're just another Applebee's with slightly better food. Ah well, the garlic noodles are pretty good.
On the way home we quickly realized we weren't in Kansas anymore... people just could not deal with Damian's pants. Now, I know I've written a bit about Damian's pants, but the sheer rapid-fire disapproval/confusion/fascination we encountered was way too startling to go unnoted. For reference, here is a photo of the pants in question:
Scene 1: The Diss
You know that feeling when someone's coming up behind you? When you get it on an unfamiliar street in Kansas City you turn to see who it is. Usually, who it's not is a little girl, ten years old at most, with several gold teeth in her mouth. Fortunately for us, though, this time it was, and she had a question: "Do you two go together?" Now, as Damian would point out later, we are indeed two parts of a four-part set; thus we do, essentially, go together. This interpretation was almost certain to be lost on the bling-toothed youngster, and it was pretty clear that the gist of her inquiry was "are you dudes homosexual?" "No." Pointing to Damian: "Then why y'alls pants so tight?!" It was barely an insult, but her tone was so confidently demeaning, and with the lack of a witty comeback, I couldn't help but feel like we had just lost at something. Heads hung, we started walking away at which point she ran up, inexplicably smacked Damian on the ass and sprinted off to join her other friends.
Scene 2: The Question
We got back to the hotel lobby where a dude was hanging out with another dude and two dudettes, presumably in double-date formation. Their conversation halted immediately to inspect the two clear "outta towners." After I was sure we were out of pant-radar one of them screams to Damian, "Hey, you in a band?!" "Yeah." Jumping. Screaming. "I told you!!!! DAMMIT! I TOLD YOU!!!!"
Scene 3: The Family
We pulled up to the elevator, right behind a family on their way up to their room. We graciously (I thought) told them that we'd wait for the next one, as the elevator was pretty packed. "Oh no, we'll make room," said the dad, the biggest of maybe six in the family, all of whom, I shit you not, were dressed head-to-toe in University of Kansas clothing. I mean every single article of clothing was University of Kansas related; sweatshirts, sweatpants, t-shirts, hats, windbreakers, visors, key chains, coffee mugs, etc. Now normally, I avoid the crowded elevator, especially the crowded pep rally elevator, but this time we took our chances.
UofK Mom/Aunt #1: "Now THOSE are some pants."
UofK Mom/Aunt #2: "Marty, you need some pants like these, Marty."
UofK Track Suit Kid, squeezing UofK Dad in 'U of K Proud Dad' shirt: "Lemme get a look at'em"
UofK Mom/Aunt #1: "Are you from LONDON?"
Damian: "No."
UofK Proud Dad: "Are those pajamas?"
Luckily the door opened at that point. I don't know if Damian's confidence in trouser selection has been shaken, but I do know that I'm bringing a video camera next time he goes out in them.
posted by andy
(BTW, someone, post a few more about the blogs here. I'm too lazy to go over to ok go's homepage and read all the blogs myself. Ha ha.)
Damian Kulash, the self-proclaimed Diva.
And I bet he does only wear silk boxers...choosey bastard.
Damian Kulash, the self-proclaimed Diva.
And I bet he does only wear silk boxers...choosey bastard.
He wears briefs or boxer briefs, I think. I saw a picture somewhere and there was a definite panty line.
Yeah, no I was kidding about the boxers. I'm sure he'd have to wear one of those two cause his pants are so damn tight.
and i agree whole-heartedly with whoever commented that andy should be blogging more.
Damian Kulash, the self-proclaimed Diva.
And I bet he does only wear silk boxers...choosey bastard.
HA. That does not surprise me at ALL.
Seriously, can we start a petition? If we get a bunch of people to "sign it," someone can print it out and bring it to a show. Then he'll see how insan- errr, how serious we are about this.
Seriously, can we start a petition? If we get a bunch of people to "sign it," someone can print it out and bring it to a show. Then he'll see how insan- errr, how serious we are about this.
HAHA. That would be great. I can see his face now when you hand him a list of people who want him to start blogging more.
"I agree with "anonymous." If Andy doesn't start blogging soon, there's gonna' be some serious protesting going on. And I mean it. We're considering starting a petition. "
Random: Dude, that wrestler Chyna or whatever is a freaking man.
But she's a MAN! She's like, sooooooo gross looking.