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edited November -1 in OK Go
I've noticed that VH-1 seems to have edited out the word "Jesus" from "Here it Goes Again." While I personally abhor the use of profanity, it seems hypocritical to edit that word when so many more objectionable ones in other videos are left in.

And on a more positive note, I just finished posting and bumping on VH-1 so that the whole first page of the Countdown message board is about OK Go! smile.gif


  • Yeah I noticed that too. I think they're over censoring songs now. They bleep out God all the time. It's so weird.

    Yay for bumping and voting!
  • Yeah, the edited out "God" in P!ATD's "Write Sins, Not Tragedies," it's like, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the *BLANK!*damn door?"

    I dunno'. I'm not a religious person by any means, but it does seem silly to edit out those words and leave more profane words behind. Not that profanity bothers me....I just don't like censorship, I guess....*shrugs*
  • That's funny.
  • Well I wouldn't know as it only lets US citizens view its videos :@
  • I have always found it fascinating how the US with it's freedom of speech and expression and shit likes to censor everything like there's no tomorrow.

    I mean, fuck. Every weekend some of the radio stations in Australia play the American Top 40 - don't ask me why, it pisses me off having to listen to Ryan Seacrest - and I am forced to enjoy it during my shifts at work and IDK it's so weird to me how they censor words that aren't even offensive, but sound like they could ALMOST MAYBE POSSIBLY be MISHEARD as a profane word.

    Like what the fuck is with changing 'Don't Phunk With My Heart' to 'Don't Mess With My Heart'? As someone else already mentioned, the 'God Damn Door' comment and countless stuff.

    It irritates me.
  • That's because VH1 is just a liberal censoring machine that lies about a lot of things.
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