Wow. What an amazing mini-festival this was. A total of 14 amazing bands...of which I only really saw 4, because I got my ass kicked by a certain British band from Manchester and seriously could not function after their show.
So, to start off, I saw MC Lars, OK Go, Buffalo Tom and The Charlatans UK. I had had designs on seeing Rock Kills Kid and The Academy Is, but I had no energy by that point. MC Lars was hilarious. I'd never heard his stuff before, and when I heard he was a white rapper, I was immediately turned off. But I really enjoyed his show. Definitely look into his stuff. And he's totally cool with you illegally downloading his music.
OK Go was next.

I had seen Damian and Tim walking around earlier, but they were talking to each other, and I think it's rude to run up to someone in mid-conversation. So I let them be. I, sadly, didn't get a chance to see them after their set. But, if you think about it, that's okay because I've already met them enough, and I hate fangirls who just giggle and toss their hair when talking to the boys. Buuut, their set was fantastic. Don't ask me the setlist, because I don't remember the order. They opened with Television, Television, which was a nice surprise, and from there they played the songs you would've expected them to. The boys had much energy and Damian smirked a lot, so that was fun. Andy looked gorgeous, Tim Tim (which is absolutely adorable, yet noble) and Dan was Dan. I love Dan. I could go on about him I won't. Highlight of the show? --When Damian jumped off the stage during "Don't Bring Me Down" and jumped up on the barricade. The girl next to me got to hold his hand to keep him steady, and I snapped a couple sweet shots. It was a glorious minute.
Buffalo Tom was ...ick. They were old and I didn't like their music.
And lastly, The Charlatans UK. Never in my life have I seen a man who so closely resembled Mick Jagger, but in a very attractive way. This band was amazing. And I had about ten drunk British men jumping up and down the entire time behind me. It was fun. I won't go into depth, but look into this band. I love them, they are amazing. And their show completely drained me of all my energy. Annnd, when I went to meet them, the first thing the lead singer said to me in his thick Manchester accent? "Hey! I recognize you. You were up front singing along, yeah? Enjoy yourself?" --I. Was. Floored.
So, overall, the entire event was amazing. I took about 84 pictures of OK Go and 12 of The Charlatans. I'll post pictures later if you all want...or at least a link to the pictures.
So, overall, the entire event was amazing. I took about 84 pictures of OK Go and 12 of The Charlatans. I'll post pictures later if you all want...or at least a link to the pictures.
I. Would. Have. Died.
What did you say?
Sounds like you had a blast! I'd love to see your pictures.
What did you say?
Sounds like you had a blast! I'd love to see your pictures.
Well, I smiled really wide and nodded like an idiot and said. "Oh yeah! You guys were amazing. Probably the best show I've seen all year." And he signed my poster and smiled at me. "Really? Thanks so much, that means a lot."
It was intensely beautiful. lol.
The Goods From BMP
And there's the link. They're all the way down at the bottom listed under WFNX Best Music Poll. Enjoy!
Awwww. I love when musicians and bands are totally genuine like that. Yay!
Sounds like you had a blast! Too bad I couldn't be there with you. :\ Next time! *goes off to look at pictures...*
I love this pic so much, that I'd like to make it my next siggie with your permission. (Just know I'll probably incorporate the "Official OkGo Roach Broach" title somewhere into the pic.):
I love that pic so much because with Tim in his dandy suit and the brick building behind him, it seems so British. Kind of Abby Road-esque. The Charlatans UK, aww, they sound so nice! Yet another reason why the English are best! You're a really good photographer. These pics are just too much fun.
I love this pic so much, that I'd like to make it my next siggie with your permission. (Just know I'll probably incorporate the "Official OkGo Roach Broach" title somewhere into the pic.):
I love that pic so much because with Tim in his dandy suit and the brick building behind him, it seems so British. Kind of Abby Road-esque. The Charlatans UK, aww, they sound so nice! Yet another reason why the English are best! You're a really good photographer. These pics are just too much fun.
Sure thing darling. Go right ahead and use that picture.
And thanks, I really try to take good pictures, but it can be so difficult sometimes! I think I was lucky with this batch. Photography is my secret love.
BTW, check your livejournal lately? YES.
I hope this clears up the issue of curling
And yes, I've checked, and am beyond happy!
Yes, thank you. The boy never learns
Err, sorry. Just thought I'd throw that out there...
PS: Dan and Andy are wearing my ties!!!
PS: Dan and Andy are wearing my ties!!!
Yeah, I was sad at first that I didn't get to talk to them...but then I got over it real quickly. Damian never says, "Hey I saw you up front singing along," even though I'm sure we all know he does see us....especially during the daylight. lol.