In this Discussion

your top Ok Go forum members of the moment

edited November -1 in General Discussion
I'll have to say some of my faves ae sort of "Old School" but that's only because I joined when Ok Go Forum was starved for members any who here's a list of my top Ok Go Forum members

#1. 0076

#2. Head Full of Crazy

#3. giggleguy

uh and I forgot the rest


  • I'll play.

    The trinity, Denise, Dave

    But thats only cos I've spoken to most of them while I've been away
  • mixtape, agentnumone, tempe, shades, the husband, jade, pandy...
  • I love all of them. I can't pick a favorite. smile.gif
  • QUOTE (The End Has No Jen @ May 24 2006, 03:20 PM)
    I'll play.

    The trinity, Denise, Dave

    But thats only cos I've spoken to most of them while I've been away

    awww that's soo sweet of you jen...i think i'm going to cry.

    i have too many favorites.
  • QUOTE (The End Has No Jen @ May 24 2006, 04:20 PM)
    I'll play.

    The trinity, Denise, Dave

    But thats only cos I've spoken to most of them while I've been away

    SA-WEET! I'm part of The Trinity! WOO!

    1. Jen
    2. Katy
    3. Kay
    4. KRose
    5. Kikky (she's never on, so as forum members go, she's not my favorite HERE)
    6. Pam and Denise are tied.
    7. Kelsey
    8. Melisa
    9. Darbs
    10. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore (he's NEVER ON)
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ May 24 2006, 05:31 PM)
    10. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore (he's NEVER ON)

    he hasn't logged on since the begining of april sad.gif
    oh, and thank you for listing me at number 9... i love multiples of 3...
  • Glad I could be of service, Darbs.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ May 24 2006, 03:31 PM)
    7. Kelsey

    wub.gif AWWWW
  • Very few of my favorites come around often anymore.

    1. Pam
    2. Kristin
    3. Dave/Andy (my boys are tied, I can't help it)
    4. Denise
    5. Katy

    ...I think that's it.
  • awww i feel so loved that i'm on people's list.
  • i know i'm going to leave someone AWESOME!! out and get in trouble for it but in no order

    dee, pandy, jentastic, carin, darbie, rose, denise, pearl, and what ever mixtape's name is.

    i forgot mel and fel..whom i love very much.

    ...and derface!! shades...
  • QUOTE (76 @ May 24 2006, 09:13 PM)
    i know i'm going to leave someone AWESOME!! out and get in trouble for it but in no order

    dee, pandy, jentastic, carin, darbie, rose, denise, pearl, and what ever mixtape's name is.

    But there are 2 Roses now. Do you mean Tempe (who's name is Rose) or RoRo (who's name is also Rose). I bet you mean RoRo, and I totally don't mind. She's adorable.

    Gosh, I couldn't even begin to make a list. I love you all
    Ha ha, I'm so diplomatic!
    Well, I'll maybe make a listy, but not now because I've got to read some majorly boring stuff that I have been avoiding reading all night. But I love that 0076. His numbers are almost like my husband's. (He is 007). Oh, and I'd definitely put Darbs on my list for sure!
  • I love yee all!

    darbie thanks and thanks dave!... I feel loved!

    ok i'm going to say I love you all, because I honestly can't pick who rocks most.
  • Darbie and Rose (RoRo Rose).

    And what is the Trinity? I've been too busy in the past months to be on here . . . so I've missed a lot.

    Oops, I forgot Andy the Pandy. Sorry!
  • ive no idea what the hell the trinity is either so i wouldnt worry about it me chuck!
  • QUOTE (76 @ May 25 2006, 12:17 AM)
    i forgot mel and fel..whom i love very much.

    ... so i guess im only loved by one person on this board... and its not my sis so that is a major SNAP.
    jokes. I deserve it since i havent been on recently tongue.gif

    but i love ya allllll! cept for Yodie.
  • QUOTE (Jaded @ May 25 2006, 11:55 AM)
    And what is the Trinity? I've been too busy in the past months to be on here . . . so I've missed a lot.

    That would be me, Karleigh, and Kikky. We just refer to ourselves as the Trinity 'cause it makes it easier. wink.gif

    I'm not going to list people because I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!! Yes yes! You all brighten my day! biggrin.gif
  • Myself and my bad ass photography. Haha...kidding.
  • Y'all know who I love, we've been practically joined at the hip for the past year! Lord knows how much we've been through.

    Carin, Kristin, Denise, and Matt ... I don't know what I'd do without you all.

    (here concludes my pathetic love rant... for now.)
  • QUOTE (sweetpea0431 @ May 26 2006, 12:51 AM)
    Y'all know who I love, we've been practically joined at the hip for the past year! Lord knows how much we've been through.

    Carin, Kristin, Denise, and Matt ... I don't know what I'd do without you all.

    (here concludes my pathetic love rant... for now.)


    CARIN. Where was I on that list? Oh maaaan.
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