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Pet Peeves & Bad Habits

edited November -1 in General Discussion
Today I poured out an entire box of Raisin Bran Crunch in a mixing bowl and picked out every single honey nut oat cluster and ate them. Then I put all of it back inside the bag and pretended that nothing happened. I am ashamed at my selfish desires for clusters. I'm a nut cluster freakazoid. Ditto for ice cream. I dig holes for chunky things. What about you?


  • I have a lot of bad nervous habits: biting my nails, pulling my hair, etc. One of biggest pet peeves is when people use incorrect grammar or misspell really simple words.
  • QUOTE (oknow @ May 29 2006, 12:51 AM)
    Today I poured out an entire box of Raisin Bran Crunch in a mixing bowl and picked out every single honey nut oat cluster and ate them. Then I put all of it back inside the bag and pretended that nothing happened. I am ashamed at my selfish desires for clusters. I'm a nut cluster freakazoid. Ditto for ice cream. I dig holes for chunky things. What about you?

    sew aie waz liek ohm em geez... dat mayde me laf! hahahahehar! lover, i couldn't resist.

    But ya your definately not the only nut cluster freakazoid/ digger of holes due to chunky things.
    Those nut clusters could turn anyone into an addict. But I don't only eat the clusters, I have too many eyes on me to pull that one off. But more power to you!
  • I hate when somebody says that they need to tell you something, but then they decide not to. And when you ask somebody where they want to go to dinner, and they say, "it doesn't matter. We can go wherever you want to go." when I'm usually asking them because I can't make up my mind. One more pet peeve: Clicky erasers. I think whoever invented those damn things should be forced to sit in a dark room and listen to them clicky click click for the rest of his life.
  • caddy!!! where have you been?!? i've missed you...
  • People mixing up "your" and "you're." Same goes for "it's" and "its" as well as "their," "they're," and "there."

    Dear World,

    However, I have my good share of bad habits, so I shouldn't complain.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ May 29 2006, 02:49 PM)
    People mixing up "your" and "you're." Same goes for "it's" and "its" as well as "their," "they're," and "there."

    Dear World,

    However, I have my good share of bad habits, so I shouldn't complain.

    I don't think I can agree with you enough. I want to scream every time we're forced to peer edit in class.
  • I think I may be one of the evil doers.

    I always do that. Contractions are my worst ememy! I honestly forget while writing "you're" ane "we're" wayy too much. If I do it on here point me out, please, I need to get rid of this habit.

    I guess thats my bad habit... Not spelling correctly/not using correct grammer. I suck beans at it.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 29 2006, 11:34 PM)
    I always do that. Contractions are my worst ememy! I honestly forget while writing "you're" ane "we're" wayy too much. If I do it on here point me out, please, I need to get rid of this habit.

    It happens to everyone sometimes. It's not the periodic offenders that get me angry, it's mostly myspace whores that butcher English that piss me off.


    I want to scream and then teach them correct English.
  • pet peeve: when people steal my armrest in lecture halls/movie theaters

    i just went through three midterms where someone kept encroaching into my personal space. it was just like AUUGGGHH no!!

    ooh and def. agree with cadillac64 about the clicky erasers
  • when I'm nervous I bite my nails.

    If I'm nervous or bored outside I pick at grass and make piles with the grass (happened last night)

    I have this really weird pet peeve. If someone doesn't clear the microwave timer (like they use it, and take their food out before time is up, and they don't hit the "cancel" button), that makes me mad for some odd reason.

    bad table manners are a pet peeve of mine, too. chewing with your mouth open; slurping soup, cereal, etc.; talking with food in your mouth. That's really bad.

    And not pushing chairs in.
  • I hate people on cell phones in a lot of places cause a lot of people can't figure out that they're talking waaay too loud.

    I also hate bouncers who doubt my id (which is not a fake and does not say I'm over 21--who the hell fakes an 18-year-old id?!)

    and being tired annoys the hell out of me. I don't think that classifies as either a pet peeve or a bad habit, but it does bother me. As do bad grammar and misspellings.
  • QUOTE (cadillac64 @ May 29 2006, 12:32 PM)
    And when you ask somebody where they want to go to dinner, and they say, "it doesn't matter. We can go wherever you want to go." when I'm usually asking them because I can't make up my mind.


    I'm really indecisive, please just pick SOMETHING!
  • I have way too many bad habits, one of them being, leaving the fridge and freezer doors open, leaving very little milk for others to drink (i love milk), and not cleaning my room when I should.

    Pet peeves... I hate it when people think they are better than everyone else. I also hate when people chew with their mouths open eeegh, and when people take their little children to the cinema, and they just start crying and talking, and just plain being annoying!! It's like kids aren't supposed to be watching this movie.... or when a cellphone goes off in the middle of watching a movie... damn, just turn it the fuck off.
  • I twirl my hair A LOT. That's my bad habit.
  • i detest....
    - bringing a plethora items to the self-checkout lane and going ape when they don't know how to scan their potatoes.
    - buying already-torn jeans for over $20. or any money at all, unless they were previously owned by stephen hawking or damian kulash.
    - exercising whilst having phone conversations.
    - people, who upon noticing your ethnic origin, ask you how to say various curse words in your "native tongue."
    - the vernacular "whatev" and its plural form.
    - homeless bums who go to the library only to look up porn.
    - using internet slang in real life situations.
    - teachers who assign summer homework because they think they're helping you but in reality, only sending you to an early grave.
    - those uncapable of flushing toilets. ever.
    - laughing at your own jokes (incessantly).
    - slow drivers.
    - fast drivers who glare at you for notgoing over 50 miles in a school zone so they can get to captain d's faster.
    - tall people at concerts (i know it's not your fault), eau-de-feces people at concerts, hormonally challenged couples at concerts, unfunny drunk people at concerts, free bird people at concerts, unnecessary mosh pit people at concerts, you shouldn't have eaten mexican food an hour before people at concerts, etc.

    i like things too. sometimes.
  • When you go to a resturuant and they cut the top of the bread, but not the bottom. Leading you to believe it's fully cut and so you pick the half up. The whole thing falls apart.

    I don't know what my bad habits are...but I get all of them watching you. It's true. And I can't figure it out yet, just how to make it perfect for you.

    Oh yeah, randomly saying song lyrics.

    Oh wait more. The weird thing is I have a GIANT list of pet peeves, I just can't remember them. But I hate:
    homophobic people
    the sound of people chewing
    people who show up 10 minutes into a concert and try to get to the front
    really stupid people
    my hometown
    lack of money
    people who type like idiots
    people who sing in public, like this one person who was doing my hair, singing along to the radio, directly into my ear.
    the fact that I use commas a lot.
    the fact that I'm just listing things that aren't really pet peeves
    the two lanes at DQ
    my old school
    some christians
    people who think they're photographers because they have a little point and shoot camera
    people who think that you can just get over a mental illness
    scary chain letters
    21+ CONCERTS
    concerts that don't allow cameras
    big concerts in general
    people who say they like a musician or band but only have heard one song on the radio
    people who hate musicians and bands because they're not on the radio, but when they are they love them.
    People in general.
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ May 29 2006, 11:18 AM)
    caddy!!! where have you been?!? i've missed you...

    School, boys, parents... the works! I've been singing. I've missed you too, Darbie/ mom.
  • bad habits....: I crack my fingers/neck/knees lots...

    that and I have the need to say YEAH BOYIE!! at least once a day.... and somtimes i even say when im not on the net... out loud...AND PEOPLE HEAR ME. blink.gif
  • One thing that pisses me off the most is when people allude to them knowing something, tell people they know things, but then don't actually come out with it...usually ending with, "Sorry, it's a secret *bitchy smile*'

    People I know do that all the time.
  • Karleigh does that with OK Go knowledge!! But in a cute, non-bitchy way.
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