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  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Jun 5 2006, 04:34 PM)
    Cept i dont know when im if anything im on call so we might have to keep it close to the sq1 area so if they call i can go earn $$

    ps - bring your peeps matt...

    Sq 1 works great for me, sure. I'll see who I can grab. I can't wait, yo. Are any days better than others?
  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Jun 5 2006, 01:02 PM)
    I am currently suffering form OKGO WITHDRAWL b/c they havent come to toronto in umm AGES!! *dammit last show was last NOVEMBER (with matt huzzah)

    I live in mississauga...if you know that city/live in it i will heart you forever!

    I've been there!! And I just spent the weekend in Toronto! And found an OK Go sticker in dundas square!! So many exclamation marks!! YAY ONTARIAN BOARDIES!!!
  • YAY!!! RORO!!!!

    I missed you a lot. biggrin.gif wub.gif

    I've been having OK Go withdrawals for almost a year now because I still have to see them sad.gif
  • Hi RoRo! I'm Tempe. I've seen you around when I first joined in March, but I never really got a chance to talk to you. I'm the other Rose here, as that is my real name. Also, sometimes I go by Krose (with a silent K). Mostly, though, I go by Tempe. Lol, I love the name of your home town. It sounds like "mashugana" which is Yiddish for crazy.

    Where have you been all these months? I would've loved to have met you sooner. I've started a club dedicated to making living roach broaches for Damian. I call the club the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society. So that's the story behind my siggie, and you'll probably hear me every now and then drop in a crazy line about roaches.

    Well, nice meetin' ya, girlie! Can't wait to read more of your posts! biggrin.gif
  • MIx tape - i heart your sigi! i have pissed myself laughing!

    GAH you found an okgo sticker in dundas sq?? WHERE ABOUTS COS IT MIGHT SERIOUSLY BE MINE (drunken escapades after a post exam drink celebrationbs HAHAHA)

    next time you hit up toronto give me a buzz...... w00t!!!
    *im soo lame seriously im waaaaaaay too hyper to be back*

    JADE - i love you...but you still dont listen to me cos I have asked you many times per myspace to STOP BEING BEAUTIFUL dry.gif mad.gif hahahaha (K)
    I need to call you again drunk...*ahh new years*

    NEHOO Krose! whats up homie!?!?!
    my name is rosemary but no1 calls me that anymore cept my parents so i'll go by ro if that works for you (since most of my homeslices call me that now)

    You are pretty rad - plus ur name is rose so THEREFORE YOU AHVE TO BE uber cool...but you are uber cool regardless and such...nyes!

    Ps - im adding all of your asses to myspace muahahah!

  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Jun 5 2006, 08:53 PM)
    MIx tape - i heart your sigi! i have pissed myself laughing!

    GAH you found an okgo sticker in dundas sq?? WHERE ABOUTS COS IT MIGHT SERIOUSLY BE MINE (drunken escapades after a post exam drink celebrationbs HAHAHA)

    next time you hit up toronto give me a buzz...... w00t!!!
    *im soo lame seriously im waaaaaaay too hyper to be back*

    I totally should. We can go on a date to Sam The Record Man!!

    I'll feel bad if it was your sticker, it looks sort of homemade and has Andy SlamDuncan on it..?
  • what's your myspace RoRo?

    Here's mine:

    and here's the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society's page:
    (it's soon going to become okgo_roachbroach, but I haven't gotten around to changing the URL yet)
  • ok no it wasnt mine sad.gif hahaha *tear*



    i heart you!! wub.gif cos that would be fantastic...i wanna go on a date there....

    i think we should do it up!lol


    YAY is my myspace url

    i have added you!

    i shall also add the roach broach...cos that is wikid mad cool

    OH I wish i never left and got to know all of you better

    im such a sap lol

    bah... im late...

    anyways, glad your back! And for the lil' trucker in everyone, "Keep on Keep'n on!"
  • i saw a tshirt that said that once...

    I think i need to purchase it!
  • So, basically, I've decided, the next time OK Go is anywhere near Toronto (or Ottawa, Kingston, etc.), we are ALL going!!! And there will be much rejoicing and group hugs!
  • OH my RoRo, i almost made a shirt for mel that said " theres a reson why they call it cheese".. It would of been inspired by her inspiriation that came from your dream... mellow.gif
  • HAHAHA OMG i want to make a shirt that says that too

    damn that dream was vivid....*strangeness*

    Umm ask for toronto show...BOOYAKASHA>...!! we are soo going to hug for like 10 minutes
  • I'm totally gonna have to sleep on somebody's floor, guys.
  • image
    ^this was the approximate design...
  • 1st of all - you have my floor! hahaha

    2nd of all

    holy shit i love the design!

  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Jun 5 2006, 01:02 PM)
    wink.gif HELLO BOARDIES!

    biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
    i have been away from the boards for quite some time !! NOW I AM BACK MY DARLINGS AND I AM SOO EXCITED TO hear what is new...
    for the most part i have kept in touch with most of you....


    EVERYone please fill me in!

    and to all the ppl who i have never talked to.. PLEASE MESSAGE ME TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELVES

    this is all you need to know about me!
    Hi im RoRo (rose...rosemary works..i understand we have multiple roses lol)
    I am probably clinically insane but supposedly that is my best feature.....!!! *shrugs*

    I am currently suffering form OKGO WITHDRAWL b/c they havent come to toronto in umm AGES!! *dammit last show was last NOVEMBER (with matt huzzah)

    I live in mississauga...if you know that city/live in it i will heart you forever!

    i really have nothing else to tell you aside from the fact that pam carin and i are getting married...*there is a threat about it called OH EM GEE if you care to hear who plays what role*

    BABY PUFFIN!!! I'm so glad you're back! I've missed you so much. Ahhhhh! I don't think I really realized how much I missed you until I knew you were back! I love you! And we are so getting married still. I can't wait for it.

    I need to give you my phone number. And we need to chat on MSN. ASAP Baby Puffin.
  • I am getting a new calling card tomorrow my sexy wife so we can chat often!

  • OK, RoRo. This is for you. Since you sent me one.

    Myspace is being dumb so I can't post it as a comment. So I will post it here for you to see in your very own thread. Yay!


    I realized that I didn't need the 's after the heart, but I'm lazy and tired right now to change it, and I'm procrastinating on watching Capote (no idea why, I just am), but that doesn't relate to this. Just though I should add that in.

    I ramble when I'm tired.

  • Hello sexy. You have a photo of my ass HAHA

    I've missed you!!! Welcome back!!!
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