mothers day is in may... but when pandy created a fathers day thread last week, it reminded me that i didn't get a mothers day thread in may, and i'm the one with all the kids on the board... so tempe was kind enough to start one for me... a little belated, but appreciated nonetheless...
mothers day is in may... but when pandy created a fathers day thread last week, it reminded me that i didn't get a mothers day thread in may, and i'm the one with all the kids on the board... so tempe was kind enough to start one for me... a little belated, but appreciated nonetheless...
ok-ay, yes you definitely deserve a mother's day! can I be your adopted 7th child? I don't want to be 0076's child. He's abusive to all his kiddies...
ok-ay, yes you definitely deserve a mother's day! can I be your adopted 7th child? I don't want to be 0076's child. He's abusive to all his kiddies...
hehe... i think Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore needs to give me the title queen of all mothers, or mother of all boardies, something like that...
somebody's gotta care for the kids...and keep that man of yours in check!
things just got strange...
mostly as dave is older then darbs
*head s'plodes*
even for a crazy thread on the okgo boards it doesnt make sence =p
HHAHAHAHA i love you guys!
happy belated? moms day mom
awww *adopts giggleguy* finally, a son!.. i mean, i love my daugters, but sheesh, i've got 6 of them already...
even though I don't really know what's going on here...
i thought mother's day was in May????
mothers day is in may...
but when pandy created a fathers day thread last week, it reminded me that i didn't get a mothers day thread in may, and i'm the one with all the kids on the board... so tempe was kind enough to start one for me... a little belated, but appreciated nonetheless...
but when pandy created a fathers day thread last week, it reminded me that i didn't get a mothers day thread in may, and i'm the one with all the kids on the board... so tempe was kind enough to start one for me... a little belated, but appreciated nonetheless...
ok-ay, yes you definitely deserve a mother's day! can I be your adopted 7th child? I don't want to be 0076's child. He's abusive to all his kiddies...
i think Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore needs to give me the title queen of all mothers, or mother of all boardies, something like that...