My apologies if so. But it is very very funny. I found it last week.'s from here: Doh! I just watched it again and realized I've seen the line "Feel the electricity. It's electric." somewhere on this board before, in someone's signature (?), I think. So it must be old news. Oh well, here it is for anyone else who's new.
but yeah, that was pretty funny. nice find!
But my question: why didn't they fire Damian and go in that direction sooner? I smell success.
I hate losing links when computers crash and need to be completely cleaned out.
It's from here:
edit: Doh! I just watched it again and realized I've seen the line "Feel the electricity. It's electric." somewhere on this board before, in someone's signature (?), I think. So it must be old news. Oh well, here it is for anyone else who's new.
It's from my sig on the JC.
^^HAHA, the first time I watched that, I was talking to Karleigh, I said, "I don't think Dan can really play the bass...." and she was like, "No, he's playing it!" And I was like, "Noooo, I don't think he really knows how....'simian' means 'monkey-like'...." And finally she conceded that I was right.
I love Andy at the end of the clip.
Oh! That's where.
HAHAHAHAHA, I want to see OK Go playing for your first born.....
Monks that listen to OK Go?
( went from singular to plural there, hee.
Monks listen to music too you know..
The Dalai Lama is actually a HUGE movie fanatic, lol.
OMG, I really didn't even notice. Can one child morph into many?
Yeah, maybe that's a good thing if they don't like ok go....jk, jk...
The Dalai Lama is actually a HUGE movie fanatic, lol.
Well, thank you, Mrs. Useless Information Woman.