Aww yay! Your pictures are fantastic! I've not got time right now to watch the videos ....damn work, but I will, for sure! --I'm envious. I want to see OK Go again real bad now.
Damian was looking a bit worse for the wear (and quite possibly had lice), and Tim is the only flammable member of the band.
I didn't bring my camera, but you should be in luck, the millions of pre-teens I was surrounded by all whipped out cameras/cell phones when they did AMW. People were looking at me funny because I actually knew the other songs, it was sad.
In all seriousness, I think I've become jaded from seeing them too many times. It was a good performance though.
Hm, I actually thought Damian looked great. He looked bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and very young again, I thought. He looked a little worse for wear in Milwaukee in Feb., and I remember specifically thinking how much different he looked in person yesterday than he did that night. I was reminded of how he looks in the old t-shirt & jeans pics. *shrug* I've only met them twice, though (seen them live three times including this one).
Tim's flammable? lol Sounds like a good story. (Or did I miss something said during the performance?)
Damian actually commented during the show that Tim might just combust from happiness, as he's the only flammable member of the band. As for lice, every time I looked at Damian, he was scratching his head, it was quite annoying.
I was at the Milwaukee show in Feb. as well, and yes, he did look better than then, but it's a far, far cry than seeing them back in '03.... or even in Chicago/Toledo/Napoleon in early '05. Damian seems to have aged 10 years in only a few year timespan.
My favorite part of the show was obviously the "Thank You Woodfield Mall, Good Afternoon!" though I don't think anyone (other than Poison!) got it.
Damian seems to have aged 10 years in only a few year timespan.
I agree wholeheartedly, and it's quite sad. He's still attractive but ...not as attractive as when I first saw him. My favorite Damian era? --Check out his sexy little self in the 'Don't Ask Me' video. That's what I love. I miss that.
I blame the constant drinking...and I'm sure touring isn't helping him any. Poor guy.
I don't get it, why was Tim so happy? Does he like shopping? I can't help asking dumb question, but I'm confuzzled.
Yeah, I think Damian was just making a joke about Tim liking to shop. I think it was one of those moments where Tim sort of looked at Damian like "What are you talking about?" and went along with the joke.
ooooohhh i love damian's pants. i totally need to get some pants like that.
Not the same (or even close), but here's some I saw at Target today for thirty bucks: I had seen your post before we went shopping, so it when I saw these pants I had to take a pic. I love camera phones.
Not the same (or even close), but here's some I saw at Target today for thirty bucks: I had seen your post before we went shopping, so it when I saw these pants I had to take a pic. I love camera phones.
nice....thanks for posting a pic. i'm totally going to target to check if they have them. dude target is so awesome, i <3 that store.
We got right up in the front. Wow. What a great day.
I didn't bring my camera, but you should be in luck, the millions of pre-teens I was surrounded by all whipped out cameras/cell phones when they did AMW. People were looking at me funny because I actually knew the other songs, it was sad.
In all seriousness, I think I've become jaded from seeing them too many times. It was a good performance though.
Tim's flammable? lol Sounds like a good story. (Or did I miss something said during the performance?)
I was at the Milwaukee show in Feb. as well, and yes, he did look better than then, but it's a far, far cry than seeing them back in '03.... or even in Chicago/Toledo/Napoleon in early '05. Damian seems to have aged 10 years in only a few year timespan.
My favorite part of the show was obviously the "Thank You Woodfield Mall, Good Afternoon!" though I don't think anyone (other than Poison!) got it.
I agree wholeheartedly, and it's quite sad. He's still attractive but ...not as attractive as when I first saw him. My favorite Damian era? --Check out his sexy little self in the 'Don't Ask Me' video. That's what I love. I miss that.
I blame the constant drinking...and I'm sure touring isn't helping him any. Poor guy.
Ah, yes.
Ha. I didn't even notice.
Der ... I guess I didn't get it either.
But I like these too.
I don't get it, why was Tim so happy? Does he like shopping? I can't help asking dumb question, but I'm confuzzled.
Yeah, I think Damian was just making a joke about Tim liking to shop. I think it was one of those moments where Tim sort of looked at Damian like "What are you talking about?" and went along with the joke.
Sweetpea probably remembers better than me.
ooooohhh i love damian's pants. i totally need to get some pants like that.
Not the same (or even close), but here's some I saw at Target today for thirty bucks:
nice....thanks for posting a pic. i'm totally going to target to check if they have them. dude target is so awesome, i <3 that store.
" ... tonight."