Sorry if this has already been discussed on this forum, but i'm kind of a new OK Go fan. I saw that they are on a CD called Hello Radio that comes out on Tuesday, and apperently it's a tribute CD to another band... but, who cares if it's a tribute because it's a new OK Go track, and that's all that matters! WOOO!!!
yah here's a link to the album on amazon, just in case anyone else wants to know about the cd.
Hello Radio.
Hey, Kbomb, yeah, it's a tribute to They Might Be Giants and the song is "Letterbox." There's actually an early recording of "Letterbox" by OK Go (from before the first album), and I wonder if it's gonna be this same one, maybe tweaked or remastered, or if it's a new recording.
I was lucky enough to hear about this a couple months ago through work--we sell books & audiovisual stuff to school libraries and one of the guys in Acquisitions saw a description of it in one of the catalogs he gets (he's the AV buyer). He brought it over because he thought he remembered hearing I'm a TMBG fan. (I am, but it's actually a friend of mine in my dept. who is a bigger fan.) So he shows me this thing about it because it's about TMBG, and I read it and start spazzing about OK Go being on it. lol
Anyway, I'm rambling and I'll shut up now.
edit: Whoops, I was writing this as you replied, Denise.
its alright, you story sounds much more interesting then mine.
Umm....from the 30 second preview, it sounds distorted and slow and funky, like the Appendices version, but I can't tell if it's a new recording of the same style....truth be told, I haven't listened to the Appendices version in a while, haha. Not one of my favourites.
Just listened and compared the same part; it sounds exactly the same.