4tunately, Professor Cheddar’s sensational fermenatational bovine-lactational masticational amorphous-fused silicate suffragitation assembly unit is in full 4ce here at the Snark Lab. We have effectuated a mind-bending 44 votes so far!
You can thank us later, OK Go.
Kulashi Bug will be flying in rein4cments this evening: a multilateral multiphase interspecies task-force of insects who will be mobilizing the Snark voting agglomerate tonight, while Professor Cheddar and I take a much needed rest in the newly-re4mulated hot cheese-and-green-bean thermal relaxivatory Jacuzzi. Lloyne asked to join us, but we don’t want to see him naked.
4 sure, we’ll keep you apprised of our progress.
Let's get OK Go to number 4.
Hell, in this particular case, I'll even advocate NUMBER ONE.
Not "new." They're just rad.
I will for sure vote 1,000,000 times for this video. I have a question. How do you know so many big words?
From a galaxy far far away and an admirer of all things involving microscopes and test tubes,
"Oh yeah!"
And yes I was jaded.
Snark-a-snoops are rad!
Buahahahahahaha. So rad.
(Karleigh- I just thought of that phone message and almost fell over laughing....)
(Karleigh- I just thought of that phone message and almost fell over laughing....)
"So Katy - It's beeping! It's beeping! Why is it beeping???"
Hell, in this particular case, I'll even advocate NUMBER ONE.
Best part- "KATY STOP CALLING!!!!"
I almost died laughing right then and there, but I was on the Amherst College common and people were looking at me all weird.
I almost died laughing right then and there, but I was on the Amherst College common and people were looking at me all weird.
People look at me weird all the time, but I guess that's what happens when you pin a rotten piece of broccoli to your shoulder.