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Who sings what??

edited November -1 in OK Go
I'm confused. I'm a new OkGo fan and I know that Damian is listed as the lead singer but Tim sings on both of the videos Here it goes and Million ways. Does he really singthose songs or does Damian sing all of the songs and they are just being goofy? Their voices sound similar if that is in fact Tim singing. Thanks


  • Damian sings those songs and nearly all others. Tim sings "C-C-C-Cinnamon Lips" on the first album. Yeah, they're just being goofy biggrin.gif

    Welcome, btw. smile.gif
  • Damian is the band's lead singer. With the exception of "C-C-C-Cinnamon Lips," which Tim sings, and a few songs where he and Tim co-sing (like "Aren't We Dozy"), he's the one singing.

    Tim, however, is the band's lead lip syncher, because "it makes it more ridiculous," as Damian put it.

    But yeah, I was definitely confused because the first time I saw "AMW," it was without sound, so I was expecting it be sung by Tim...
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