I think OK Go really is planning on taking over the world. Because it's working.
I think these are all new:
One article, two continentshttp://www.zdnetindia.com/news/personaltec...ies/152470.htmlhttp://www.smh.com.au/news/web/new-rock-st...6617265516.htmlINDIA! And AUSTRALIA! WootOMGZhttp://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3776375a4500,00.htmlNEW ZEALAND!http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/edithbowman/web.shtmlUNITED KINGDOM!http://blog.fastcompany.com/archives/2006/...tml?partner=rsshttp://www.ugo.com/channels/music/features...phile/08_30_06/It's near the bottom http://www.spin.com/features/news/2006/08/060807_okgo/Spin Magazinehttp://www.ew.com/ew/report/0,6115,1224123_4_0_,00.htmlEntertainment Weeklyhttp://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/62...ce=r_technologyThere's nothing new from this site, but I find it funny because not only do they say that the video has 'inspired' 5000 comments, but they also say OK Go is a Swedish band. I guess the rest of us (including the boys) missed something.http://www.broadcastnewsroom.com/articles/...le.jsp?id=59923The calling of it being a 'viral sensation' makes it sound as if they're spreading viruses with this. If they are, they must be VIRUSES OF LOVE. And I would love to be infected.Oh, and I also found on Pitchfork that OK Go is playing SXSW, so Texans, enjoy!
Sydney Morning Herald is officially my new favourite newspaper just 'cause tehy mentioned OK Go.
I'm so glad OK Go embraced the internet. Some bands are so fucking backwards and have their people remove their stuff off sites like youtube.com and spend all their time threatening fans. It's good OK Go aren't like that, or I'd have never heard of 'em
those were some good finds! thank'ee!