Now that is true, and a v. good point I guess I usually see tours as a headlining thing and not support (most bands I see that come here get a local act to support 'em but that's not always the case).
lol I live perhaps one of the most uncultured parts of the world - where almost no one comes to play and the local music scene might as well be dead it's that bad. Alas, the only way to see anyone other than someone major is to spend lots of money and fly interstate.
This is why I'm moving to the more cultured part of the country when I finish University
i even envy that. three years ago when i got first album, there was nowhere for me to get it in korea. i implored cd store to import an album and it was extremely hard to get it. at that time most of ok go fans in korea got the album through amazon. lately, getting the albums in korea is much easier than it use to be, but still hard. when we order albums once, we have to wait at least two months..
One time, when I was in NYC, I went to the VMS and they had the imported AMW vinyl in stock. It was AWESOME, even thought I already had it.
HEY Aussies you guys ever hear of the band Goons of Doom? They opened for another awesome band The AQuabats out here and it was so cool I adore them! they acutally were just out here last night to...they were at Safari Sam's like OK Go was supposed to be but it got cancelled. So have you eh>
Now that is true, and a v. good point
This is why I'm moving to the more cultured part of the country when I finish University
three years ago when i got first album, there was nowhere for me to get it in korea.
i implored cd store to import an album and it was extremely hard to get it.
at that time most of ok go fans in korea got the album through amazon.
lately, getting the albums in korea is much easier than it use to be, but still hard.
when we order albums once, we have to wait at least two months..
One time, when I was in NYC, I went to the VMS and they had the imported AMW vinyl in stock. It was AWESOME, even thought I already had it.
They are doing 4 concerts in Australia, 3 are already sold out.
They are doing 4 concerts in Australia, 3 are already sold out.
Yeah, Panic! sells out FAST.