argghh - i can't find a way to download the file - no visibile clickable link on the target page - no hits for 'damian' or 'lovelines' on - please help this techno challenged granny! p.s. where did you live in wisconsin, sherib?
argghh - i can't find a way to download the file - no visibile clickable link on the target page - no hits for 'damian' or 'lovelines' on - please help this techno challenged granny! p.s. where did you live in wisconsin, sherib?
on the upper right hand corner of the page, there's a little gray box that you have to put the code into (it says "please enter _ _ _ here"), then it'll say something like "wait 45 seconds" then it will become "click here to download"
on the upper right hand corner of the page, there's a little gray box that you have to put the code into (it says "please enter _ _ _ here"), then it'll say something like "wait 45 seconds" then it will become "click here to download"
thanks much - that area was hidden when i viewed the page with firefox on my iMac. hmpff. i switched to my safari browser and i am now happily downloading my DJK lovelines...
By the way, that file doesn't work on my iPod; it actually shuts my iPod down and after a minute its power comes back. Not sure what's up with that. It works in iTunes. I read online that sometimes you can fix corrupted files by burning them to a CD and then re-importing them to iTunes; then try them again on your iPod. So, just a tip if anyone's had that problem.
I've actually also got that problem with four or so of the live tracks I put on the okgosongs account, and Podcast #5; I'm gonna have to try that burning & ripping thing on those too.
Hey, guys! It's in the archive already! Yay It's here: It doesn't actually say Damian's name, but it's the 10/17 one. And there's a link to download it.
New link: I got it recorded. But don't toss your download from the Love Line Archives, because my recording is missing two 1 1/2 minute chunks from when the station's stream clunked out: once when Damian's talking about Tim being the lip syncher, and once when he's talking about Justin Timberlake telling them they're great.
But the sound quality is much better than the LL Archives file. I like. I hope other people will like.
I finally listened to this, and man, what's this about a special OK Go iPod??? This makes me angry, because dude, I have a new iPod, I don't want to get a new one, but man, I want to have this one.
Also, am I the only one that was pretty uncomfortable listening to Damian about such raunchy stuff?
Also, am I the only one that was pretty uncomfortable listening to Damian about such raunchy stuff?
Lol, well, he didn't do too much of the talking. It was mainly the little goof-ball host that did the talking and then would drag Damian into it. Lovelines is a dumb show overall, in Tempe's opinion.
The thing I found uncomfortable was when that poor girl asked about his tattoo. I felt so bad for her (and for him, of course); you could tell she had no idea and meant no harm. My skin crawled a little when she asked; I was like, "Oh, shit ..." There's a lesson in going to the message board and searching for an answer there first ...
At least he seemed okay with it and handled it really well. And it was very cool hearing the reason for the placement of the tattoo. T sounds like she was very cool
Yeah, the tattoo question was a little painful, but I found out more about it, so not a complete loss.
I think what made me the most uncomfortable was when he said something about going down on a girl. Gah, it's just weird. Yeah, I know he does it, but I don't want to think about it.
argghh - i can't find a way to download the file - no visibile clickable link on the target page - no hits for 'damian' or 'lovelines' on - please help this techno challenged granny! p.s. where did you live in wisconsin, sherib?
on the upper right hand corner of the page, there's a little gray box that you have to put the code into (it says "please enter _ _ _ here"), then it'll say something like "wait 45 seconds" then it will become "click here to download"
thanks much - that area was hidden when i viewed the page with firefox on my iMac. hmpff. i switched to my safari browser and i am now happily downloading my DJK lovelines...
I'm going to have to listen to the one with Damian tonight, I guess.
By the way, that file doesn't work on my iPod; it actually shuts my iPod down and after a minute its power comes back. Not sure what's up with that. It works in iTunes. I read online that sometimes you can fix corrupted files by burning them to a CD and then re-importing them to iTunes; then try them again on your iPod. So, just a tip if anyone's had that problem.
I've actually also got that problem with four or so of the live tracks I put on the okgosongs account, and Podcast #5; I'm gonna have to try that burning & ripping thing on those too.
It's here: It doesn't actually say Damian's name, but it's the 10/17 one. And there's a link to download it.
I got it recorded. But don't toss your download from the Love Line Archives, because my recording is missing two 1 1/2 minute chunks from when the station's stream clunked out: once when Damian's talking about Tim being the lip syncher, and once when he's talking about Justin Timberlake telling them they're great.
But the sound quality is much better than the LL Archives file. I like. I hope other people will like.
Also, am I the only one that was pretty uncomfortable listening to Damian about such raunchy stuff?
Lol, well, he didn't do too much of the talking. It was mainly the little goof-ball host that did the talking and then would drag Damian into it. Lovelines is a dumb show overall, in Tempe's opinion.
At least he seemed okay with it and handled it really well. And it was very cool hearing the reason for the placement of the tattoo. T sounds like she was very cool
I think what made me the most uncomfortable was when he said something about going down on a girl. Gah, it's just weird. Yeah, I know he does it, but I don't want to think about it.
Hahahaha, you're sooo right.
Edit: I just looked at my sig pic and, considering the subject matter at hand, nearly passed out.
Okay, back to PG talk ...