In this Discussion

oh my look at that clock

edited November -1 in General Discussion
"On August 8, 2005, President George W. Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. This Act changed the time change dates for Daylight Saving Time in the U.S. Beginning in 2007, DST will begin on the second Sunday of March and end the first Sunday of November. The Secretary of Energy will report the impact of this change to Congress. Congress retains the right to revert the Daylight Saving Time back to the 2005 time schedule once the Department of Energy study is complete."


so the clocks change back soon, and i finaly start getting my extra hours in bed after them being stolen away from me for several months of the year

on the 29th the magic begins


  • oops i voted wrong... anyways.

    Clocks hate me. Today i set mines wrong and slept through a class... barf.

    stupid clocks.
  • man... if i had a clock... forgetaboutit
  • wtf is bush wasting his time on this for? I guess now I know why he gets nothing done.
  • QUOTE (QueenofthePosers @ Oct 19 2006, 08:14 PM)
    wtf is bush wasting his time on this for? I guess now I know why he gets nothing done.

    ironicly, he is wasting his time in both sences

    as he has now lost a hour

  • QUOTE (QueenofthePosers @ Oct 19 2006, 09:14 PM)
    wtf is bush wasting his time on this for? I guess now I know why he gets nothing done.


    Anyway. As much as the fall back is nice, the whole time change thing is left over from when were all on an agricultural schedule in like, the 19th century or whatever. Nowadays, everyone lives on an industrial schedule, so we don't really need it anymore.
  • Yeah..I think that agricultural thing sounds right; my Nutrition teacher was telling us that the school year is nine months long because kids had to stay home and help with the harvest and stuff. So I guess they based a lot of stuff on it. I'm rambling?
  • if you want more work in the sunlight

    wake up earlyer

    problam solved

    now stop screwing with are clocks

    (i could go down the route of "get bush off our clocks", but i am above this...)
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Oct 19 2006, 09:32 PM)
    if you want more work in the sunlight
    wake up earlyer
    problam solved
    now stop screwing with are clocks
    (i could go down the route of "get bush off our clocks", but i am above this...)

    Well, no, it wasn't even a problem of getting up earlier, it was the simple fact that there are less hours of sunlight in the day. Pushing everything ahead or back an hour apparently adjusted it enough for all the farmers out there.
  • but there is still the same amount of sunlight right in the day?

    so just get up earlyer
  • Why do we even need daylight savings..what does it do for me.

  • Dig this: Arizona doesn't even have daylight savings time. It's true. We are rebels!
  • hmmm and here I thought we already had daylight savings time.... but I agree with Pandy, it's useless, it just messes up my sleeping schedule. I mean, reversing and forwarding a fooking clock is not gonna make a fucking difference, everything comes back to where it was anyways... we're really not gonna save energy, not with the habbits we already have.

    ^^ that make sense?
  • Obviously very few of you have taken astronomy. Daylight savings time is necessary because of the wobble in the earth's orbit that causes the days to be shorter/longer. Without daylight savings time, it would get to a point during the year where we'd be going to sleep when it's still light out, or getting out of classes when it's dark.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Oct 21 2006, 08:41 PM)
    Without daylight savings time, it would get to a point during the year where we'd be going to sleep when it's still light out, or getting out of classes when it's dark.

    Ooo, sounds like fun. Like being a vampire! wink.gif
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Oct 22 2006, 05:41 AM)
    Obviously very few of you have taken astronomy. Daylight savings time is necessary because of the wobble in the earth's orbit that causes the days to be shorter/longer. Without daylight savings time, it would get to a point during the year where we'd be going to sleep when it's still light out, or getting out of classes when it's dark.

    I don't believe that. All we're doing is switching the hours back and forth every few months. It's not like we're pushing the hour back every year and then not readjusting it in some sort of February 29th way of compensating loss of time due to the orbit. The whole DST wasn't instated until the 1900's, so if it's astronomical, why wasn't time way messed up before then? And why isn't the time in the countrys that don't observe DST all messed up?

    One of the major reasons given for observing DST is energy conservation. Theoretically, the amount of residential electricity needed in the evening hours is dependent both on when the sun sets and when people go to bed. Because people tend to observe the same bedtime year-round, by artificially moving sunset one hour later, the amount of energy used is theoretically reduced. A 1975 United States Department of Transportation study showed that DST would theoretically reduce the country's electricity usage by 1% from March to April, if implemented during these months.[3]

    Part of the reason that it is normally observed in the early spring, summer, and early autumn instead of the winter months is that the amount of energy saved by experiencing sunset one hour later would be negated by the increased need for artificial morning lighting due to a later sunrise. During the summer most people would wake up after the sun rises, regardless of whether daylight saving time is in effect or not, so there is no increased need for morning lighting to offset the afternoon drop in energy usage[citation needed].

    Another perceived benefit of DST is increased opportunities for outdoor activities. Most people plan outdoor activities during the increased hours of sunlight. Other benefits cited include prevention of traffic injuries (by allowing more people to return home from work or school in daylight),[citation needed] and crime reduction (by reducing people's risk of being targets of crimes that are more common in dark areas)[citation needed].
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Oct 22 2006, 04:41 AM)
    Obviously very few of you have taken astronomy. Daylight savings time is necessary because of the wobble in the earth's orbit that causes the days to be shorter/longer. Without daylight savings time, it would get to a point during the year where we'd be going to sleep when it's still light out, or getting out of classes when it's dark.

    no, thats why we have a leap year
  • I didnt bother reading any of this
    however, if we didnt change the clocks then our daylight would be allw rong...
    besides, we GAIN the hour back at the end of this month. Why are you moaning? You never miss the hour after like a week anyway once its gone? And in the UK, we're the centre of time, so it has to be done. Yeah.
  • QUOTE (The End Has No Jen @ Oct 22 2006, 08:28 PM)
    I didnt bother reading any of this
    however, if we didnt change the clocks then our daylight would be allw rong...
    besides, we GAIN the hour back at the end of this month. Why are you moaning? You never miss the hour after like a week anyway once its gone? And in the UK, we're the centre of time, so it has to be done. Yeah.

    i wasnt moaning about anything, if you had bothered to read it you would know this =p

    it screws up my body clock alot with the clock changes and the effect lasts a long time
  • Yes, you're right, the reason we need daylight savings time is because the earth is titled. The axis isn't straight up and down, so days become shorter as is moves around the sun. However, places near the equator don't need daylight savings time because their days are almost always 12 hours long. But for people like you guys in England, you'd get quite miserable without it.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Oct 22 2006, 09:50 PM)
    Yes, you're right, the reason we need daylight savings time is because the earth is titled. The axis isn't straight up and down, so days become shorter as is moves around the sun. However, places near the equator don't need daylight savings time because their days are almost always 12 hours long. But for people like you guys in England, you'd get quite miserable without it.

    Well, yeah but that's quite a difference from making it sound like without DST we'd be going to bed in like, broad daylight.

    Also, Arizona's time isn't all messed up and they're not near the equator.
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