In this Discussion

OK Go nominated for a VH1 award



  • They did deserve to win. I'm glad I actually watched it though, I'm okay with them just being nominated and being able to see the at least a thirty second clip of them.
  • I was hoping that they would have actually been there though. But I guess they weren't. You'd think if they had been in the audience they would have been shown at some point, especially to show their reactions when they found out they didn't win. Would have been nice to see their snazzy outfits. Oh well.
  • i think they were doing a show last night. but i'm not really sure. so that could be why they weren't there.
  • Is it just me or is the nominee that wins the only one that can show up?

    I'm still pissed at that Lonely girl thing. I should have voted more.
  • I feel guilty for not knowing about the voting until the day of, therefore no votes came from me.

    It's all my fault.
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