I love that commercial. And I freaked out over that OC one as well. I HATE the OC so deeply, but now I hope they'll play the commercial just so I can hear the song and giggle with glee, lol. When I was looking for their first CD in Target, one of their tvs came on with an ad for Oh No and they showed part of HIGA, so I yelled "OMG! It's OK Go!" and I started singing along with the video quietly while my mom kinda rolled her eyes and continued the search for the CD. The other people around me gave lots of funny looks. But they don't understand the greatnessicity of OK Go. And later when I was in Best Buy looking for the DVD, they came on with HIGA and I was very happy. Kinda sang along quietly as I ran after the nice guy that was running all over the store trying to find it for me. But right after that they played "Lips of an Angel", and I got all pissed off.
I Didn't know that was a word, but I have this urge to start using it now. Only when refering to OK Go of course (which is 24/7- yes even in my sleep!)
really? Man, that sucks. They could have at least had some space between them. grrrrr. Evil Hinder. I actually kinda liked them before. I hate to admit it now. And I was getting ready to give their CD a try, until I read what they said. Anyone who disses OK Go sucks and... I could string out a long line of expletives right now, but I wont. *breathes* (haha, not not breathing can cause you to die. lol). So I went to their myspace, and I know they hardly get on and I doubt they even take the time to read their comments, (I tried to send it as a message firtst, to whomever runs their myspace, but they've blocked all messages)and it also got burried right away, but I yelled at them greatly and made sure to tell them that I took the money that would have gone to their CD and bought a nice, soft OK Go shirt at their concert. It's always fun to type up long rants. I was surprised that I only got 2 messages from angry fans about it. hmm.
Today I heard YSDM while watching a Payless Shoesource commercial. I ran screaming to the t.v. and my sister was like: "it's just a commercial."
I still got excited
Haha. Right when I came home from school today, my sister told me about it. She sounded so excited about it. "They were playing YSDH in a Payless commerical and I saw it TWICE!"
Okay...Now I feel like a bad OK Go fan because I don't know what all this jazz is about the Hinder happenings. I was simply elated to see people clearly implying their extreme disdain for that band. I LOATHE Hinder. I don't even know why. I think it was the first time I saw their music video for LOAA, which was actually the first time I had even heard the song. But that's a lie - because I had to immediately change the channel - I couldn't even listen to/ watch the whole thing. Something made me cringe/ become inexplicably irate (as certain musics make me do). I attribute some of my instant recoil to the lead singer's semblance to Cro-Magnon man. But anywho... Nothing against any Hinder fans on here or anything - they're just not my cup of tea. In fact, like I said, they fill me with uber-Natalie-rage. Which is pretty fierce. Yeah. So. I do remember this one time I was watching Insomniac Music Theater on VH1 or maybe MTV2 or a similar music-video-programming block at some odd hour of the morning and LOAA came on, but in the video info, it said it was OK Go. I TOTALLY thought I was hallucinating. I flipped out. The next day I was rambling to my mom about it, and I think she thought I had gone nuts on account of my lack of sleep. But does this have something to do with something?!?! That would be a completely satisfying coincidence/ instance of fate if so [omg I ♥ Huckabees]... And it'd also be nice to partially confirm I'm not totally crazy >.>
[takes a breathe] Holy crap. Now that that's done...
My oldest brother is actually a "graphic artist/ editor/director/i don't even know what" (His specific title/ job confuses me...) at a sort-of-big-deal-for-what-it-specializes-in place in Chicago. Anywho, he worked on the JC Penny commercial w/ DWYW in it. (I think it's DWYW...) I remember him calling up way back during summer to talk with me and my older sister (who liked OK Go a way long time ago and introduced them to me. God bless her.) - and he put us on conference call so the other people working on the spot could hear. First he asked us if we'd ever heard of a band called OK Go. We were all, "KYAH!! We love them [giddiness] Blah blah blah." Then he was like, "Well, okay. 'Cause we're doing a commercial with them for JC Pennys. But the JC Penny's people think that they're not popular/ catchy/ marketable enough to use for the spot. So, what do you think? Can you think of any other bands/ songs to use... Because you're the demographic this is aimed at..." Needless to say, we bitched and moaned that OK Go was perfect for the commercial XD And now I've actually seen it a bunch of times. I think it was for back to school. I like to entertain the notion that we had some small part to play in getting that commercial on air. I'm delusional
But, uh, I think the point I was trying to get at (in the most roundabout fashion possible) was that I agree! OK Go is EVERYWHERE. Especially on TV blurbs and ads. They're sweeping the nation.
With Hinder, basically, the singer and the guitarist or something was having this interview and the person asked them about what they think of some other bands at this time or something and they said stuff like "OK Go are morons. They dance like fucking faries" and things like that. I remember the farie part. There is a link somewhere to the interview on the JC. I'll go see if I can find it for ya. It's really horrible though. I was sitting there reading it with my mouth wide open, not believing what I was reading. And the interviewer person says something along the lines of "gosh, you really seem to hate them. Is there any reason you are attacking them so much?" and then Hinder mentions how OK Go is selling so many CDs each week and all. Which was kinda funny. Cuz it was a large number, from what I remember
And ridiculous that they actually knew the number, lol There's a thread about it here too--I'm sure it's easy to find if you do a search for "Hinder"; otherwise it's probably only a page or two back from here.
QUOTE (nati_face @ Nov 22 2006, 01:08 AM)
My oldest brother is actually a "graphic artist/ editor/director/i don't even know what" (His specific title/ job confuses me...) at a sort-of-big-deal-for-what-it-specializes-in place in Chicago. Anywho, he worked on the JC Penny commercial w/ DWYW in it. (I think it's DWYW...) I remember him calling up way back during summer to talk with me and my older sister (who liked OK Go a way long time ago and introduced them to me. God bless her.) - and he put us on conference call so the other people working on the spot could hear. First he asked us if we'd ever heard of a band called OK Go. We were all, "KYAH!! We love them [giddiness] Blah blah blah." Then he was like, "Well, okay. 'Cause we're doing a commercial with them for JC Pennys. But the JC Penny's people think that they're not popular/ catchy/ marketable enough to use for the spot. So, what do you think? Can you think of any other bands/ songs to use... Because you're the demographic this is aimed at..." Needless to say, we bitched and moaned that OK Go was perfect for the commercial XD And now I've actually seen it a bunch of times. I think it was for back to school. I like to entertain the notion that we had some small part to play in getting that commercial on air. I'm delusional
Whoa! You sound very undelusional to me! It sure sounds like you guys played a part in it. Way to go, Natalie!!
That's soo cool!
Frickin' JC Penny, doubting our boys
Btw, yeah, we've seen it--it was for back to school. It was big news around here.
With Hinder, basically, the singer and the guitarist or something was having this interview and the person asked them about what they think of some other bands at this time or something and they said stuff like "OK Go are morons. They dance like fucking faries" and things like that. I remember the farie part. There is a link somewhere to the interview on the JC. I'll go see if I can find it for ya. It's really horrible though. I was sitting there reading it with my mouth wide open, not believing what I was reading. And the interviewer person says something along the lines of "gosh, you really seem to hate them. Is there any reason you are attacking them so much?" and then Hinder mentions how OK Go is selling so many CDs each week and all. Which was kinda funny. Cuz it was a large number, from what I remember
I feel compelled to reply before I read the article (because I'll probably be all upset afterward, and no one wants another longwinded rant from me )
So, first off, thank you for posting this! I really appreciate it. I joined the JC some time ago - way before this board (go figure). But a bunch of time passed and I ended up totally forgetting my username and password >.< I'm so stupid! That usually doesn't happen because I keep and rotate the same names & passwords for everything. But for some reason I remember deciding, "Derr. I'll come up with a new name." And now I have no memory of it. And even then, I wrote my stuff down (assuming I'd forget), but my dad went on a cleaning (meaning throwing-things-away) tirade, and it was tossed. I was so bummed out. I guess I'll have to e-mail a mod or something to straighten that out since I can't register twice with the same e-mail address. I'll figure it out Meh. Anywho, thanks!!
[pouts] Just from what you summarized above, what a bunch of jerks.
I do that too. Anywhere I join I first try the name Ushies, then if that's taken, I try Maura (my name), hoping that since it isn't too common, it wont be taken yet. And lately I've been finding that they both are taken. So now I combine them sometimes (like on flickr, I had to). So it's Mauraushies. I was trying different names, and they were all too confusing. Like I have a photobucket that's cowkow. And my original AIM was cheesebuzz. So now I'm sticking to what I know.
Yes. They ARE real jerks. Evil guys. Their mothers were hamsters, and their fathers smelt of elderberries!!!!
My sister made up ezorvera and I've been using it since 6th grade, so I'd be pretty surprised if it was taken somewhere else, but my name is pretty uncommon, so I could use it. When I registered on Snow Patrol's site, I used Kalinda instead of ezorvera. I don't know why though because ezorvera probably wasn't taken.
Word. (Oh plaese forgive me for using that. My brain hurts) I used to come up with the wackiest names and passwords. That led to a lot of confusion >.< Haha. I try to keep it simple nowadays, too. Tis good advice.
[points] MONTY PYTHON!! Hahaha I'm inclined to agree completely.
Yes. That is one of the best movies. haha, now I feel like Weird Al in White and Nerdy- "I memorized Holy Grail really well, I can recite it right now and have you ROTFLOL"
Is it weird that I don't know what language he is speaking, but I understood everything he said? I believe OK Go enhances my learning skills. For example, I don't play guitar that well, but as soon as I tried to play HIGA I became a guitar guru. I am touring this summer as an opening act for Kansas. I love them boys!
I Didn't know that was a word, but I have this urge to start using it now. Only when refering to OK Go of course (which is 24/7- yes even in my sleep!)
*must practice on pronouncing it correctly...
Just like how I got all pissed off when I found out HIGA is on the new NOW cd...and LOAA is the song right after it.
I still got excited
Haha. Right when I came home from school today, my sister told me about it. She sounded so excited about it. "They were playing YSDH in a Payless commerical and I saw it TWICE!"
[takes a breathe] Holy crap. Now that that's done...
My oldest brother is actually a "graphic artist/ editor/director/i don't even know what" (His specific title/ job confuses me...) at a sort-of-big-deal-for-what-it-specializes-in place in Chicago. Anywho, he worked on the JC Penny commercial w/ DWYW in it. (I think it's DWYW...) I remember him calling up way back during summer to talk with me and my older sister (who liked OK Go a way long time ago and introduced them to me. God bless her.) - and he put us on conference call so the other people working on the spot could hear. First he asked us if we'd ever heard of a band called OK Go. We were all, "KYAH!! We love them [giddiness] Blah blah blah." Then he was like, "Well, okay. 'Cause we're doing a commercial with them for JC Pennys. But the JC Penny's people think that they're not popular/ catchy/ marketable enough to use for the spot. So, what do you think? Can you think of any other bands/ songs to use... Because you're the demographic this is aimed at..." Needless to say, we bitched and moaned that OK Go was perfect for the commercial XD And now I've actually seen it a bunch of times. I think it was for back to school. I like to entertain the notion that we had some small part to play in getting that commercial on air. I'm delusional
But, uh, I think the point I was trying to get at (in the most roundabout fashion possible) was that I agree! OK Go is EVERYWHERE. Especially on TV blurbs and ads. They're sweeping the nation.
Here it is-
There's a thread about it here too--I'm sure it's easy to find if you do a search for "Hinder"; otherwise it's probably only a page or two back from here.
That's soo cool!
Frickin' JC Penny, doubting our boys
Btw, yeah, we've seen it--it was for back to school. It was big news around here.
Here it is-
I feel compelled to reply before I read the article (because I'll probably be all upset afterward, and no one wants another longwinded rant from me
So, first off, thank you for posting this! I really appreciate it. I joined the JC some time ago - way before this board (go figure). But a bunch of time passed and I ended up totally forgetting my username and password >.< I'm so stupid! That usually doesn't happen because I keep and rotate the same names & passwords for everything. But for some reason I remember deciding, "Derr. I'll come up with a new name." And now I have no memory of it. And even then, I wrote my stuff down (assuming I'd forget), but my dad went on a cleaning (meaning throwing-things-away) tirade, and it was tossed. I was so bummed out. I guess I'll have to e-mail a mod or something to straighten that out since I can't register twice with the same e-mail address. I'll figure it out
[pouts] Just from what you summarized above, what a bunch of jerks.
Yes. They ARE real jerks. Evil guys. Their mothers were hamsters, and their fathers smelt of elderberries!!!!
[points] MONTY PYTHON!! Hahaha
why is it always cell phones?
Is it weird that I don't know what language he is speaking, but I understood everything he said? I believe OK Go enhances my learning skills. For example, I don't play guitar that well, but as soon as I tried to play HIGA I became a guitar guru. I am touring this summer as an opening act for Kansas. I love them boys!