Cheap Trick rocks! They're an "older" band but Robin Zander's voice sounds the same as it did 20 years ago. This is the OK Go show I wanted to attend, but for logistical reasons, I can't.
Duude, you need to know who Cheap Trick is. The whole band worships them.
Why do I forsee Damian stealing Rick Nielsen's double necked guitar..?
When I saw them open for Aerosmith in '04, they rocked the house. I mean, they look a bit too old for that type of thing(as did the Rolling Stones), but they blew me out of the water. I really wish I coulda gone to this show, haha.
Somebody definitely needs to post here what Cheap Trick song they do, if they do one ... I mean, I can't imagine them not doing a Cheap Trick song as the cover tonight. I hope it's not "I Want You to Want Me." Maybe something like "Come On, Come On." Man, if I could see that I'd die. What am I talking about--I'm not even there.
QUOTE (Kikky @ Nov 14 2006, 06:00 PM)
and a tiny bit of spittle dribbling from his mouth.
Anyone who doesn't know anything about Cheap Trick, pick up Cheap Trick at Budokan with haste. This version. And Cheap Trick. And In Color. And Heaven Tonight. And Dream Police. But start with Budokan.
Robin Zander has one of my top five favorite voices of all time. He is astounding.
After going to that concert, i have been turned on to Cheap Trick. Although they arent as nice to look at as the great OK Go, their guitar and vocals were amazing. I'll have to pick up their cd.
The opening band was the French Kicks. They were pretty good too, not as original of a sound, but good none the less. If anything their name is awesome. =D
and OK Go didnt play Cheap Trick covers, they only played one cover which was a song i didnt know. They gave "all the old fucks in the back," as Damian put it, choice of what song they wanted to hear. It was funny because of course all of the "cute girls in the front" would scream their heads off everytime Damian tried to say anything. Unfortunately, we werent allowed a say in the vote, but it was all good. Damian came out into the audience while he was singing with this cool little camera that had a live video feed to a large screen behind the band. It was exciting to be so close to someone i idolize
Props to OK Go for giving me the best concert of my life!!
After going to that concert, i have been turned on to Cheap Trick. Although they arent as nice to look at as the great OK Go, their guitar and vocals were amazing. I'll have to pick up their cd.
Most excellent!!!
and OK Go didnt play Cheap Trick covers, they only played one cover which was a song i didnt know.
Bummer. They didn't do a cover plus "Don't Bring Me Down" (ELO)? They've been doing both pretty regularly, so I'm surprised. Was the song "Neat Neat Neat" by the Damned, perhaps? They did that both nights in Chicago ... They did "Prove My Love" by the Violent Femmes at the Pomona show in CA on Nov. 1.
"all the old fucks in the back,"
LOL I love that bastard!
Props to OK Go for giving me the best concert of my life!!
Yay!! Wow, everybody's saying that! They're on a roll!
They did "Prove My Love" by the Violent Femmes at the Pomona show in CA on Nov. 1.
I believe that may have been the one they did that night. It was one I didn't recognize. I voted for ELO, though I was in the front. I don't consider myself to be a 'pretty lady' so I thought I'd vote.
This was my first OK Go show and it was fantastic. They kept the energy up the entire night and like someone mentioned Damian even jumped into the crowd. I was lucky enough to be standing where he jumped. They played all my favorites and, of course, it was great seeing the "A Million Ways" dance live. I'm wondering when the last time the boys actually played that song was. Haha.
Cheap Trick was AMAZING! As a fan of music from the '70s I was really excited that they would be playing that night. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that the only show they both played that night? I get the impression that it was. Damian had told a funny story about Cheap Trick while they were setting up the stage for AMW. Cheap Trick came on and I guess the boys joined the crowd to watch the show. I only Saw Damian after Rick Nielsen (lead guitar player for CT) pointed him out.
The Cheap Trick set was great on it's own, but one of the highlights for me was when Damian joined them on stage for their last song and jammed with them. You could tell that Damian was beyond thrilled to be up there and they welcomed him with open arms. Well, the band did. I'm not sure about the 'old fucks' in the crowd, lol.
I bought the cd from the FYE table and was able to meet them briefly after the show. They were all really sweet, posed for pictures, and signed my bag. Damian called me 'babe' which was amusing to me, but it made my night.
I wasn't sure what to expect as someone told me that they were just "okay" as a live band. I disagree with that comment as I had a wonderful time and thought their performance was above the "okay" level. And I can't wait until the come around again.
OH! And they were being really strict on cameras/camera phones that night. To the point when Rick Nielson busted out a guitar that had four necks on it (what are those called?), Damian took out his camera phone to take a picture but security told him to put it away. lol!
Oh man--the one thing cooler than seeing OK Go and Cheap Trick in one night: getting to watch Cheap Trick with OK Go!!! LOL How awesome.
Yeah, that's the only show they're doing together.
What song did Damian get up there for? And did he sing, too, or just jam out?
Yay that you got to meet them!!!
And that they told Damian to put away his phone.
P.S. Dammit, you're the third person I know of that he's called "babe" in a week (that includes me). He's cheating on all of us!
P.P.S. I shouldn't jump to conclusions that it was "Prove My Love" they did in Pomona; they've also done "Gone Daddy Gone" in the past. I'm thinking that the person I know out there actually said it was "Prove My Love," but maybe all she said was that it was a Violent Femmes song. Anyway.
Hi folks. I just registered here so I can tell you all that I bootlegged the show (hope that's not a no-no with OK Go... I'm only a casual fan, but bootleg pretty much every concert I go to), so if you're interested in a copy of it, I'll be sharing it in the future. It won't be transferred for a while because I have to mail it to my friend in Oregon to do a digital transfer (I can only do analogue, and it loses some quality), but I thought I'd let everyone know ahead of time. Hopefully this thread'll still exist when it's transferred and I can just bring it back to life and post a link to where people can download it. If not, I'll start a new one.
Also, the cover they did was in fact Violent Femmes' "Prove My Love".
Oh, and nobody mentioned that Damian and Dan (I think it was just the two of them) were in the audience a bit for Cheap Trick. When I looked back and saw Damian literally jumping up and down with excitement over a song Cheap Trick started playing, I couldn't help but smile and stare for a bit. That was way too cute. I think he may have been the most excited member of the audience.
I don't suppose anyone got any pictures at the show with that insane security? I was terrified to pull my camera out because I think they were actually kicking people out for taking pictures. That was really odd... I'm guessing it was Cheap Trick's doing cos the TLA's usually really lax about that stuff, and OK Go seems to be cool with it (especially with that comment about Damian trying to take a picture of Cheap Trick ).
No, they didn't kick me out, thankfully, but they did take my camera battery. What sucked was it was the guy next to me who's camera flash got me busted. I turned my flash off. He eventually got busted, but I don't think he plans on sharing his pictures.
I saw Damian in the crowd after Rick pointed him out. My mother was sitting at the bar and she said that all of them were standing out there and going in and out of the backstage area.
I would LOVE a bootleg if it comes out well. I wish I knew how to do those things because I would love to bootleg every single concert I go to like you said you do and not hope that other people managed to do it for me (which most times they don't). Thank you so much for sharing!
Glad someone's interested in my boot. Also glad you didn't get kicked out! That would've sucked.
The quality of my recording's quite good, if I do say so myself. I've got expensive mics and a minidisc, so it's not just a crappy little recording or anything. I hope you enjoy it! I'm thinking I'll have it in a month-ish, depending on mail and how busy my friend is.
When I looked back and saw Damian literally jumping up and down with excitement over a song Cheap Trick started playing, I couldn't help but smile and stare for a bit. That was way too cute. I think he may have been the most excited member of the audience.
I love that Damian's such a music fan. Just like us. I'd be interested in your recording. Very nice of you to offer!
I'd go if I didn't have to wake up so early tomorrow...
Why do I forsee Damian stealing Rick Nielsen's double necked guitar..?
When I saw them open for Aerosmith in '04, they rocked the house. I mean, they look a bit too old for that type of thing(as did the Rolling Stones), but they blew me out of the water. I really wish I coulda gone to this show, haha.
Maybe toss in some bowing at their feet, inane babbling, and a tiny bit of spittle dribbling from his mouth.
Somebody definitely needs to post here what Cheap Trick song they do, if they do one ... I mean, I can't imagine them not doing a Cheap Trick song as the cover tonight. I hope it's not "I Want You to Want Me." Maybe something like "Come On, Come On." Man, if I could see that I'd die. What am I talking about--I'm not even there.
Anyone who doesn't know anything about Cheap Trick, pick up Cheap Trick at Budokan with haste. This version. And Cheap Trick. And In Color. And Heaven Tonight. And Dream Police.
Robin Zander has one of my top five favorite voices of all time. He is astounding.
The opening band was the French Kicks. They were pretty good too, not as original of a sound, but good none the less. If anything their name is awesome. =D
and OK Go didnt play Cheap Trick covers, they only played one cover which was a song i didnt know. They gave "all the old fucks in the back," as Damian put it, choice of what song they wanted to hear. It was funny because of course all of the "cute girls in the front" would scream their heads off everytime Damian tried to say anything. Unfortunately, we werent allowed a say in the vote, but it was all good. Damian came out into the audience while he was singing with this cool little camera that had a live video feed to a large screen behind the band. It was exciting to be so close to someone i idolize
Props to OK Go for giving me the best concert of my life!!
Was the song "Neat Neat Neat" by the Damned, perhaps? They did that both nights in Chicago ... They did "Prove My Love" by the Violent Femmes at the Pomona show in CA on Nov. 1.
Philadelphia Inquirer review
And Zander - who really should trim his stringy blond locks... They've been looking stringy since 10 years ago.
I believe that may have been the one they did that night. It was one I didn't recognize. I voted for ELO, though I was in the front. I don't consider myself to be a 'pretty lady' so I thought I'd vote.
This was my first OK Go show and it was fantastic. They kept the energy up the entire night and like someone mentioned Damian even jumped into the crowd. I was lucky enough to be standing where he jumped. They played all my favorites and, of course, it was great seeing the "A Million Ways" dance live. I'm wondering when the last time the boys actually played that song was. Haha.
Cheap Trick was AMAZING! As a fan of music from the '70s I was really excited that they would be playing that night. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that the only show they both played that night? I get the impression that it was. Damian had told a funny story about Cheap Trick while they were setting up the stage for AMW. Cheap Trick came on and I guess the boys joined the crowd to watch the show. I only Saw Damian after Rick Nielsen (lead guitar player for CT) pointed him out.
The Cheap Trick set was great on it's own, but one of the highlights for me was when Damian joined them on stage for their last song and jammed with them. You could tell that Damian was beyond thrilled to be up there and they welcomed him with open arms. Well, the band did. I'm not sure about the 'old fucks' in the crowd, lol.
I bought the cd from the FYE table and was able to meet them briefly after the show. They were all really sweet, posed for pictures, and signed my bag. Damian called me 'babe' which was amusing to me, but it made my night.
I wasn't sure what to expect as someone told me that they were just "okay" as a live band. I disagree with that comment as I had a wonderful time and thought their performance was above the "okay" level. And I can't wait until the come around again.
OH! And they were being really strict on cameras/camera phones that night. To the point when Rick Nielson busted out a guitar that had four necks on it (what are those called?), Damian took out his camera phone to take a picture but security told him to put it away. lol!
Yeah, that's the only show they're doing together.
What song did Damian get up there for? And did he sing, too, or just jam out?
Yay that you got to meet them!!!
P.S. Dammit, you're the third person I know of that he's called "babe" in a week (that includes me). He's cheating on all of us!
P.P.S. I shouldn't jump to conclusions that it was "Prove My Love" they did in Pomona; they've also done "Gone Daddy Gone" in the past. I'm thinking that the person I know out there actually said it was "Prove My Love," but maybe all she said was that it was a Violent Femmes song. Anyway.
"Accuracy ... is important ... too"
Also, the cover they did was in fact Violent Femmes' "Prove My Love".
Oh, and nobody mentioned that Damian and Dan (I think it was just the two of them) were in the audience a bit for Cheap Trick. When I looked back and saw Damian literally jumping up and down with excitement over a song Cheap Trick started playing, I couldn't help but smile and stare for a bit. That was way too cute. I think he may have been the most excited member of the audience.
I don't suppose anyone got any pictures at the show with that insane security? I was terrified to pull my camera out because I think they were actually kicking people out for taking pictures.
I saw Damian in the crowd after Rick pointed him out. My mother was sitting at the bar and she said that all of them were standing out there and going in and out of the backstage area.
I would LOVE a bootleg if it comes out well. I wish I knew how to do those things because I would love to bootleg every single concert I go to like you said you do and not hope that other people managed to do it for me (which most times they don't). Thank you so much for sharing!
The quality of my recording's quite good, if I do say so myself.
I love that Damian's such a music fan. Just like us.
I'd be interested in your recording. Very nice of you to offer!