Hi, everyone--I have a question for those who've been around awhile and had opinions on this before, like Katy, Pandy, Pam maybe?, whoever else: how do we currently feel about the files in the songs account being shared outside the board?
I'm going to be in charge of the audio/video section on okgocentral.com. And I'd like to put the songs up there for download. However, since the vibe in the past has been that this stuff is something nice shared within just this community, I don't want to disrespect that or step on any toes.
Having said that, I think that with how many guests there always are on this board (especially these days), it's not like those songs/recordings are really something only we know about/have anyway. I downloaded them myself several months before I started posting here, when I didn't have any intention of starting to post, either.
But I don't want to be an ass and just post the stuff; they're not my original files and I don't want to do it without at least an attempt at checking with people first, especially as I wasn't here at the time the first email account was created. What do you all think?
Also, does anybody know who the live recordings came from originally? I'm interested in the city/date information anyway, for my own personal data keeping, but, if you give me the go-ahead on the songs, I'd like it also for labeling them on the site. And I'm looking for the names (screennames, real names, whatever) of the people who made the recordings, too, so we can give them credit. Unless they don't want their names up there, of course.
Btw, I'm just putting the non-commercially available stuff up for download, of course. We do plan to have some of that stuff up there, too--the still-available b-sides and such--just playable, not downloadable, but I want to check with J orge about that since people could go ahead and capture that stuff from the site if they wanted to and had the know-how ... *shrug*
P.S. the (many) iPoddable videos (for interviews, appearances, etc.) I was originally going to put on megaupload will be on the site, too.
Thanks again.
i think it should just be the old appendages songs that should be downloadable if any at all
but having the songs up on your site to just listen to is a good idea actully
i think it should just be the old appendages songs that should be downloadable if any at all
May I ask why? Squirreliness about the live stuff for some reason? I'm assuming that's what you're referring to, and that you're including the other early studio stuff with "Appendices." Or am I wrong?
I have a live song or two I got elsewhere that I'm probably going to be putting up there for download, so ...
I was just looking for opinions on the email account stuff because I didn't want to offend anyone, as perhaps the people the files originally came from only intended them to be plopped in there, not somewhere more public. If there's a reason live stuff in general shouldn't be on the site in your opinion, let me know and I'll duly consider the argument ... Or if I'm off-track in thinking you were referring specifically to live stuff, let me know.
Please please provide feedback, guys--I'm all antsy to get this section going
stuff you can "easly" get shouldn't
live stuff is the grey area between, depends on how often you see them, i dont need the live stuff cause ive seen them
people who will never get to see them will never hear them live
so i dunno
stuff you can "easly" get shouldn't
people who will never get to see them will never hear them live
so i dunno
So I feel like having live stuff up is okay regardless of who's looking for it--someone who's seen them live, someone who hasn't, or someone who can't because they won't be coming to their part of the world.
Of course, putting up commercially released live recordings (such as the live "Invincible" and "Get Over It" that are b-sides) = not cool.
Thanks for the feedback.