We got to the TLA about 6:30 or so, with doors due to open at 7. The Capitol Records street team had asked me to help with this concert, even though I wasn't the main team member scheduled for the night. So I went up to the box office and explained the situation. While they figured out if I was who I said I was, I noticed Dan walking towards us on the street. So Adam and I said hello, and he stopped to chat with us. As usual, Dan is the Nicest Freakin' Guy. Seriously. So we talk to him for a moment, and the head of security lets us in to poster. I go in, start hanging posters. Damian and Andy are onstage with the crew, setting up. Adam and I are just playing it cool, doing our thing. Then, Damian walks in our direction. I wave, and Adam says "Hi Damian".
D: "Hi guys, how are you?"
R: "I'm pretty darn fantastic at the moment, thanks, how are you?"
D: " Okay. You can't give me ANYTHING. I had the remote control and now I can't find it and we need it for the show" walks away mumbling
I finish my postering, and we have to go back outside. We get in line. The line is relatively short. Casey (girl I met through the OK Go LJ community) and her boyfriend Greg spot me and come chat while Adam goes to get food. Have a lovely conversation with Casey, and we didn't wait too long before we're let in. I get up to the door, and (even though I've been through the door already tonight) this time there is a sign that says "No photography tonight, thanks". This sign was NOT on the door the first time I went in, nor was there anything about photography on the ticket. Plus, everyone and their mother has been posting pictures from concerts recently, so why would I not bring my camera? The guard tells me I have to go put the camera in my car. Which is parked all the way over at Penn's Landing. Um, No. So I go over to the head of security and talk him into holding my camera for me, which I feel is a fair compromise. I go back in, and head directly to the front. Where I'm stuck behind a row or two of Cheap Trick fans. No big. Still close.
The opening band, French Kicks, comes up. Nice solid set. They didn't play long, for which I was grateful. I liked what I heard.
After a few minutes the lights go out and the Rolling Stones' "I Miss You" comes on, and Andy comes on. He walks to the keyboard and plays a single note over and over - the beginning of "The House Wins", the last song on "Oh No". The crowd goes NUTS and the rest of the band comes onstage. And OK Go Proceeds To Rock My Face.
The rest will be in highlights only form:
1. After a few more songs, Damian says "Okay, who here has never heard of OK Go? I know you're here! You're the Stodgey old people in the back! I know you guys can't wait for us to get off the stage. Listen, I'm One of You! So I'm gonna give you a choice. And I don't want to hear from the beautiful young ladies up front. You can either here a song by Electric Light Orchestra or one by the Violent Femmes. So Vote. SHUT UP, BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADIES IN THE FRONT!!!!!" The Femmes got the vote, so they launched into the most KICK ASS performance of "What Do I Have To Do?" that I've ever heard, during which Damian jumped into the crowd, stepped on Casey's foot, and backed up into me (oh thank you G-d). It should also be noted that later in the evening, he told the "stodgey old folks" to shut up, because "I already gave you your say". Then some guy shouts out that he voted for ELO, and Damian told him to blame Katherine Harris.
:-D2. "Return". They played "Return" LIVE! It was Great.
:-D I LOVE that song so much.
3. "Oh Lately It's So Quiet". Okay, so Adam and I have had this joke about the song for awhile. The chorus goes 'Who's House... are you haunting... tonight". But from the first time we heard it, our minds immediately went "Who's House? RUN'S HOUSE!" So Wednesday being the first time we'd heard it live, the two of us shouted "Run's House" in response to the "Who's house" part. Damian heard us and smiled. Oh happiness.
4. After the guys have played all they're going to play, they clear the stage for the "A Million Ways" dance. Damian says "No, we didn't bring the treadmills, Fuck You. But we did bring - MY BACKYARD!" then he tells us that one of his dogs is named Bun E. Carlos after one of the guys in Cheap Trick. The AMW dance was really cool live, more exciting than I thought it would be (having seen it onling a million times).
Cheap Trick's set was pretty cool. Adam, Casey, Greg and I went to the upstairs where there were couches to listen there - since we weren't all that into the band we thought we'd clear the way for real fans. I didn't realize that "The Flame" was by Cheap Trick (::hanging my head in shame for not knowing:

but I now have had that song stuck in my head ALL DAY. Need to buy their Greatest Hits, methinks. (Edit: Yes, I have since bought Cheap Trick's Greatest Hits, yes, I did it for the wussy song, what of it
After the show I go back to the Meet & Greet, have lovely chats with Andy and Dan. With Tim, though, I couldn't think of anything to say other than "It's so good to see you guys", mainly because Tim is just the coolest guy in the world. I didn't get to talk to Damian after the show
:-( because they shooed him away, but I did hear some 15 year old tell him "This was the best concert I'll ever go to" to which he answered "Well yeah, Cheap Trick Played."