With a LOVELY picture. And I do mean LOVELY.
The article is all about the band's success with the YouTube Videos and how they're causing the music industry to completely re-think their strategy!
Oh if I weren't at work right now......... I'm already bouncing off the walls!
thanks for the heads up!
I mean... I feel like they're taking all the credit for something that was mostly an accident... at least, the first time around.
and their manager- "It was an accretion of sightings that got me to go, "Oh my God, this is huge,' "
as if Ok Go couldn't be huge on their own merits! (obviously hes their manager, so he can't really think that, but it just sounded like it to me.)
and the pointed noting of the record push behind this second video... when at the time of release, Capitol was trying to ignore Ok Go.
maybe i'm wrong about capitol, maybe I'm just an outraged fan, but the article is annoying me after seeing how many mistakes Capitol made before the Million Ways craze, and even in between the videos- (halfheartedly trying to push about four different songs as the next single at once, and then just scrapping all of them, anyone?)
and maybe I'm just pissed off for no good reason, but everyone other than Ok Go in that article just annoyed me.
Also, Meg- I agree. I hate it now that Capitol is all shmoozy, "Look at them go!" when hell, they didn't even want to release "AMW" to begin with. Or whatever.
"And, in the ultimate cultural tribute, in January the treadmill dance will be mimicked on an episode of The Simpsons."
I mean... I feel like they're taking all the credit for something that was mostly an accident... at least, the first time around.
and their manager- "It was an accretion of sightings that got me to go, "Oh my God, this is huge,' "
as if Ok Go couldn't be huge on their own merits! (obviously hes their manager, so he can't really think that, but it just sounded like it to me.)
and the pointed noting of the record push behind this second video... when at the time of release, Capitol was trying to ignore Ok Go.
maybe i'm wrong about capitol, maybe I'm just an outraged fan, but the article is annoying me after seeing how many mistakes Capitol made before the Million Ways craze, and even in between the videos- (halfheartedly trying to push about four different songs as the next single at once, and then just scrapping all of them, anyone?)
and maybe I'm just pissed off for no good reason, but everyone other than Ok Go in that article just annoyed me.
No, I completely understand where you're coming from. Capitol was SCREWING UP with OK Go for a long time. They got virtually no radio play or MTV exposure. But Capitol could've dropped them after the first album. And also, give them credit for letting them pursue the Youtube videos - the article mentioned how the boys could've been sued for copywrite infringement! But they weren't.
I really think that this may be something that helps fix the state of the music industry. Maybe they'll start using the internet for the free publicity that it is, rather than fearing it!
And think! It was OK Go that started the ball moving on that! OK Go saved Music!
well, maybe not that drastic. But you get what I'm saying.
I think it's just felt for so long like Capitol just didn't care about Ok Go, enough even to care about the copyright stuff or anything.
and I've always realized that Capitol not caring = way more artistic creativity from the boys, so its always been a mixed bag.
It's more that Capitol is taking credit for parts of the scheme that had nothing to do with the label, and everything to do with the boys and the fans.
(for example, what got me first was the bit about Capitol giving the tape to employees so they could put it up online... for over a year its been described as a leak, and now that its made Ok Go famous, it suddenly becomes part of a grand scheme... regardless of whether its true or not, that's just not fair...if it is true, then were they too embarrassed or unsure to say so earlier? I just don't know where Capitol is going with all this, except that they're trying to take more of the credit.)
eh, I dunno. I love the boys either way- I can deal with a crappy label.
I just want to say that I love Firefly. Kaylee and I were separated at birth. Except she's way more talented at the mechanical stuff than I am. Once I went as Inara for Halloween. :-)
now I feel bad, though, because I don't actually know any of the series... I got into it all this fall after seeing Serenity, but I haven't had time/money/effort to get the dvd set yet... I'm requesting it for christmas, same as the Ok Go dvd. (as in "I NEED THIS GIVE!" sort of request)... after that, I'll be able to talk to you about it more.
And I love Kaylee, regardless. And Inara... although the movie was very vague on all the complications of the Mal/Inara relationship, I actually went online to figure it all out haha.
and.. back to Ok GO... YAY for finally having the Chica-go-go video online reliably! holy cow!
askdjaslkdjr!!! Fellow Firefly lovers, yay!
Everyone who loves Firefly is now my best friend, I just thought you should all be aware.
now I feel bad, though, because I don't actually know any of the series... I got into it all this fall after seeing Serenity, but I haven't had time/money/effort to get the dvd set yet... I'm requesting it for christmas, same as the Ok Go dvd. (as in "I NEED THIS GIVE!" sort of request)... after that, I'll be able to talk to you about it more.
And I love Kaylee, regardless. And Inara... although the movie was very vague on all the complications of the Mal/Inara relationship, I actually went online to figure it all out haha.
and.. back to Ok GO... YAY for finally having the Chica-go-go video online reliably! holy cow!
As for the Inara/Mal vague-osity in Serenity, there's a comic that's set inbetween the series and the movie that explains a lot. It's got some wonderful artwork in it too.
Now, does anyone know if they sell previous day's papers at bookstores? I was too lazy to get to the store(for shame, Kim!) today.
!!!! Fricking sweet. The Simpsons haven't been doing so hot with the last few seasons (at least in my book). Maybe the boys can fix that up
[shyly raises hand] Meep. I like Firefly, too ^^ (OK Go fans are the coolest. Der)
haha I love how we have all these sci-fi channel watchers on here. Stargate, SG Atlantis, Firefly...we're awesome.
Oh and I hope we get a lot of warning about the Simpsons episode so I can figure out a way to tape it if I need to.
!!!! Fricking sweet. The Simpsons haven't been doing so hot with the last few seasons (at least in my book). Maybe the boys can fix that up
[shyly raises hand] Meep. I like Firefly, too ^^ (OK Go fans are the coolest. Der)
I agree about The Simpsons. I love them so very much and have watched them for at least the last 9 years since I was in 3rd grade. Maybe longer. But that show has been on for so long they've run out of good material. Which is very sad. But I still have to go see the movie opening day
I love Stargate and Atlantis, but I don't have the sci-fi channel, so I have to watch it in syndication, which means I'm behind everyone else. I'm sad that I didn't watch Firefly because I saw Serenity and loved it.
Damian's such a fucking liar, haha.
I looked at it and saw this picture.
I didn't remember seeing that picture in the online version of the article, but I went to USA Today's website and searched for OK Go, which led me to this.
Which led me to these:
This one makes me really happy.
I already made a crappy Tim icon from that^ picture.
I'm actually the youngest of five, so with all my siblings watching it, it's as if I were raised on The Simpsons, too
I looked at it and saw this picture.
I didn't remember seeing that picture in the online version of the article, but I went to USA Today's website and searched for OK Go, which led me to this.
Which led me to these:
This one makes me really happy.
I already made a crappy Tim icon from that^ picture.
[happy little bubbly hearts] Those pictures are absotively stellar!! Thanks much for posting! Very nice finds.