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edited November -1 in OK Go
So as most of your know, Ushies and I, after much hard work and determination, were able to win the OK Go inflatable Reindeer, Oliver. Though we are absolutely thrilled and don't care how much we have to pay for him, our parents are extremely pissed at us for having to pay over $300 for him. There is a woman in NY who contacted us through ebay saying that her daughter (13 years old) is a huge OK Go fan and is very disappointed that she didn't get Oliver, and is willing to pay anything to buy it from us. OK, I understand that there are many other OK Go fans out there who would love to have Oliver, but we can't all have him. We too are insanly huge OK Go fans. And me and Ushies worked really hard and we have many many plans for Oliver. My mom is now pressuring me very hard to get us to sell Oliver. She says that we ARE going to sell him. and I don't know what to do! She doesn't understad how much OK Go means to me, and I couldn't bear to sell Oliver! I don't know what to say to try and convince them! Any ideas? We're in a crisis here and I have no clue what to do sad.gif


  • Could you get a job or do some chores for neighbors and earn the money? Give them a set date in 3 months that you will have earned back the money. If you don't meet that goal, then you will consider selling Oliver. Also tell your parents that you don't want any christmas gifts because you realize you spent way too much money already. Maybe butter them up by doing some charity work like at a soup kitchen, rather than having christmas gifts.
  • Yikes!!!!!

    I don't understand why your parents are upset. Did you use their money? Personally if it were my daughter I'd probably cringe at the amount of money spent, but at least it's her money going to a good cause, you know?

    Sorry, I don't have any ideas other than to agree with TempeRose above me, but good luck!!!!!!
  • Aw that is messed up! You worked hard for him. Maybe all of the fans could start a petition or a support thread and they could look at it and see how many people are rooting for you. I agree with Tempe also, say that's all that you want for Christmas or something. Did you use the words "tax write off" because it is for a charity? I don't know I'll try to think of some more things. Good luck.
  • Thanks for your support guys. This is so frusterating! sad.gif Well that's the thing...we are paying for Oliver with our own money, but my parents are just mad that we're paying so much for it. I guess to them, this is just a stupid plastic inflatable reindeer. But to us, it's so much more than that! I don't know how to make them understand. We'll just have to be stubborn about this. Yeah I told my mom that because of this Oliver thing (even though I'm paying for it), they don't need to get me any more xmas gifts, but gahh! idk! Well, at least we'll be able to complain about this to Damian at the next show laugh.gif
  • I know people are going to say I'm cynical, but let's think about this rationally...

    In, say, 10 years, what kind of impact is OK Go still going to have on your life? Sure, you'll probably still love them just like all of us will, but it's pretty foolish to spend over $300 on something like that. Yes, the money went to a good cause, and I'm very happy that you so willingly gave that much money to charity. However, think about this: How many autograph signings and concerts do they have a year? A lot. How many opportunities will you have to get something signed again? A lot. I mean, it's really one thing to spend $300 on merch., concert tickets, and such when a lot of that money is going to the band you love and you'll always have the memories of the concert and you can wear the merch. But it's an inflatable reindeer that's probably worth, what, $2? And the autographs you can get for free at a show or autograph signing. Sure, $300 may not seem like a lot of money to spend on something like that, but think of all the things you could have spent it on. As a college student, $300 is about 1/3 of the cash I use in one semester. If I spent $300 on my credit card in one pay period, my mother would take my credit card away. If you can make a profit on that reindeer, by all means jump on it. In a couple of months, people won't be scrounging for it anymore.

    I once had the chance to buy a signed surf board by one of my favorite actors, and my mother wouldn't let me spend the $250 of my own money on it. Even though I still like the actor, I'm really glad now that I didn't buy it. It's a waste of money.

    How about I make a deal with you: You sell the reindeer like your parents' want you to (they are not in any way being irrational), I'll buy you another inflatable reindeer - or any festive character of your choosing - and next time I go to a concert, I'll get it signed for you and even tell them your story, and I'm sure they'll write you a special message. Then you'll have a CUSTOMIZED signed inflatable reindeer, which is worth much more to a true fan, which you both are. I'm willing to foot the approx. $10 bill if you just sell the darn thing.
  • well, that sux!!! but i guess ur parents r right. i dont even think that i would spend that much on my super fav band. but then it is ur money so, n/m dont listen to me.
  • You have "many, many plans for Oliver?" What kind of plans, may I ask? How much can you do with an inflatable reindeer?
  • You know what? You won the fucking thing. You're paying for it with your own fucking money. Your parents and that lady in NYC can suck it up. How is that lady asking to buy him off of you for whatever price any better than you and a friend paying $300 for it? That's silly.

    I say, if you really want the damn thing, take him to a safe haven. Get a friend to hide him under their mattress or something, where your parents (and their parents) won't find out. And then do what Tempe said- come up with a set date for paying off Oliver.

    I mean, yes, $300 is exorbitant for an inflatable reindeer that cost them less than $5, probably. And yes, you could presumably go out and buy another one and get it signed. But really, isn't going to mean more to take Oliver and get him signed? And in twenty years, OK Go may not mean anything to you, but the fact that you and a friend were silly enough to buy him will mean something, and at least you'll have the good memories. And a Christmas decoration.
  • QUOTE (toiletdog @ Dec 21 2006, 04:55 PM)
    How much can you do with an inflatable reindeer?

    My point exactly. Although, you could probably get a few good rounds in the photobooth...
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Dec 21 2006, 04:59 PM)
    My point exactly. Although, you could probably get a few good rounds in the photobooth...

    My thought as well. The picture taking would be OUTSTANDING. I could think of a million and one ways to use (u*tilize) that reindeer in a photo shoot. But other than that...........nope, I'm not seeing it.

    You could always go out to the local mall and get people to pay you one dollar to TOUCH Oliver. Tell them it is for charity. YOUR charity, but
  • Woah..... $300 dollars?????? I love OK Go with my heart and soul, but you could get a Nintendo Wii with that! Go buy a ticket to Utah and watch their concert instead. Oliver cannot and will never replace the sexiness of OK Go.
  • QUOTE (toiletdog @ Dec 21 2006, 05:06 PM)
    Tell them it is for charity. YOUR charity, but

    I have a charity, it's called "Karleigh is a sad sad sad birthday clo- I mean college student." In some areas of the south, you pin money to yourself on your birthday and complete strangers follow suit. I did that on my birthday at DisneyWorld and earned myself $11. Then I pretended it was birthday when Jen came to visit a couple weeks back. I didn't pin money to myself, but I did ask to get in the fast pass line at DisneyWorld. Then lots of bad things happened to us, and we blamed it on our greed.

    Wow, that was one long wild tangent. Back to the real topic....
  • HelloLover- I COMPLETELY understand what you are saying. And I know that's exactly what my parents are thinking about this whole thing. yes, it's a giant inflatable reindeer. yes, $300 is way too much for a piece of plastic, but I also agree with what jedi_grrlie is saying. I'm only 16 years old, and yeah, paying over $300 for an oversized holiday ornament may be rediculous, but not matter what happens, I'll always be able to say years from now that I did something stupid like that. Life leaves us room to do stupid things, and they will make for great memories. Yes, I'll probably end up being broke for a long time now, but I don't really believe in regretting things. I agree with both sides of this issue, and I may be young and ignorant and selfish, but we only live once. Might as well spend $300 on a plastic reindeer named Oliver.

    Oh, and I just really don't want to send Oliver to that girl in NY. What is that going to teach her about life? That her mommy will buy anything for her if she begs for it enough? I don't want to contribute to another spoiled child in the world.

    Thank you guys so much for your help and opinions. Nothing matters more than the opinions of my fellow OK Go lovers happy.gif
  • crazyfrogg, YOU ARE GREAT. I never thought of it like what you said! Yeah huh! She should've stayed up with the auction! YOU KEEP OLIVER! I can't wait to say that I did crazy things off my ass just for OK GO when I'm older smile.gif Keep him! It IS your money. It is a great anecdote to tell your grandchildren smile.gif
  • Thank you happy.gif yes, I figure no matter what happens, it will at least make for a silly story to tell years from now, and a silly story to tell OK Go when we see them next
  • QUOTE (crazyfrogg @ Dec 21 2006, 05:26 PM)
    I agree with both sides of this issue, and I may be young and ignorant and selfish, but we only live once. Might as well spend $300 on a plastic reindeer named Oliver.

    Oh, and I just really don't want to send Oliver to that girl in NY. What is that going to teach her about life? That her mommy will buy anything for her if she begs for it enough? I don't want to contribute to another spoiled child in the world.

    I now adore you. wink.gif
  • Aparently the women thought we might be a dealer or something that was going to be selling Oliver again, which is why she contacted because if that had been the case, she would have wanted to make sure she was able to get it for her daughter. She sent a message back I guess saying she was glad to know it was actual fans that had bought it and not some person looking to make more money. So it's not as bad as all that.
  • Thank you guys again! You have all helped me so much, and I really think I can make my parents understand. I mean, all in all, this really isn't about owning a giant inflatable reindeer. It's the principals behind this whole thing. It will make for wonderful memories, and I can't wait to look back on my life and be able to say "damn, we sure were stupid, but it was fun. and I don't regret it for a second"

    haha and yes, Oliver will make for so many amazing pictures! laugh.gif
  • I just wanted to say I totally understand where you're coming from. God, I just FLEW to america to see the guys and that was the equivalent of a $600 flight, plus all the perks of a 2 week holiday, so I know where you're coming from. I may think its a little silly, but in hindsight, like Katy said its the memory of doing it that will stay with you forever smile.gif
  • QUOTE (crazyfrogg @ Dec 21 2006, 10:45 PM)
    Thank you guys again! You have all helped me so much, and I really think I can make my parents understand. I mean, all in all, this really isn't about owning a giant inflatable reindeer. It's the principals behind this whole thing. It will make for wonderful memories, and I can't wait to look back on my life and be able to say "damn, we sure were stupid, but it was fun. and I don't regret it for a second"

    haha and yes, Oliver will make for so many amazing pictures! laugh.gif

    Let's just hope you don't pop him!
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