They make strangers become the object of shouted "I Love You"s. I learned this guy had one OK Go song on his iPod, and that was the beginning of our friendship.
Nice one. They make lazy people (ie me) join a gym, and then promptly leave when it becomes apparent that 2 treadmills which have friggin barriers between them are not suitable for dancing on.
AH! Don't show me things like that, I'm tacky enough to wear it!
But I"m just trying to help you get up on stage with OK Go. See, if you show up to a show all in paisely, Damian will have no choice but to get you up there with him.
They make lazy people (ie me) join a gym, and then promptly leave when it becomes apparent that 2 treadmills which have friggin barriers between them are not suitable for dancing on.
Sadly, OK Go's pants don't lie anywhere near London (I wish!), more like a small Suburban city by the name of Temecula in Southern California.
AH! Don't show me things like that, I'm tacky enough to wear it!
And in Lion King, the sprinkle of stardust spells "sex," which they denied and said it was "SFX."
Haha...I love how I freak out over where the innocence went and then I shift directly over to the juicy gossip.
I've also heard about that!
And about other stuff related to the little mermaid video
why are these people trying to ruin my chilhood dreams?