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Britney Spears is bald



  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Feb 19 2007, 07:51 PM)
    I've been married 7 times.

    Seven times? You have the morals of a grandma. Everybody knows you have to get married at least 12 times to be A-list. D'oi.
  • BTW, you know you're in trouble when Paris Hilton is defending you.

    The Britney comes to a resort in AZ, and I know exactly where it is and where she likes to shop. On the news one time when she was here, they showed 3 fans sitting outside Starbucks. They said they were going to sit there till Britney finally came, and they were willing to come back everyday if need be.
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Feb 19 2007, 06:55 PM)
    Seven times? You have the morals of a grandma. Everybody knows you have to get married at least 12 times to be A-list. D'oi.

    Yeah, I'm getting there, slowly. But hey, all those 7 marriages were before the age of 22
  • I'd rather wait outside for Hillary Clinton, waving "Hillary for President" signs, than wait outside for Britney Spears.
  • What you should do is wait outside for K-fed waving signs with nothing on them (it would match his career, you see?)
  • Wise, very wise. I'll make K-Fed Bread, because bread can rhyme better than he can.
  • So, she's wearing a wig now.

    Oh, Britty.
  • Craig ferguson from the late late show said a really touching and scary monologue on alcohol abuse last night. I was transfixed by what he was saying. I never knew he had such a hard life.

    its just refressing to see some one in the media talk about alcohol abuse seriously, weird it was a comedian who was the one to do it.

    here is a bunch of quotes of what he said...

    "I’m starting to feel uncomfortable about making fun of these people," Ferguson said. "For me, comedy should have a certain amount of joy in it. It should be about attacking the powerful -- the politicians, the Trumps, the blowhards -- going after them."

    "And here is why, here is exactly why," he added. "This weekend she was checking in, out of rehab, shaving head, getting tattoos. This Sunday I was 15 years sober. And I looked at her weekend -- and I looked at my weekend -- and I thought I’d rather have my weekend."

    "What she is going through reminds me of, this is an anniversary so you start to think about, where I was when I was doing that 15 years ago.It reminds me of when I was living like that. Now I’m not saying Britney is alcoholic, I don’t know what she is -- alcoholic or not -- but she clearly needs help. What I do here is I speak for myself."

    "For me there is two types of rehab clinics," Ferguson said. "There is the good ones that tell you you’ve done your 28 days, now this is beginning. You now have a lifetime of vigilance. This is a chronic condition you are going to have to manage or deal with the rest of your life. And the bad ones say, 'You’re good, off you go.' ”

    "You can’t beat it with money," Ferguson said. "If you could beat this with money, rich people wouldn’t die. You can’t. For me, and I only speak for myself, I’m going to stress this to you. I have found the only way I could deal with it, is find people who had similar experiences and talk to them. It doesn’t cost anything. It doesn’t cost a thing. And they are very easy to find -- they’re near the front of the phonebook."

    i found a vid... click on Feb 19 under show and tell here
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