I shall post pictures tomorrow. But it has filled both of the purposed for which it was created - 1) I am so incredibly pleased with myself for being clever enough to think it up and 2) I tried it on last night and the husband said "Wow, you look hot!".
Honestly, Allie, your t-shirt skills must be commended! You're t-shirt suggestions have done wonders for me. I personally endorse what you sell. I personally have no idea what I'm talking about either.
Honestly, Allie, your t-shirt skills must be commended! You're t-shirt suggestions have done wonders for me. I personally endorse what you sell. I personally have no idea what I'm talking about either.
This could be my selling point "Alice's t-shirts... guarantee to change your life, or a Cadbury's bar instead of a refund!!" Tempe, you don't need to know what you're talking about. You're Jewish. As long as you fill the silence... it's enough
No, no, you're not supposed to show us your picture, ihave7stars. To us you are a magical mystical being capable of finding the most wonderful ok go pics and info for our greedy unsatiable appetites. Lol, but seriously, glad you had a great time.
It has taken me all day, but I'm FINALLY finished writing up my review of last night's concert. It's really long. I'm sorry for that. Feel free to ignore it. But last night was just so incredibly awesome that it deserves a full treatment.
Oh For the Love of G-d that was the Greatest Fucking OK Go concert I have ever been to, and I am so beside myself happy that I don't know what to do with myself. Pictures will be forthcoming, and yes, some angels definitely received wings this evening. Not as many as I would've liked, but there are some new Seraphim. yes. And Casey, the girl who was with me the last time the guys played the TLA (the Cheap Trick show), took some really fabulous ones as well for which I'll always be grateful. I CANNOT wait for you guys to see. OK. So. Here we go.
After work we (my husband Adam and I) headed pretty directly up to Philadelphia. I called IH7*s when we were fairly close to let her know we were almost there. We did my usual South Street routine - park at Penn's Landing and walk a few blocks up South Street to the TLA. I'm so glad we did this because on our way we ran into Dan about a block and a half from the venue.
Us: Hi Dan! Dan: Oh hey guys! How's it going? Us: We're on our way to the show! Dan: Where do you guys LIVE? (no doubt referring to the fact that he's seen us an ASSLOAD of times in an ASSLOAD of different places.) Us: In Delaware, not so far. Me: Yeah, it was maybe only a 30 minute drive from our offices. Look, I made a T-shirt! Dan: reading Haunting RUN'S HOUSE Tonight? Me: Yeah, because who's house? RUN'S HOUSE! Dan: OH! That's cool Adam: Show him the back! I turn and show him the OK Go logo cut out of a fabric immensely similar to the DWYW wallpaper. BTW, the shirt itself is red. Dan: Oh wow, that's REALLY close! How did you find that? I'm sorry to say that by this point I was so pleased that he liked it that all sense went out of my brain and even though he was asking me how I found the fabric, I kept going on and on about printing the damned logo off from the internet, ie, how I got the logo to work, not where I found the brilliantly close fabric. Dan: OK, well, see you later! Us: OK, see you later Dan!
So we got to the TLA and Casey was there with her friend Heather. We called IH7*s and she ducked out of the restaurant in which she and her husband were eating. I ran over and gave her a hug and showed her the totally awesome T-shirt. It was great meeting you, 7*s! She went back into the restaurant and we continued to wait outside the venue. We were the first four people in line.
Mike Kent was outside, so I went over, said hi and introduced myself. He said hi, but he was going somewhere so I just left him be.
This guy Michael Nutter, who is running for mayor of Philadelphia, came down the street with some of his campaign workers. He stopped and was shaking EVERYONE's hand, and when he shook mine, I asked him if he liked OK Go. He said he didn't know what that was. So I told him to google for it.
Damian, Tim, and Andy all walked right by the line and into the venue. There's only one way in (and out). I didn't stop them or anything, figuring I'd wait until after the show to chat.
We get inside, pick up some free Jack swag, buy our flipbooks (this, btw, is a really cute merch idea), and head directly to the front. Theresa, it looks like the Detroit JD show gave attendees MUCH better treatment. All the food was in a VIP only area upstairs, and there were only sandwiches down where we were. We didn't even get free drinks like you had! (Adam whined about this a bit, truth be told). Anyway we walked DIRECTLY to the front of the stage and leaned up against the barrier. I was almost in front of Damian, a bit to Andy's side. While we were waiting we made friends with the photographer working for JD. He'll post pictures soon, including a fair share of us.
The opening band came out. They're called Downtown Harvest and the four of us (me, Adam, Casey and Heather) thought they were great. They do have a myspace and their music is available on iTunes. We caught glimpses of Dan, Tim, and Damian watching from the wing.
Then OK Go came on. WOW. From the first moment they took the stage the energy was HIGH. They started with TV TV, even though the setlist said House for the first song. I made eye contact with Andy almost as soon as they took the stage, and he definitely smiled at me.
The Dairy Milk was consumed (well partially) during No Sign. In case you were wondering. I wait for moments where I know Damian is going to be unnecessarily hot (you know in the "Oh, was that facial expression really necessary, Damian?" kind of way), pop some chocolate, and proceed to die.
Anyway. The first couple of songs were pretty banter-less. However, he did talk about the last time they played the TLA with Cheap Trick. Apparently he was pretty drunk that night and doesn't remember them bringing him out to play with them. He still plans to tell his grandkids about it.
At one point, I think it was during YSDH, Heather leaned over to me and said "They totally saw your shirt." "Why do you say that?" "Because Damian was looking at you and then he went over to talk to Tim during the solo, and Tim looked at you and nodded." I don't know how much my shirt had to do with that, but Damian did go over and talk to Tim in the middle of a solo, that's true. The looking and nodding may or may not have been at me.
The first cover song of the night was "Neat Neat Neat" - The Damned cover. Love. I was so happy to hear that song, because I haven't heard it since November! Damian ran out through the crowd during the last verse/chorus and came back up through RIGHT between Heather and I, and we were among the people who helped him back onto the stage, although he totally belly flopped back on. Actually, he kinda wiped out. After the song was over a bunch of us yelled "are you alright?" because we were a little concerned! He was fine. Obviously. He's Damian after all.
So the acoustic set was next. They actually just stood in the middle of the crowd to do it. No platform, no nothing. I didn't leave my spot at front and center, but Heather took my camera and got some GREAT shots of Tim, Andy, and Damian. She and Casey are art students, so it's not SO surprising, but I do believe these are the some of the best acoustic set shots I've ever seen. To be honest, Casey and I were chatting with the Keyboard/saxaphone/guitar player from Downtown Harvest during this set. Nice guy. Oh, and we danced and sang along with What To Do.
So the guys come back up to the front for Disaster and then OLISQ. Mmm, Oh Lately. Strange though, Damian didn't instruct the crowd to put up their phones during the second verse, or say anything for that matter. That was a bit of a disappointment, because I had the BRILLIANT idea to hold up my iPod and have it play the Invincible video. Oh well, I did it anyway. Also, of course there were requisite yells of Run's House. Yes, I got little glances and smirks for it. Nevertheless I'm going to retire the joke after this coming Friday's show. I think it's getting old, even for the guys.
Adam and I kept waiting for lulls in activity to start singing the chorus to "Whiskey". After all, it was a Jack Daniels show. I don't know if Andy ever heard us singing it.
OK, for the record, I made eye contact with Damian and Andy MULTIPLE times during the show. Like, Definite Eye Contact.
So, after Oh Lately, they went right into Invincible, which of course rocked our faces off. After that, Damian started talking about "Kidzzzzz Bop" (When you hear that in your head, you clearly want to drag out the z and explode the P) and how it's a bunch of 8-year-olds singing songs they clearly have no idea about. Oh, he segued into it by talking about all the college shows they've been playing recently, and how he can't discuss this with them because (hopefully) none of them have 8-year-old children. Then he said it was their last song and they played HIGA.
Just so you all know, we could clearly read the setlist from where we were standing, and the encores were listed thusly: (RETURN) COVER DWYW
I tried starting chants for ENCORE and OK Go and was vaguely successful. The guys came back out and people started shouting to them. One girl said "Pay Attention to Me!" Damian misheard her, and asked her to repeat herself. "Pay Attention to Me!" "Well we just did, didn't we? beat You know, that's the most honest thing I've ever heard from an audience member. Most of the time people want attention and resort to yelling Freebird! OK, so we're gonna play a cover now, and I'm going to give you a choice between two songs." So, umm, Damian, what happened to Return? I'm just askin'. Anyway, the choice was the normal one between ELO and the Femmes and the crowd chose ELO. And The Best Part Of The Whole Night Began.
We all know that Damian jumps up on the barrier towards the end of the song, right? And he supports himself on various audience members, right? So Damian's about to step out and all of us in the first few rows have our hands up towards him and he Takes My Hand. And Holds My Hand. At first I couldn't stand straight and my knees buckled but I recovered. And I was standing there holding Damian's hand, supporting him so he wouldn't fall from the barrier. Yes. Ded. Absolutely Ded.
After that, they announced that it was Merch Girl Whitney's b-day, so we all sang Happy Birthday, then they played DWYW with the windsocks and everything, and the show was over. Andy starts throwing picks into the crowd, then looks RIGHT at me and throws me the pick. The girl I was standing next to, who I didn't even know, looks at me and says "He just totally threw that at you" in bewilderment. I just kept grinning! Jordan gave setlists out, but we weren't among the lucky. 7*s was, however. :-D
We went over to 7*s and took pictures, when the professional photographer for Jack Daniels came over and took a group shot. I got his card and can email him to find out where the pictures will be posted. I know he took a few of us. We said goodbye to 7*s because she had to get home. We tried waiting inside for awhile with no luck, and eventually we went outside to see if the guys had filed out yet.
(One more installment to come, with the OTHER best part of the evening)
Adam, Casey, Heather and I went outside to see if we could see any of the guys. While we were outside, just kinda walking around, I made some kind of offhanded remark about meeting the band, and Casey said "Looks like your dreams have come true". I look up and Damian is walking right towards us.
After catching my breath I said "Hi can you look at my T-shirt because I worked REALLY hard on it." So he reads the front - "Haunting RUN'S HOUSE Tonight" (I don't remember what his reaction was to it, but I think he smiled) and then he sees the back and says, "Whoa, that is serious. So you can make the logo out of one piece of fabric, huh? I designed that logo and I never bothered to figure out if it could be made from just one piece. Well, except for the 'G' but that was a mistake, right?" He was referring to the fact that on my second attempt to cut the damned logo out of the fabric I accidentally cut through the tail of the 'G'. I thought it wasn't all that noticable, but Damian saw it. Ahh, well. He was nice about it though. (Casey got pictures of him looking at my shirt, too)
So as he's stopping he's totally laden down with a bag and his stage shirt (which is on a hanger) and he's carrying two bottles of Gentleman Jack. He says "I don't know what to do with all this." Heather takes a bottle off his hands and says she'll take it, but Damian says "I don't know if I'm allowed to give this out. You know that guy with the tooth earring? He's our new tour manager and he's scary and mean and I hate to think what he'll do to me if I give this stuff away" (that, btw, is a TRUNCATED version of the statement, it actually expanded into a mini-conversation involving the fact that Adam thinks their old Tour Manager, Bob, looks like Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World).
And then we talked to him for like 5 or 10 minutes. Like, real conversation, about why they do the Jack Daniels shows, how they've been doing loads of shows recently where they actually LOSE money just so they can be seen by people, and how all these concert halls have recently had their names changed to "The Fillmore". Damian said that he's more bothered not because the names of the halls have been changed, but because they've been changed to The Fillmore, because that hall has such great history to it. He said it's like they get off the bus and see that they're playing... The Fillmore? Are we back in California?
Also I got to ask him a question that had been nagging at me for a long time. Rachel: One of my best friends lives in Los Angeles. Damian: I'm sorry to hear that. Rachel: Well yeah. But while we were out visiting her in January, and while we were there we went to see your sister and the Snark-a-Snoops. And you were there. Damian: I'm sorry to hear that too. Rachel: Funny you should say that, because I was scared to go over and say hi to you. I was worried that I was invading your personal space. Damian: No, you weren't invading anyone's personal space. It was fine for you to come see the show and say hi. It was at a Library, wasn't it?
And then we talked for a few minutes about Trish and the SaS, and what's in the works for them. It's a positive outlook, from what Damian said, just a bit held up.
I was beginning to feel bad for holding him up while he had all that stuff to carry. So I thanked Damian for stopping to talk to us, and he thanked us for talking to him which I think is just so cute. I asked him if he'd mind taking a picture with us and he said not at all, but "I've got too much stuff, so I can't put my arms around you". I then asked if I could put my arms around him and he said yes (SQUEE!!!!!!). He realized that he was WAY taller than the three of us girls (he has more than a foot on me), so he came down to our height by stradling down (I'm not sure if that makes sense, so say the word if it doesn't). I put one arm around his shoulders and then rested my head and one hand on the closer shoulder, and Adam took a picture of us girls with Damian, once with my camera and twice with Casey's. Damian, btw, was all sorts of impressed with Casey's art student camera.
I forget how the topic came up, but I told Damian that he would be playing the town where I grew up on Friday, and he said "Oh so we'll see you there then?" I blushed and said "well, yeah." He starts to walk away saying that he's done some research on Danbury, and I told him I would be bringing them my favorite cookies. And then he left.
At that point we all decided that we'd all had enough, and we went back to our cars and home. I swear, I drove home last night all excited. I still can barely believe it happened.
This guy Michael Nutter, who is running for mayor of Philadelphia, came down the street with some of his campaign workers. He stopped and was shaking EVERYONE's hand, and when he shook mine, I asked him if he liked OK Go. He said he didn't know what that was. So I told him to google for it.
What an awesome time you had!! Damian and Dan sounded so sweet!!!
Rachel, I am so fricking happy for you. What a great night!!!!
Awesome, awesome all around.
Btw, everybody, check out the clearer, bigger version of Rachel's pic w/Damian on her MySpace or in the Fans section of OK Go Central. Definitely one of my top fave fan pics ever.
You could have grabbed that shirt and just kept running!! Fantastic story, Rachel!
Damnit, Theresa, you're right! I could've done all of us a great service and made him CHANGE HIS SHIRT!! No, silly me always putting myself above the Greater Good. :sigh:
There's a link to my pictures. Sorry they're not labeled or even properly rotated yet, for some reason the client won't let me tonight. EDIT - Okay, properly rotated and labeled, complete with certified DJRose commentary.
Oh, I neglected to mention that while we were waiting for the opening act, the song "Care of Cell 44" by the Zombies was playing. I couldn't help but think that Damian had chosen that himself, being the huge Zombies fan he is. It made me happy, that's my favorite track on Odyssey and Oracle.
Show me!!!
Show me!!!
I shall post pictures tomorrow.
1) I am so incredibly pleased with myself for being clever enough to think it up
2) I tried it on last night and the husband said "Wow, you look hot!".
RacheyBaby, you do make me laugh
I'm looking forward to pics now...
This could be my selling point
"Alice's t-shirts... guarantee to change your life, or a Cadbury's bar instead of a refund!!"
Tempe, you don't need to know what you're talking about. You're Jewish. As long as you fill the silence... it's enough
Oh For the Love of G-d that was the Greatest Fucking OK Go concert I have ever been to, and I am so beside myself happy that I don't know what to do with myself. Pictures will be forthcoming, and yes, some angels definitely received wings this evening. Not as many as I would've liked, but there are some new Seraphim. yes. And Casey, the girl who was with me the last time the guys played the TLA (the Cheap Trick show), took some really fabulous ones as well for which I'll always be grateful. I CANNOT wait for you guys to see. OK. So. Here we go.
After work we (my husband Adam and I) headed pretty directly up to Philadelphia. I called IH7*s when we were fairly close to let her know we were almost there. We did my usual South Street routine - park at Penn's Landing and walk a few blocks up South Street to the TLA. I'm so glad we did this because on our way we ran into Dan about a block and a half from the venue.
Us: Hi Dan!
Dan: Oh hey guys! How's it going?
Us: We're on our way to the show!
Dan: Where do you guys LIVE? (no doubt referring to the fact that he's seen us an ASSLOAD of times in an ASSLOAD of different places.)
Us: In Delaware, not so far.
Me: Yeah, it was maybe only a 30 minute drive from our offices. Look, I made a T-shirt!
Dan: reading Haunting RUN'S HOUSE Tonight?
Me: Yeah, because who's house? RUN'S HOUSE!
Dan: OH! That's cool
Adam: Show him the back!
I turn and show him the OK Go logo cut out of a fabric immensely similar to the DWYW wallpaper. BTW, the shirt itself is red.
Dan: Oh wow, that's REALLY close! How did you find that?
I'm sorry to say that by this point I was so pleased that he liked it that all sense went out of my brain and even though he was asking me how I found the fabric, I kept going on and on about printing the damned logo off from the internet, ie, how I got the logo to work, not where I found the brilliantly close fabric.
Dan: OK, well, see you later!
Us: OK, see you later Dan!
So we got to the TLA and Casey was there with her friend Heather. We called IH7*s and she ducked out of the restaurant in which she and her husband were eating. I ran over and gave her a hug and showed her the totally awesome T-shirt. It was great meeting you, 7*s! She went back into the restaurant and we continued to wait outside the venue. We were the first four people in line.
Mike Kent was outside, so I went over, said hi and introduced myself. He said hi, but he was going somewhere so I just left him be.
This guy Michael Nutter, who is running for mayor of Philadelphia, came down the street with some of his campaign workers. He stopped and was shaking EVERYONE's hand, and when he shook mine, I asked him if he liked OK Go. He said he didn't know what that was. So I told him to google for it.
Damian, Tim, and Andy all walked right by the line and into the venue. There's only one way in (and out). I didn't stop them or anything, figuring I'd wait until after the show to chat.
We get inside, pick up some free Jack swag, buy our flipbooks (this, btw, is a really cute merch idea), and head directly to the front. Theresa, it looks like the Detroit JD show gave attendees MUCH better treatment. All the food was in a VIP only area upstairs, and there were only sandwiches down where we were. We didn't even get free drinks like you had! (Adam whined about this a bit, truth be told). Anyway we walked DIRECTLY to the front of the stage and leaned up against the barrier. I was almost in front of Damian, a bit to Andy's side. While we were waiting we made friends with the photographer working for JD. He'll post pictures soon, including a fair share of us.
The opening band came out. They're called Downtown Harvest and the four of us (me, Adam, Casey and Heather) thought they were great. They do have a myspace and their music is available on iTunes. We caught glimpses of Dan, Tim, and Damian watching from the wing.
Then OK Go came on. WOW. From the first moment they took the stage the energy was HIGH. They started with TV TV, even though the setlist said House for the first song. I made eye contact with Andy almost as soon as they took the stage, and he definitely smiled at me.
Anyway. The first couple of songs were pretty banter-less.
At one point, I think it was during YSDH, Heather leaned over to me and said "They totally saw your shirt." "Why do you say that?" "Because Damian was looking at you and then he went over to talk to Tim during the solo, and Tim looked at you and nodded." I don't know how much my shirt had to do with that, but Damian did go over and talk to Tim in the middle of a solo, that's true. The looking and nodding may or may not have been at me.
The first cover song of the night was "Neat Neat Neat" - The Damned cover. Love. I was so happy to hear that song, because I haven't heard it since November! Damian ran out through the crowd during the last verse/chorus and came back up through RIGHT between Heather and I, and we were among the people who helped him back onto the stage, although he totally belly flopped back on. Actually, he kinda wiped out. After the song was over a bunch of us yelled "are you alright?" because we were a little concerned! He was fine. Obviously. He's Damian after all.
So the acoustic set was next. They actually just stood in the middle of the crowd to do it. No platform, no nothing. I didn't leave my spot at front and center, but Heather took my camera and got some GREAT shots of Tim, Andy, and Damian. She and Casey are art students, so it's not SO surprising, but I do believe these are the some of the best acoustic set shots I've ever seen. To be honest, Casey and I were chatting with the Keyboard/saxaphone/guitar player from Downtown Harvest during this set. Nice guy. Oh, and we danced and sang along with What To Do.
So the guys come back up to the front for Disaster and then OLISQ. Mmm, Oh Lately. Strange though, Damian didn't instruct the crowd to put up their phones during the second verse, or say anything for that matter. That was a bit of a disappointment, because I had the BRILLIANT idea to hold up my iPod and have it play the Invincible video. Oh well, I did it anyway. Also, of course there were requisite yells of Run's House.
Adam and I kept waiting for lulls in activity to start singing the chorus to "Whiskey". After all, it was a Jack Daniels show.
OK, for the record, I made eye contact with Damian and Andy MULTIPLE times during the show. Like, Definite Eye Contact.
Just so you all know, we could clearly read the setlist from where we were standing, and the encores were listed thusly:
I tried starting chants for ENCORE and OK Go and was vaguely successful. The guys came back out and people started shouting to them. One girl said "Pay Attention to Me!" Damian misheard her, and asked her to repeat herself. "Pay Attention to Me!" "Well we just did, didn't we? beat You know, that's the most honest thing I've ever heard from an audience member. Most of the time people want attention and resort to yelling Freebird! OK, so we're gonna play a cover now, and I'm going to give you a choice between two songs." So, umm, Damian, what happened to Return? I'm just askin'. Anyway, the choice was the normal one between ELO and the Femmes and the crowd chose ELO. And The Best Part Of The Whole Night Began.
We all know that Damian jumps up on the barrier towards the end of the song, right? And he supports himself on various audience members, right? So Damian's about to step out and all of us in the first few rows have our hands up towards him and he Takes My Hand. And Holds My Hand. At first I couldn't stand straight and my knees buckled but I recovered. And I was standing there holding Damian's hand, supporting him so he wouldn't fall from the barrier. Yes. Ded. Absolutely Ded.
After that, they announced that it was Merch Girl Whitney's b-day, so we all sang Happy Birthday, then they played DWYW with the windsocks and everything, and the show was over. Andy starts throwing picks into the crowd, then looks RIGHT at me and throws me the pick. The girl I was standing next to, who I didn't even know, looks at me and says "He just totally threw that at you" in bewilderment. I just kept grinning! Jordan gave setlists out, but we weren't among the lucky. 7*s was, however. :-D
We went over to 7*s and took pictures, when the professional photographer for Jack Daniels came over and took a group shot. I got his card and can email him to find out where the pictures will be posted. I know he took a few of us. We said goodbye to 7*s because she had to get home. We tried waiting inside for awhile with no luck, and eventually we went outside to see if the guys had filed out yet.
(One more installment to come, with the OTHER best part of the evening)
After catching my breath I said "Hi can you look at my T-shirt because I worked REALLY hard on it." So he reads the front - "Haunting RUN'S HOUSE Tonight" (I don't remember what his reaction was to it, but I think he smiled) and then he sees the back and says, "Whoa, that is serious. So you can make the logo out of one piece of fabric, huh? I designed that logo and I never bothered to figure out if it could be made from just one piece. Well, except for the 'G' but that was a mistake, right?" He was referring to the fact that on my second attempt to cut the damned logo out of the fabric I accidentally cut through the tail of the 'G'. I thought it wasn't all that noticable, but Damian saw it. Ahh, well. He was nice about it though. (Casey got pictures of him looking at my shirt, too)
So as he's stopping he's totally laden down with a bag and his stage shirt (which is on a hanger) and he's carrying two bottles of Gentleman Jack. He says "I don't know what to do with all this." Heather takes a bottle off his hands and says she'll take it, but Damian says "I don't know if I'm allowed to give this out. You know that guy with the tooth earring? He's our new tour manager and he's scary and mean and I hate to think what he'll do to me if I give this stuff away" (that, btw, is a TRUNCATED version of the statement, it actually expanded into a mini-conversation involving the fact that Adam thinks their old Tour Manager, Bob, looks like Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World).
And then we talked to him for like 5 or 10 minutes. Like, real conversation, about why they do the Jack Daniels shows, how they've been doing loads of shows recently where they actually LOSE money just so they can be seen by people, and how all these concert halls have recently had their names changed to "The Fillmore". Damian said that he's more bothered not because the names of the halls have been changed, but because they've been changed to The Fillmore, because that hall has such great history to it. He said it's like they get off the bus and see that they're playing... The Fillmore? Are we back in California?
Also I got to ask him a question that had been nagging at me for a long time.
Rachel: One of my best friends lives in Los Angeles.
Damian: I'm sorry to hear that.
Rachel: Well yeah. But while we were out visiting her in January, and while we were there we went to see your sister and the Snark-a-Snoops. And you were there.
Damian: I'm sorry to hear that too.
Rachel: Funny you should say that, because I was scared to go over and say hi to you. I was worried that I was invading your personal space.
Damian: No, you weren't invading anyone's personal space. It was fine for you to come see the show and say hi. It was at a Library, wasn't it?
And then we talked for a few minutes about Trish and the SaS, and what's in the works for them. It's a positive outlook, from what Damian said, just a bit held up.
I was beginning to feel bad for holding him up while he had all that stuff to carry. So I thanked Damian for stopping to talk to us, and he thanked us for talking to him which I think is just so cute. I asked him if he'd mind taking a picture with us and he said not at all, but "I've got too much stuff, so I can't put my arms around you". I then asked if I could put my arms around him and he said yes (SQUEE!!!!!!). He realized that he was WAY taller than the three of us girls (he has more than a foot on me), so he came down to our height by stradling down (I'm not sure if that makes sense, so say the word if it doesn't). I put one arm around his shoulders and then rested my head and one hand on the closer shoulder, and Adam took a picture of us girls with Damian, once with my camera and twice with Casey's. Damian, btw, was all sorts of impressed with Casey's art student camera.
I forget how the topic came up, but I told Damian that he would be playing the town where I grew up on Friday, and he said "Oh so we'll see you there then?" I blushed and said "well, yeah." He starts to walk away saying that he's done some research on Danbury, and I told him I would be bringing them my favorite cookies. And then he left.
At that point we all decided that we'd all had enough, and we went back to our cars and home. I swear, I drove home last night all excited. I still can barely believe it happened.
Best Possible 10th Show EVER.
This was your t-shirt?????
Rachel you are fucking brilliant!!!!
I want to see some pics please....
It sounds so amazing as well. Argh you are sooooo lucky!!!
Cadbury's and unnecessarily hot Damian looks. It's making me squirm at the thought....
Could you please keep me with you from now on so I can go to shows with you? Please? I'll get you an endless supply of choc....
What an awesome time you had!! Damian and Dan sounded so sweet!!!
And ih7*'s, I loooove your outfit!
Awesome, awesome all around.
Btw, everybody, check out the clearer, bigger version of Rachel's pic w/Damian on her MySpace or in the Fans section of OK Go Central. Definitely one of my top fave fan pics ever.
You could have grabbed that shirt and just kept running!!
Damnit, Theresa, you're right! I could've done all of us a great service and made him CHANGE HIS SHIRT!! No, silly me always putting myself above the Greater Good. :sigh:
Pictures Here
There's a link to my pictures. Sorry they're not labeled or even properly rotated yet, for some reason the client won't let me tonight. EDIT - Okay, properly rotated and labeled, complete with certified DJRose commentary.
Oh, I neglected to mention that while we were waiting for the opening act, the song "Care of Cell 44" by the Zombies was playing. I couldn't help but think that Damian had chosen that himself, being the huge Zombies fan he is. It made me happy, that's my favorite track on Odyssey and Oracle.
Looks like Damian's been hanging out with David Blaine again!!