OK Go Interview on Radio KOL!
Radio KOL will air an exclusive interview with OK Go on Thursday, April 5th at 5:40 PM EST. Login to www.radiokol.com to hear it. If you would like to ask the band a question during the interview, call 1-877-KOLDJRICK.
So they'll be calling in from Milwaukee. Neato.
Thanks for the info Sheri!
Right, so that's, what - 6 hours behind London?
So if I try and tune in on the internet at 11.40pm - will I hear it dyu think?
Right, so that's, what - 6 hours behind London?
So if I try and tune in on the internet at 11.40pm - will I hear it dyu think?
All I know is you should tune in right now, i think they could be on at any minute!
Were these questions interesting or the usualy "who came up with the treadmills idea...?"??
I was going to do the exact same thing!
i just heard about it right now...
I'm really glad we didn't miss anything good.
The interviewer went on and on about paisley for a while.
The first caller said, "What was your favorite song to... uh... write... or whatever... or play..." Tim answered Good Idea At The Time, and said they wrote it quickly and once it was recorded, they realized it was actually pretty good. They'd been nervous because they wrote it so quickly and weren't sure it was going to be any good.
I think the second caller asked who they'd like to "do a duet with". I can't remember the name of the other woman either; I should have written it down but it was like midnight here and I was tired. I just remember Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake. Whoever the other woman singer was, isn't well-known yet, but Tim said that this band is just starting to take hold. I don't know why I seem to remember a "purply" band name of some sort. "Purple" or "Velvet" or something like that, might have been in the name. Then I think it was the same caller who said her favorite OK Go song was "As Good As It Gets" (sic). (She referred to "A Good Idea At The Time" from earlier).
A third caller asked if anyone got hurt doing "any of their videos" and he was hard to understand, and mumbled something about falling off of a treadmill too. Tim gave the answer and we already know it.
There was some talk about how the ideas for dancing got started and led to doing videos, about confusing people with the dances and having Tim lip synch the ones he doesn't sing.
Another caller asked what they missed most on tour, and Tim said his bed, and that the bus they sleep on bumps a lot. Then the interviewer asked if they had any special "woogies" that they had to have from home, while they were on tour. Tim answered "Our cellphones" and went on a little about that, and missing his friends and wishing he could see his friends and family more often. But "not that touring is a bad thing because of that, because touring is really good for us". He said, "The question was about what I missed, and that's what I miss [bed, friends, family]."
It was quick, and it was really awkward, actually. The kids seemed extremely young and a bit hard to understand.
true dat
The callers must have been from KidzBop.
Was it "Lavender Diamond," maybe? (I didn't hear this interview.)