Battles' new album called "Mirrored" sounds really cool.
From other thread "Tim Interviews in Ithaca Times" posted by ihave7stars, I found that Ian Williams, who is a member of Battles, was a roommate of Tim. (Thanks, ihave7stars. I appreciate that thread).
And, Dave Konopka, bassist and guitarist of Battles, is a relative of Dan? I think it's possible because Battles is a kind of Chicago-related band.
Again, you've got to check them out. They're different from OK Go, but yet they ROCK.
You totally took the words right out of my mouth.
bahahahh wow, my thoughts exactly
Ooooh, I dunno, I think living with Tim would instill a certain degree of savy when it comes to fighting... I'd put my money on his room mate
Well, no one knows about Battles, or who's Dave Konopka?
Dave K
hahha judging on the pics, my moneys on Dave K
oh yeah and heres the vid for a song they have called "atlas" vid
...pretty weird, but still cool