OK GO on my Senior Tile..ideas?!
Hey everybodyyy!
I am a senior in high school in MA and we get to paint senior tiles to put on the ceiling and I have a drawing that someone made and it says OK GO and has flowers all around it and i want to paint that, but i need a quote from a song or a quote from one of the guys and have no idea what to pick..does anyone have any good ideas? ~Megan
What to Do: mediocre people do exceptional things all the time
Bye Bye Baby: heading off to pure-bread friends and happy ends
I agree. That is just such an amazing line.
i was definitely thinking about using that one..too bad ok go hasn't written any graduation songs yet..haha jk do u like the picture that i'm going to put on it?
yeah the picture is cute. its so colorful. and deff go with what to do, even though like everyone else said that haha