QUOTE (Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore @ Jun 20 2007, 09:58 PM)
OK, nominations are closed. Can someone translate that list into actual forum names so we can start the voting? and, sadly, we'll have to remove the fine people who've already been interviewed. Mr Panda, that means you.
If you've been nominated, you can submit a fifteen word statement explaining why you should be chosen. Submit it to this thread. And do it stat. I'll be posting a poll thread tomorrow. Or maybe Friday.
ive sent you a pm sir Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore with nomination
QUOTE (Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore @ Jun 20 2007, 04:19 PM)
OK, this is the list. Thanks, Mr. Andy:
Ihave7stars Tempe Arizonia Electra Mixtape jedi_grrlie Ihave7stars Felster agentnumberone sweetness ThePhantomMilk DJ Rose Jaded kikky tonetoile sherib If you're on this, post your fifteen word campaign speech and I'll copy it into the new poll thread. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore
btw, 7stars is on there twice..
and when the crap was I nominated?!
J0rge, you know everyone's going to vote for you, so go ahead and don't even worry about making a poll this time around.
Hahaha, I'm just glad people know what a theremin is. It's next on my "instruments to master" list... assuming 1) I can find one and 2) I ever actually perfect the jaw harp (I can make it twang!)
My friend Jeff and I took Twentieth-Century Music last semester and we learned about Theremin and his . . . uh, Theremin. So that's how I know. But I knew of it before hand from Good Vibrations.
My friend Jeff and I took Twentieth-Century Music last semester and we learned about Theremin and his . . . uh, Theremin. So that's how I know. But I knew of it before hand from Good Vibrations.
Good Vibrations a la Marky Mark Wahlberg and the Funky Bunch?!
If you've been nominated, you can submit a fifteen word statement explaining why you should be chosen. Submit it to this thread. And do it stat. I'll be posting a poll thread tomorrow. Or maybe Friday.
ive sent you a pm sir Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore with nomination
Oh wow.
The excitement is building now....
its like your in my mind!
Tempe Arizonia
DJ Rose
If you're on this, post your fifteen word campaign speech and I'll copy it into the new poll thread.
Tempe Arizonia
DJ Rose
If you're on this, post your fifteen word campaign speech and I'll copy it into the new poll thread.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore
btw, 7stars is on there twice..
and when the crap was I nominated?!
J0rge, you know everyone's going to vote for you, so go ahead and don't even worry about making a poll this time around.
that concludes my 15 word campaign speech
^^^ hey thats 15! thurr ya go!
Everyone deserves this, but why me?
I'd feel super-loved if people voted, you see?
(hehe.... I like rhyming. even if rhyming "me" and "see" is kinda lame. oh well.)
(have fun voting guys!)
That's my campaign speech.
I know, I contradict myself.
I agree with Kikky. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore has already won this.
I love OK Go and you guys. Many worthy nominees. Please join the Unofficial Fan Club.
OK Go is only one word, because it's a proper noun.
that concludes my 15 word campaign speech
^^^ hey thats 15! thurr ya go!
Exactly what I was afraid of! My vote goes to Agentnumone.
Thank you for the kind nominations, but I respectfully withdraw my name from the poll.
Miss Alice, Whom I Adore, sort of has a bit of a ring to it.
Tah Dah!
I want Ihave7stars anyways...
thinking patriotic, but only "shes a grand old flag" from clone high comes to mind.
Ode to the Theremin:
O, the theremin
Nothing to do with campaigns
But pretty bad-ass
even though they usually confuse me...
but lovely haikus make me say... i vote tonetoile!
Ode to the Theremin:
O, the theremin
Nothing to do with campaigns
But pretty bad-ass
Holy shit . . . you are my hero right now.
A hiaku about Theremins?! Genius.
I vote Tonetoile.
there will be a new thread today/tomos/friday
A hiaku about Theremins?! Genius.
Hahaha, I'm just glad people know what a theremin is. It's next on my "instruments to master" list... assuming 1) I can find one and 2) I ever actually perfect the jaw harp (I can make it twang!)
Good Vibrations a la Marky Mark Wahlberg and the Funky Bunch?!
ahahah I love that name.