In this Discussion

Multiple Choice!



  • I'd like to say C, but I've never seen a round sharpener before, so A, because it's cooler.

    Man, I need to find some better adjectives.

    You have this pencil.
    A. You use it for your eyes.
    B. You use it to write or draw
    C. You use it to injure people.
    D. You don't use it, you just stare at it.
  • a and d, ahahah

    courtney my love, ur CRAZY!

    u just opened a box of...
    a. cereal
    b. raisins
    c. oatmeal
    d. chicken
    e. wine
  • D. Hehe, boxed chicken.

    The secret ingredient to your famous cookies is....
    A. Sugar
    B. Spices
    C. Love
    D. Your mom
  • c! yayyy love!

    i need ________ right now.

    a. julian
    b. food!
    c. some lovin'
    d. other
  • A and C. LOL

    _______: my anti-drug.
    A. Me (Hey, it makes so much sense!)
    B. Ballroom dancing
    C. Love
    D. Those cool striped bras at Victoria's Secret
  • c!!!

    i like ____________ eyes on the opposite sex.

    a. blue
    b. green
    c. brown
    d. hazel
    e. other (purple contacts, etc.)
  • Can I say all of the above except E?

    _________: who needs em?
    1. Models
    2. Teachers
    3. Supersize fires
    4. Carbs
    5. Crest WhiteStrips
  • uhh..5!

    is that a bad answer?

    a. yes
    b. no
    c. what?
  • B.

    Roses are red, violets are blue...
    1. I'm really awesome, and so are you!
    2. 5 plus 4 is 9 and 1 plus 1 is 2!
    3. I don't like rhyming.
    4. Piggies go Oink and cows go MOO.
  • 1!!! :]

    courtney likes..

    a. puppies!
    b. kittens!
    c. food!
    d. none of the above
  • C all the way!

    A. rocks.
    B. ...welis.
    D. Felis.

  • a!


    a. ew
    b. yum!
    c. oooh! pretty!
    d. *sniff sniff* i love the way they smell!
  • C. smile.gif

    Oh no! Courtney thinks...
    A. Her sister is reading the crazy Paolo Nutini thread which exposes a side of Courtney that no one in her family knows!
    B. That beef is wack.
    C. My name is Gina.
    D. She thinks? WOW!

    (My answer would be A. OMG.)
  • a it is then!

    melissa thinks...

    a. hmm..
    b. courtney has a sister on here?! (my real answer)
    c. she must go swimming!
  • B.

    I think she's a guest. But she is on the JC as Chelsea-tastic.
    (She got it from me, by the way. I'm the original Tastic.)

    __________________. This is why I'm hot.
    A. I can stand on my head.
    B. I look awesome in a four piece.
    C. My name is spelt differently backwards.
    D. I ROCK.
  • c. assilem


    i love..

    a. julian
    b. melissa
    c. paolo
    d. all of the above
  • d. of course! biggrin.gif

    i want to go to_______:
    a. London
    b. Paris
    c. LA
    d. NYC
  • hmm..currently, d! JULIAN! bahah.

    come with me?

    a. yes
    b. ew
    c. no
  • um a. heck yes!

    when should we go find Julian?
    a. when we're all 18
    b. 3 thursdays from now
    c. this exact second
  • c! well..maybe b..

    what do you think?

    a. what i said
    b. now!
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