Alright my fellow OKGO-gees, I have a proposal for all of you! I know the boys have inspired us to hop on our mothers' treadmills and shed some pounds, but they also have inspired for us to video tape it! Now I'm sure we all have our own little dance numbers we have worked up with our friends and it is a damn shame to keep them to ourselves. So if anyone has any sweet spandex-synchronized-video brillance to share with the rest of us please do share. If you moonwalk on over to the sound check site ( and post your sniz then dance on back to this topic post and leave your link we can all hold hands and watch videos of one another making asses of ourselves or making something of ourselves. Maybe we should have a contest or something and all vote on whose video is shitty, lame ass, so so, or OK! Would be cool to have a whole OK Go community over there!