click on "More from this User" to see the others (username: egg07212003).
This person also wrote a blog entry (with pics and with all the video files embedded) about the show. It just shows up as question marks on my computer (which means it is probably in Chinese). Anyone here read Chinese and want to give a translation?
ooo, thx! Babelfish!! Well, if I were back at school, I'd babelfish it, since the school computers have chinese script I have a friend who knows chinese, but I don't wanna bug her... maybe somebody else here speaks chinese?
I tried running it through Google's translator, but it did a pretty crappy job. It all seems like random words to me.
If you keep reading you can get some bits and pieces, it isn't entirely random. I think it's just linguistic nuances that are lost in translation. I love those pictures. Eozevera was there (visiting family in Taipei, methinks), she got to talk to all the guys, Tim and Dan more than Andy and Damian. But that's all I know. Hopefully she'll post here later? I think she's planning on being at the Japan show too.
When you watch "Egg's" version of AMW, you'll notice they are sharing the stage with someone (that Andy and Dan applaud during their little improv). Here's a view from a different angle and Damian explains:
This is my really long review about what happened. My partner in crime in this story is my sister, Julia. It was really hot, so my brain wasn't working properly. Dan and Tim were really nice. Little Asian girls LOVE Tim. Wherever he went, there were a pack of them following him and taking pictures with him. I took some video, but I can't upload it now because the wi-fi I'm pirating is really slow.
I left my grandparents’ apartment at around 10:30 to head over to Formoz to buy the tickets. I got there around 11, an hour before they start selling the one day tickets. There were lots of people sitting around, but I couldn’t tell if there was a line or not. My mom asked a girl if there was a line and she said no. So I just sat down and waited. At 11:30, they made a line and I was definitely within the first 500, so I stopped worrying about whether or not I would get tickets. Then at 12, they moved the line. We didn’t actually get the tickets until 12:30 or so. After we got them, we went to get my wristband. My mom had wandered away and talked to some of the girls working at Formoz while I was waiting in the ticket line, so when I went to go get my wristband, she made me get it from the girls she had been talking to. I got my mom to ask them when people usually started lining up. They said that people haven’t been lining up too early. People usually get there around 5 and gates open at 5:30. But then she said that the Wind Stage (OK Go’s stage) is really popular and so is OK Go, so we should be there around 4 to be safe. Then we went back to the apartment because my mom had to take Julia to get her haircut. So I waited for a long time before we left. I wanted to leave without Julia, but she didn’t know how to get there, so I had to wait for her. We ended up getting there at 4:30, but there was no one around. There were a couple of people, but there was no line or anything, so we just sat down and waited. We kept an eye out for the guys or Mike Kent, but we didn’t see anyone. Then there was something that looked like a line, but I wasn’t really sure. One of the staff girls was saying something about keeping the area in front of the entrance clear and to line up, but she never said anything about where to line up. I ended up standing in the line, which was the actual line, so that was good. We weren’t the first people, but we were towards the front. While we were waiting, we heard the girls behind us say OK Go, so naturally I freaked out and started worrying again. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be in the front.
A little after 5:30, they let us in. I had a general idea of where the stage was, but I wasn’t entirely sure. I just kept walking in the same direction as everyone else. There were a lot of stairs, so I was really tired by the time we got to the top. I found the stage and headed towards the middle, slightly to the left. The stage was like eight feet away from the barricade and at least six feet high. We definitely did not have to get there so early. The stage was in a little square and it was pretty empty. We had little fans that some radio station had been giving away. They were small and circular, so I decided to put OK Go stickers on it because I brought a bunch with me. I still have a ton from Capitol. There were three bands before OK Go. The first two were pretty good. They had little bits of English in some songs. I could only understand a few random words when they sang in Chinese, so I had no idea what most of the songs were about. We were still on the lookout for one of the guys. Julia saw a guy that looked like Mike Kent, but he wasn’t. He was shorter, but he was dressed like Mike Kent. The third band started playing and they were horrible. Their guitarist was pretty funny though. He kept making weird hand movements and pretending that his hands were attacking him. During the first song, Julia said that she saw Mike Kent. I looked around and I saw him behind the stage. We started freaking out and we were happy that he was there. I mostly looked at him instead of the band because they weren’t that great. It was bad that we were in the front row because he would keep going to the edge of the stage and trying to get people to cheer and stuff, but Julia and I just stood there, fanning ourselves. Then Julia said, “I see Dan, save my place.” She grabbed the photo of Dan that she brought as a present for him and ran away. I kept looking over at them, wishing that I could be talking to Dan instead of watching a crappy band with a lead singer that keeps trying to get me to clap. When Julia came back, I kept making sad frowny faces at her. While we were watching the bad band, we saw Jordan walking around behind the stage, so we got all excited again because we weren’t sure if they were bringing Jordan with them. Finally, the bad band finished playing.
Mike, Jordan, and Brendan came out and started setting up. Dan came out a little after to set up his drums. We yelled at Mike, but he didn’t hear us. When tried again when he was setting up Tim’s mic and he heard us. He looked up and we waved. Then he said, “What are you guys doing here?” Then I said something like, “To see you guys” and I pointed at him, but I don’t think he heard me. A little later, we yelled and waved at Jordan when he got closer to us and he waved back at us and kind of laughed. After Dan finished setting up his drums, he went to the edge of the stage and started taking pictures of the crowd. I smiled at first, but then I just started making faces at him. I don’t think he noticed us and I’m sure I look horrible in that picture. There were a ton of photographers in front. One of them saw my fan and asked if I made it myself. I said yes, even though all I did was stick two stickers on it. Then she asked if she could take a picture of me and Julia holding our fans. There was a girl next to Julia who thought that we were with OK Go and she asked if we knew what flight they were going to be on. Then Julia just said no. Then the girl asked where Julia was from and she said San Francisco. Then the girl asked if Julia was going back with them and Julia said no and that they were going to Australia next. Then the girl asked if Julia was going to Australia with them and Julia said no and that she was just a fan.
At 9:20, they started playing. The set list was:
Television, Television Don’t Ask Me Good Idea At The Time No Sign Of Life The Fix Is In It’s A Disaster You’re So Damn Hot Prove My Love Get Over It Oh Lately It’s So Quiet Invincible Here It Goes Again Do What You Want Dance
When they first came on, Damian said, “We are OK Go” in Chinese. He said some other stuff in Chinese, but I have no idea what. Everyone else seemed to know what he said though. Damian seemed pretty happy. He was smiling a lot and this is the first time in a long time where he hasn’t been sick when I see them. He forgot the words in the beginning of Good Idea, but he just kept going. There were some mic problems. It cut out once or twice and Damian made a face at Tim when it happened. When they played The Fix Is In, he changed Boston to Taipei. The cover was Prove My Love. We shouted for ELO, but it was too late because they went straight into the song. We were wondering if Damian was going to leave the stage because it was way too high for him to jump off, but he managed to climb down. I think he might of used the speakers to help him get down. I’m not sure because the crowd went crazy. There were these girls behind me that kept saying, “Damian is sexy!” and “Marry me Damian!” so when he came close to us, they kept trying to push up closer to the front. Jordan was taking pictures of the crowd for Dan during the concert. Damian sprinkled water from a water bottle on the crowd. I wouldn’t have cared except I had my camera out and all of my stuff was on the ground in front of me, so it got wet. I forgot to charge the camera battery, so it had the low battery sign on all the time, otherwise I would have taken a lot more video. During Do What You Want, Damian went over towards Tim’s side of the stage and stood on top of a speaker. Then he started climbing the scaffolding and the crowd went crazy again and started pushing some more. The security was standing below trying to make sure he didn’t fall. I’m really sad that I didn’t get video of it. The heat melted my brain, so I wasn’t able to make smart decisions. Then it was time for the dance. Damian told this little story about how there were some kids in their dressing room and they could do the dance perfectly, so they had to show Taiwan that they were good dancers too. So they did the dance next to each other. Then it was over. They did a group bow and started hugging each other. The show was over at around 10:10, which made me sad because they were supposed to play until 10:20.
While we were standing there, some lady came up to us and asked us in Chinese if we wanted to say something about the show. We told her that we only spoke English. Then she said, “Okay. MTV.” She pointed at the microphone, which had the MTV logo on it. Then she gave us the microphone and turned on the camera. Then we just made fools of ourselves. I said something about how OK Go is amazing and Julia said something about how we’ve seen them 11 times. It was really bad because our minds had melted from the heat, so we couldn’t think. We were also really sweaty. I don’t think it will end up anywhere though. At least, I hope it doesn’t end up anywhere. We waited for Mike to come closer to us and then we yelled at him for the set list. He looked around and then said, “How am I supposed to get down there?” because the stage was so high, but we didn’t know how he was supposed to get down, so we just shrugged at him. He picked up a set list and folded it and a guy was walking by, so Mike said, “Hey, dude!” but he didn’t hear him. Then Mike gave it to this lady and pointed at us and she came over and gave it to us. The set list looked like this:
Then I got selfish and wanted one of my own, so I wanted to yell at Jordan and ask him for another set list. When he came closer, I yelled, “Set list!” at him, but he just waved at us. Then he walked away and was looking around like he was looking for a set list, but then he never came back. I don’t know whether or not he heard us say set list. People started leaving right after OK Go finished playing, so I had to grab all of the stickers out of my bag and start passing them out. One girl asked how I got the stickers and I said from the record company. Then she said, “You work for Capitol?” I said no and told her I was just on the street team and she said something like, “That’s still really cool!” Then we moved towards the side to wait for someone to walk out. We watched Mike, Jordan, and Brendan pack away all of the stuff. We were also hoping that maybe Mike or Jordan would come closer so we could talk to them, but they seemed pretty busy. We waited and finally I saw Dan walking out, so I ran towards the barricade. There was a guy sitting on a chair, guarding the barricade, and he stood up to stop me, but then Dan gave me a hug, so he sat back down. We talked to Dan for a long time about why we were there and how we're old ladies. I also gave him a present, which was just a little travel game.
Then Dan walked away back to the dressing room. Then we went to get something to drink. After Julia bought a Coke, we sat down on the steps and waited for a while. Then I saw Andy and Dan walking away from us. They had walked behind us, but we hadn’t noticed them. So I grabbed all of my stuff and got up. I made some noises and pointed at them and then I ran after them. Then Julia got her stuff and ran after them too. I stopped running and just walked really quickly until I saw Tim in front of me. It looked like he was talking to these three girls walking behind him, so I didn’t go up to him right away. Then the girls kind of fell behind and Tim was just walking, so I ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He was looking at something, so he didn’t turn around. Then I said something like, “Fine. Don’t turn around.” He turned around right as I finished saying that. He looked pretty surprised and gave me a hug. Then he said, “Walk with me.” So I walked with him, but then a bunch of girls came to talk to him, so I walked away a little bit until I was standing next to Brendan, who was looking back at Tim. Then I said, “I think that’s my fault” because I had slowed Tim down. We kept walking until we were behind Dan. Tim caught up with us after a little bit and then Julia pointed at his shirt, which was a Shout Out Louds shirt. They talked about them for a little bit. Then I asked Tim about the scarf I made him. It turns out, he never knew who gave him the scarf because I didn't give it to him directly. He really liked it though. He said he wore it all the time. We kept walking up a hill and talking about Summer Sonic.
We finally reached the top of the hill, where Yo La Tengo was playing. Then we had to try and walk through the crowd. We saw Dan again. I told Tim about why I didn’t bring them brownies. Then he walked away and I gave the Japanese girls a bunch of stickers. They tried to give some of them back to me because they thought that I had given them too much, but I told them to keep it because I had a lot. They kept thanking me, which was weird because I’m a fat, rude American, so if someone gave me a ton of stickers, I’d just say thanks once and walk away. I went after Julia, who had kept walking. Dan was standing there and Brendan said something like, “Dan is staying here.” Then Brendan walked away. I saw Andy up ahead, so I started following him. Julia went up and poked him with her Sharpie, but he didn’t turn around. We kept walking after him until we reached a barricade. I’m pretty sure that the barricade was blocking off the backstage of the stage Yo La Tengo was playing on. We saw Damian standing there and he was wearing the shorts. Julia had been talking to Andy, but she stopped when she saw Damian and went closer to him and started talking to him. It was funny because there was a light in the ground and Damian was standing right on top of it and when he moved off of it, it got brighter. Then it was really weird because I was just standing next to Andy, not saying anything. I talked to him a little bit about his gold Telecaster, but that was it.
Julia got Damian to sign the set list. He crossed out the part of the set list that said, “MILLION???” because they didn’t play it. Then he was going to put that date on it, but he didn’t know it, so he turned to Andy and asked him what day it was. Then Andy and I both said, “29” and I think Damian realized I was standing there because he looked at me. Then he had a confused look on his face and I said, “July.” Then he still looked confused and said, “Seven?” I said yes and then he finally wrote the date down. They were going to go backstage, so we waved goodbye to them. Tim had found his way to where we were and there were a bunch of girls around him getting pictures and autographs. Julia went up to him because she wanted him to sign her set list, but one of the staff girls stopped her and said no. Then Tim said, “No, it’s all right” and signed the set list. Then Tim was going to leave, so we said bye, but it was then that I realized that he was wearing a Shout Out Louds shirt because I didn’t hear when Julia was talking to him about it. Basically I just pointed at Tim and said, “You’re wearing a Shout Out Louds shirt!” But he just walked away and Julia told me what had happened when she asked about the shirt. Then we decided to look for Dan again. Julia had lost her OK Go fan, so she was trying to find another fan that she could make into an OK Go fan. We found Dan again. He was pretty much in the exact same spot where he was before. A lot of people were coming over to talk to him or get him to sign stuff, so we just waited off to the side. One guy came up and wanted Dan to sign the back of his shirt, so he started to take his shirt off, but Dan’s translator kept trying to get him to just turn around and keep his shirt on. But the guy kept insisting on taking his shirt off, so he did. I was laughing when this was happening because it was pretty funny. Dan looked over at me when I was laughing, but he didn’t say anything. Julia got Dan to sign her set list. Then we wanted to take pictures with Dan, so we did. There were these weird cardboard cutouts of cartoon rockstars behind us, so we decided to take pictures in front of them. Then we hugged Dan and said bye because we had to catch the last train back to our grandparents’ place.
So we started walking back down the hill. Julia had stopped because she was looking for her fan. I had been walking, but I stopped and turned around to see what she was doing. Then I saw Andy walking down the hill. I said hi and then I started walking with him. Then we were walking past a statue of a soldier and a horse. Julia said, “Oh, let’s take a picture here!” Andy started to say no, but then he said fine in a kind of annoyed tone. Julia was holding her drink, but she didn’t want it in the picture, so she hid it behind her back. Right before I took the picture, Andy hid his beer behind his back too. Then he said to me, “You want one too?” I said sure and we took a picture. After we were done, I thought we were going to say goodbye, but then Andy said, “Let’s roll.” So I kept walking with him, but it was weird. We talked a little bit about why we were here, but we were mostly just walking.
Then we kept walking and it was really awkward because we weren’t saying anything and there was no reason for us to be walking with him because we weren’t going to the dressing room. Julia had stopped to throw something away, so I looked back and Andy did too. Then we got to the barricade where we first saw Dan. Andy said, “This is it.” Then he opened his arms up for a hug, which I was not expecting at all, but I hugged him. Then he hugged Julia. Julia said, “Say bye to Mike and Jordan for us.” We said bye to him and then we left. While we were walking out, we saw Dan and Brendan again. I said, “We’re not stalking you.” Julia said, “Bye again.” Then we caught the last train back and Julia never found her OK Go fan again.
This is my really long review about what happened. My partner in crime in this story is my sister, Julia. It was really hot, so my brain wasn't working properly. Dan and Tim were really nice. Little Asian girls LOVE Tim. Wherever he went, there were a pack of them following him and taking pictures with him. I took some video, but I can't upload it now because the wi-fi I'm pirating is really slow.
I left my grandparents' apartment at around 10:30 to head over to Formoz to buy the tickets. I got there around 11, an hour before they start selling the one day tickets. There were lots of people sitting around, but I couldn't tell if there was a line or not. My mom asked a girl if there was a line and she said no. So I just sat down and waited. At 11:30, they made a line and I was definitely within the first 500, so I stopped worrying about whether or not I would get tickets. Then at 12, they moved the line. We didn't actually get the tickets until 12:30 or so. After we got them, we went to get my wristband. My mom had wandered away and talked to some of the girls working at Formoz while I was waiting in the ticket line, so when I went to go get my wristband, she made me get it from the girls she had been talking to. I got my mom to ask them when people usually started lining up. They said that people haven't been lining up too early. People usually get there around 5 and gates open at 5:30. But then she said that the Wind Stage (OK Go's stage) is really popular and so is OK Go, so we should be there around 4 to be safe. Then we went back to the apartment because my mom had to take Julia to get her haircut. So I waited for a long time before we left. I wanted to leave without Julia, but she didn't know how to get there, so I had to wait for her. We ended up getting there at 4:30, but there was no one around. There were a couple of people, but there was no line or anything, so we just sat down and waited. We kept an eye out for the guys or Mike Kent, but we didn't see anyone. Then there was something that looked like a line, but I wasn't really sure. One of the staff girls was saying something about keeping the area in front of the entrance clear and to line up, but she never said anything about where to line up. I ended up standing in the line, which was the actual line, so that was good. We weren't the first people, but we were towards the front. While we were waiting, we heard the girls behind us say OK Go, so naturally I freaked out and started worrying again. I was afraid that I wouldn't be in the front.
A little after 5:30, they let us in. I had a general idea of where the stage was, but I wasn't entirely sure. I just kept walking in the same direction as everyone else. There were a lot of stairs, so I was really tired by the time we got to the top. I found the stage and headed towards the middle, slightly to the left. The stage was like eight feet away from the barricade and at least six feet high. We definitely did not have to get there so early. The stage was in a little square and it was pretty empty. We had little fans that some radio station had been giving away. They were small and circular, so I decided to put OK Go stickers on it because I brought a bunch with me. I still have a ton from Capitol. There were three bands before OK Go. The first two were pretty good. They had little bits of English in some songs. I could only understand a few random words when they sang in Chinese, so I had no idea what most of the songs were about. We were still on the lookout for one of the guys. Julia saw a guy that looked like Mike Kent, but he wasn't. He was shorter, but he was dressed like Mike Kent. The third band started playing and they were horrible. Their guitarist was pretty funny though. He kept making weird hand movements and pretending that his hands were attacking him. During the first song, Julia said that she saw Mike Kent. I looked around and I saw him behind the stage. We started freaking out and we were happy that he was there. I mostly looked at him instead of the band because they weren't that great. It was bad that we were in the front row because he would keep going to the edge of the stage and trying to get people to cheer and stuff, but Julia and I just stood there, fanning ourselves. Then Julia said, "I see Dan, save my place." She grabbed the photo of Dan that she brought as a present for him and ran away. I kept looking over at them, wishing that I could be talking to Dan instead of watching a crappy band with a lead singer that keeps trying to get me to clap. When Julia came back, I kept making sad frowny faces at her. While we were watching the bad band, we saw Jordan walking around behind the stage, so we got all excited again because we weren't sure if they were bringing Jordan with them. Finally, the bad band finished playing.
Mike, Jordan, and Brendan came out and started setting up. Dan came out a little after to set up his drums. We yelled at Mike, but he didn't hear us. When tried again when he was setting up Tim's mic and he heard us. He looked up and we waved. Then he said, "What are you guys doing here?" Then I said something like, "To see you guys" and I pointed at him, but I don't think he heard me. A little later, we yelled and waved at Jordan when he got closer to us and he waved back at us and kind of laughed. After Dan finished setting up his drums, he went to the edge of the stage and started taking pictures of the crowd. I smiled at first, but then I just started making faces at him. I don't think he noticed us and I'm sure I look horrible in that picture. There were a ton of photographers in front. One of them saw my fan and asked if I made it myself. I said yes, even though all I did was stick two stickers on it. Then she asked if she could take a picture of me and Julia holding our fans. There was a girl next to Julia who thought that we were with OK Go and she asked if we knew what flight they were going to be on. Then Julia just said no. Then the girl asked where Julia was from and she said San Francisco. Then the girl asked if Julia was going back with them and Julia said no and that they were going to Australia next. Then the girl asked if Julia was going to Australia with them and Julia said no and that she was just a fan.
At 9:20, they started playing. The set list was:
Television, Television Don't Ask Me Good Idea At The Time No Sign Of Life The Fix Is In It's A Disaster You're So Damn Hot Prove My Love Get Over It Oh Lately It's So Quiet Invincible Here It Goes Again Do What You Want Dance
When they first came on, Damian said, "We are OK Go" in Chinese. He said some other stuff in Chinese, but I have no idea what. Everyone else seemed to know what he said though. Damian seemed pretty happy. He was smiling a lot and this is the first time in a long time where he hasn't been sick when I see them. He forgot the words in the beginning of Good Idea, but he just kept going. There were some mic problems. It cut out once or twice and Damian made a face at Tim when it happened. When they played The Fix Is In, he changed Boston to Taipei. The cover was Prove My Love. We shouted for ELO, but it was too late because they went straight into the song. We were wondering if Damian was going to leave the stage because it was way too high for him to jump off, but he managed to climb down. I think he might of used the speakers to help him get down. I'm not sure because the crowd went crazy. There were these girls behind me that kept saying, "Damian is sexy!" and "Marry me Damian!" so when he came close to us, they kept trying to push up closer to the front. Jordan was taking pictures of the crowd for Dan during the concert. Damian sprinkled water from a water bottle on the crowd. I wouldn't have cared except I had my camera out and all of my stuff was on the ground in front of me, so it got wet. I forgot to charge the camera battery, so it had the low battery sign on all the time, otherwise I would have taken a lot more video. During Do What You Want, Damian went over towards Tim's side of the stage and stood on top of a speaker. Then he started climbing the scaffolding and the crowd went crazy again and started pushing some more. The security was standing below trying to make sure he didn't fall. I'm really sad that I didn't get video of it. The heat melted my brain, so I wasn't able to make smart decisions. Then it was time for the dance. Damian told this little story about how there were some kids in their dressing room and they could do the dance perfectly, so they had to show Taiwan that they were good dancers too. So they did the dance next to each other. Then it was over. They did a group bow and started hugging each other. The show was over at around 10:10, which made me sad because they were supposed to play until 10:20.
While we were standing there, some lady came up to us and asked us in Chinese if we wanted to say something about the show. We told her that we only spoke English. Then she said, "Okay. MTV." She pointed at the microphone, which had the MTV logo on it. Then she gave us the microphone and turned on the camera. Then we just made fools of ourselves. I said something about how OK Go is amazing and Julia said something about how we've seen them 11 times. It was really bad because our minds had melted from the heat, so we couldn't think. We were also really sweaty. I don't think it will end up anywhere though. At least, I hope it doesn't end up anywhere. We waited for Mike to come closer to us and then we yelled at him for the set list. He looked around and then said, "How am I supposed to get down there?" because the stage was so high, but we didn't know how he was supposed to get down, so we just shrugged at him. He picked up a set list and folded it and a guy was walking by, so Mike said, "Hey, dude!" but he didn't hear him. Then Mike gave it to this lady and pointed at us and she came over and gave it to us. The set list looked like this:
Then I got selfish and wanted one of my own, so I wanted to yell at Jordan and ask him for another set list. When he came closer, I yelled, "Set list!" at him, but he just waved at us. Then he walked away and was looking around like he was looking for a set list, but then he never came back. I don't know whether or not he heard us say set list. People started leaving right after OK Go finished playing, so I had to grab all of the stickers out of my bag and start passing them out. One girl asked how I got the stickers and I said from the record company. Then she said, "You work for Capitol?" I said no and told her I was just on the street team and she said something like, "That's still really cool!" Then we moved towards the side to wait for someone to walk out. We watched Mike, Jordan, and Brendan pack away all of the stuff. We were also hoping that maybe Mike or Jordan would come closer so we could talk to them, but they seemed pretty busy. We waited and finally I saw Dan walking out, so I ran towards the barricade. There was a guy sitting on a chair, guarding the barricade, and he stood up to stop me, but then Dan gave me a hug, so he sat back down. We talked to Dan for a long time about why we were there and how we're old ladies. I also gave him a present, which was just a little travel game.
Then Dan walked away back to the dressing room. Then we went to get something to drink. After Julia bought a Coke, we sat down on the steps and waited for a while. Then I saw Andy and Dan walking away from us. They had walked behind us, but we hadn't noticed them. So I grabbed all of my stuff and got up. I made some noises and pointed at them and then I ran after them. Then Julia got her stuff and ran after them too. I stopped running and just walked really quickly until I saw Tim in front of me. It looked like he was talking to these three girls walking behind him, so I didn't go up to him right away. Then the girls kind of fell behind and Tim was just walking, so I ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He was looking at something, so he didn't turn around. Then I said something like, "Fine. Don't turn around." He turned around right as I finished saying that. He looked pretty surprised and gave me a hug. Then he said, "Walk with me." So I walked with him, but then a bunch of girls came to talk to him, so I walked away a little bit until I was standing next to Brendan, who was looking back at Tim. Then I said, "I think that's my fault" because I had slowed Tim down. We kept walking until we were behind Dan. Tim caught up with us after a little bit and then Julia pointed at his shirt, which was a Shout Out Louds shirt. They talked about them for a little bit. Then I asked Tim about the scarf I made him. It turns out, he never knew who gave him the scarf because I didn't give it to him directly. He really liked it though. He said he wore it all the time. We kept walking up a hill and talking about Summer Sonic.
We finally reached the top of the hill, where Yo La Tengo was playing. Then we had to try and walk through the crowd. We saw Dan again. I told Tim about why I didn't bring them brownies. Then he walked away and I gave the Japanese girls a bunch of stickers. They tried to give some of them back to me because they thought that I had given them too much, but I told them to keep it because I had a lot. They kept thanking me, which was weird because I'm a fat, rude American, so if someone gave me a ton of stickers, I'd just say thanks once and walk away. I went after Julia, who had kept walking. Dan was standing there and Brendan said something like, "Dan is staying here." Then Brendan walked away. I saw Andy up ahead, so I started following him. Julia went up and poked him with her Sharpie, but he didn't turn around. We kept walking after him until we reached a barricade. I'm pretty sure that the barricade was blocking off the backstage of the stage Yo La Tengo was playing on. We saw Damian standing there and he was wearing the shorts. Julia had been talking to Andy, but she stopped when she saw Damian and went closer to him and started talking to him. It was funny because there was a light in the ground and Damian was standing right on top of it and when he moved off of it, it got brighter. Then it was really weird because I was just standing next to Andy, not saying anything. I talked to him a little bit about his gold Telecaster, but that was it.
Julia got Damian to sign the set list. He crossed out the part of the set list that said, "MILLION???" because they didn't play it. Then he was going to put that date on it, but he didn't know it, so he turned to Andy and asked him what day it was. Then Andy and I both said, "29" and I think Damian realized I was standing there because he looked at me. Then he had a confused look on his face and I said, "July." Then he still looked confused and said, "Seven?" I said yes and then he finally wrote the date down. They were going to go backstage, so we waved goodbye to them. Tim had found his way to where we were and there were a bunch of girls around him getting pictures and autographs. Julia went up to him because she wanted him to sign her set list, but one of the staff girls stopped her and said no. Then Tim said, "No, it's all right" and signed the set list. Then Tim was going to leave, so we said bye, but it was then that I realized that he was wearing a Shout Out Louds shirt because I didn't hear when Julia was talking to him about it. Basically I just pointed at Tim and said, "You're wearing a Shout Out Louds shirt!" But he just walked away and Julia told me what had happened when she asked about the shirt. Then we decided to look for Dan again. Julia had lost her OK Go fan, so she was trying to find another fan that she could make into an OK Go fan. We found Dan again. He was pretty much in the exact same spot where he was before. A lot of people were coming over to talk to him or get him to sign stuff, so we just waited off to the side. One guy came up and wanted Dan to sign the back of his shirt, so he started to take his shirt off, but Dan's translator kept trying to get him to just turn around and keep his shirt on. But the guy kept insisting on taking his shirt off, so he did. I was laughing when this was happening because it was pretty funny. Dan looked over at me when I was laughing, but he didn't say anything. Julia got Dan to sign her set list. Then we wanted to take pictures with Dan, so we did. There were these weird cardboard cutouts of cartoon rockstars behind us, so we decided to take pictures in front of them. Then we hugged Dan and said bye because we had to catch the last train back to our grandparents' place.
So we started walking back down the hill. Julia had stopped because she was looking for her fan. I had been walking, but I stopped and turned around to see what she was doing. Then I saw Andy walking down the hill. I said hi and then I started walking with him. Then we were walking past a statue of a soldier and a horse. Julia said, "Oh, let's take a picture here!" Andy started to say no, but then he said fine in a kind of annoyed tone. Julia was holding her drink, but she didn't want it in the picture, so she hid it behind her back. Right before I took the picture, Andy hid his beer behind his back too. Then he said to me, "You want one too?" I said sure and we took a picture. After we were done, I thought we were going to say goodbye, but then Andy said, "Let's roll." So I kept walking with him, but it was weird. We talked a little bit about why we were here, but we were mostly just walking.
Then we kept walking and it was really awkward because we weren't saying anything and there was no reason for us to be walking with him because we weren't going to the dressing room. Julia had stopped to throw something away, so I looked back and Andy did too. Then we got to the barricade where we first saw Dan. Andy said, "This is it." Then he opened his arms up for a hug, which I was not expecting at all, but I hugged him. Then he hugged Julia. Julia said, "Say bye to Mike and Jordan for us." We said bye to him and then we left. While we were walking out, we saw Dan and Brendan again. I said, "We're not stalking you." Julia said, "Bye again." Then we caught the last train back and Julia never found her OK Go fan again.
Then Andy and I both said, “29” and I think Damian realized I was standing there because he looked at me. Then he had a confused look on his face and I said, “July.” Then he still looked confused and said, “Seven?” I said yes and then he finally wrote the date down.
Cool, Kalinda--I'm glad you got to spend time with all of them. Awesome about Tim finding out you made the scarf, and very cool that he wanted you to walk with him.
Sorry about the Andy weirdness, but the hugs at the end were way sweet
I'm glad you all enjoyed my little write-up. I thought I put in too many useless details, but it seems like you guys liked them.
QUOTE (sherib @ Aug 5 2007, 01:06 AM)
Sorry about the Andy weirdness, but the hugs at the end were way sweet
Are you going to the Japan show?
I don't know why it was so weird because I've talked to him plenty of times before and it was never weird. Maybe it was just because we were in Taiwan. Everything seemed kind of weird.
I'm planning on going to both Japan shows. Both of them are sold out, but Dan said that he would try to get us in. Hopefully he'll come through.
I'm glad you all enjoyed my little write-up. I thought I put in too many useless details, but it seems like you guys liked them. I don't know why it was so weird because I've talked to him plenty of times before and it was never weird. Maybe it was just because we were in Taiwan. Everything seemed kind of weird.
I'm planning on going to both Japan shows. Both of them are sold out, but Dan said that he would try to get us in. Hopefully he'll come through.
I think everyone gets a weird night eventually.
Ooh, didn't remember there were two. And ooh, no-ticket finger-crosser nights ... Good luck--I hope he comes through! I'll cross mine for you
Well, if I were back at school, I'd babelfish it, since the school computers have chinese script
I have a friend who knows chinese, but I don't wanna bug her...
maybe somebody else here speaks chinese?
I tried running it through Google's translator, but it did a pretty crappy job. It all seems like random words to me.
haha i love dan!
If you keep reading you can get some bits and pieces, it isn't entirely random. I think it's just linguistic nuances that are lost in translation. I love those pictures. Eozevera was there (visiting family in Taipei, methinks), she got to talk to all the guys, Tim and Dan more than Andy and Damian. But that's all I know. Hopefully she'll post here later? I think she's planning on being at the Japan show too.
hahaha, oh dan
I left my grandparents’ apartment at around 10:30 to head over to Formoz to buy the tickets. I got there around 11, an hour before they start selling the one day tickets. There were lots of people sitting around, but I couldn’t tell if there was a line or not. My mom asked a girl if there was a line and she said no. So I just sat down and waited. At 11:30, they made a line and I was definitely within the first 500, so I stopped worrying about whether or not I would get tickets. Then at 12, they moved the line. We didn’t actually get the tickets until 12:30 or so. After we got them, we went to get my wristband. My mom had wandered away and talked to some of the girls working at Formoz while I was waiting in the ticket line, so when I went to go get my wristband, she made me get it from the girls she had been talking to. I got my mom to ask them when people usually started lining up. They said that people haven’t been lining up too early. People usually get there around 5 and gates open at 5:30. But then she said that the Wind Stage (OK Go’s stage) is really popular and so is OK Go, so we should be there around 4 to be safe. Then we went back to the apartment because my mom had to take Julia to get her haircut. So I waited for a long time before we left. I wanted to leave without Julia, but she didn’t know how to get there, so I had to wait for her. We ended up getting there at 4:30, but there was no one around. There were a couple of people, but there was no line or anything, so we just sat down and waited. We kept an eye out for the guys or Mike Kent, but we didn’t see anyone. Then there was something that looked like a line, but I wasn’t really sure. One of the staff girls was saying something about keeping the area in front of the entrance clear and to line up, but she never said anything about where to line up. I ended up standing in the line, which was the actual line, so that was good. We weren’t the first people, but we were towards the front. While we were waiting, we heard the girls behind us say OK Go, so naturally I freaked out and started worrying again. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be in the front.
A little after 5:30, they let us in. I had a general idea of where the stage was, but I wasn’t entirely sure. I just kept walking in the same direction as everyone else. There were a lot of stairs, so I was really tired by the time we got to the top. I found the stage and headed towards the middle, slightly to the left. The stage was like eight feet away from the barricade and at least six feet high. We definitely did not have to get there so early. The stage was in a little square and it was pretty empty. We had little fans that some radio station had been giving away. They were small and circular, so I decided to put OK Go stickers on it because I brought a bunch with me. I still have a ton from Capitol. There were three bands before OK Go. The first two were pretty good. They had little bits of English in some songs. I could only understand a few random words when they sang in Chinese, so I had no idea what most of the songs were about. We were still on the lookout for one of the guys. Julia saw a guy that looked like Mike Kent, but he wasn’t. He was shorter, but he was dressed like Mike Kent. The third band started playing and they were horrible. Their guitarist was pretty funny though. He kept making weird hand movements and pretending that his hands were attacking him. During the first song, Julia said that she saw Mike Kent. I looked around and I saw him behind the stage. We started freaking out and we were happy that he was there. I mostly looked at him instead of the band because they weren’t that great. It was bad that we were in the front row because he would keep going to the edge of the stage and trying to get people to cheer and stuff, but Julia and I just stood there, fanning ourselves. Then Julia said, “I see Dan, save my place.” She grabbed the photo of Dan that she brought as a present for him and ran away. I kept looking over at them, wishing that I could be talking to Dan instead of watching a crappy band with a lead singer that keeps trying to get me to clap. When Julia came back, I kept making sad frowny faces at her. While we were watching the bad band, we saw Jordan walking around behind the stage, so we got all excited again because we weren’t sure if they were bringing Jordan with them. Finally, the bad band finished playing.
Mike, Jordan, and Brendan came out and started setting up. Dan came out a little after to set up his drums. We yelled at Mike, but he didn’t hear us. When tried again when he was setting up Tim’s mic and he heard us. He looked up and we waved. Then he said, “What are you guys doing here?” Then I said something like, “To see you guys” and I pointed at him, but I don’t think he heard me. A little later, we yelled and waved at Jordan when he got closer to us and he waved back at us and kind of laughed. After Dan finished setting up his drums, he went to the edge of the stage and started taking pictures of the crowd. I smiled at first, but then I just started making faces at him. I don’t think he noticed us and I’m sure I look horrible in that picture. There were a ton of photographers in front. One of them saw my fan and asked if I made it myself. I said yes, even though all I did was stick two stickers on it. Then she asked if she could take a picture of me and Julia holding our fans. There was a girl next to Julia who thought that we were with OK Go and she asked if we knew what flight they were going to be on. Then Julia just said no. Then the girl asked where Julia was from and she said San Francisco. Then the girl asked if Julia was going back with them and Julia said no and that they were going to Australia next. Then the girl asked if Julia was going to Australia with them and Julia said no and that she was just a fan.
At 9:20, they started playing. The set list was:
Television, Television
Don’t Ask Me
Good Idea At The Time
No Sign Of Life
The Fix Is In
It’s A Disaster
You’re So Damn Hot
Prove My Love
Get Over It
Oh Lately It’s So Quiet
Here It Goes Again
Do What You Want
When they first came on, Damian said, “We are OK Go” in Chinese. He said some other stuff in Chinese, but I have no idea what. Everyone else seemed to know what he said though. Damian seemed pretty happy. He was smiling a lot and this is the first time in a long time where he hasn’t been sick when I see them. He forgot the words in the beginning of Good Idea, but he just kept going. There were some mic problems. It cut out once or twice and Damian made a face at Tim when it happened. When they played The Fix Is In, he changed Boston to Taipei. The cover was Prove My Love. We shouted for ELO, but it was too late because they went straight into the song. We were wondering if Damian was going to leave the stage because it was way too high for him to jump off, but he managed to climb down. I think he might of used the speakers to help him get down. I’m not sure because the crowd went crazy. There were these girls behind me that kept saying, “Damian is sexy!” and “Marry me Damian!” so when he came close to us, they kept trying to push up closer to the front. Jordan was taking pictures of the crowd for Dan during the concert. Damian sprinkled water from a water bottle on the crowd. I wouldn’t have cared except I had my camera out and all of my stuff was on the ground in front of me, so it got wet. I forgot to charge the camera battery, so it had the low battery sign on all the time, otherwise I would have taken a lot more video. During Do What You Want, Damian went over towards Tim’s side of the stage and stood on top of a speaker. Then he started climbing the scaffolding and the crowd went crazy again and started pushing some more. The security was standing below trying to make sure he didn’t fall. I’m really sad that I didn’t get video of it. The heat melted my brain, so I wasn’t able to make smart decisions. Then it was time for the dance. Damian told this little story about how there were some kids in their dressing room and they could do the dance perfectly, so they had to show Taiwan that they were good dancers too. So they did the dance next to each other. Then it was over. They did a group bow and started hugging each other. The show was over at around 10:10, which made me sad because they were supposed to play until 10:20.
While we were standing there, some lady came up to us and asked us in Chinese if we wanted to say something about the show. We told her that we only spoke English. Then she said, “Okay. MTV.” She pointed at the microphone, which had the MTV logo on it. Then she gave us the microphone and turned on the camera. Then we just made fools of ourselves. I said something about how OK Go is amazing and Julia said something about how we’ve seen them 11 times. It was really bad because our minds had melted from the heat, so we couldn’t think. We were also really sweaty. I don’t think it will end up anywhere though. At least, I hope it doesn’t end up anywhere. We waited for Mike to come closer to us and then we yelled at him for the set list. He looked around and then said, “How am I supposed to get down there?” because the stage was so high, but we didn’t know how he was supposed to get down, so we just shrugged at him. He picked up a set list and folded it and a guy was walking by, so Mike said, “Hey, dude!” but he didn’t hear him. Then Mike gave it to this lady and pointed at us and she came over and gave it to us. The set list looked like this:
Then I got selfish and wanted one of my own, so I wanted to yell at Jordan and ask him for another set list. When he came closer, I yelled, “Set list!” at him, but he just waved at us. Then he walked away and was looking around like he was looking for a set list, but then he never came back. I don’t know whether or not he heard us say set list. People started leaving right after OK Go finished playing, so I had to grab all of the stickers out of my bag and start passing them out. One girl asked how I got the stickers and I said from the record company. Then she said, “You work for Capitol?” I said no and told her I was just on the street team and she said something like, “That’s still really cool!” Then we moved towards the side to wait for someone to walk out. We watched Mike, Jordan, and Brendan pack away all of the stuff. We were also hoping that maybe Mike or Jordan would come closer so we could talk to them, but they seemed pretty busy. We waited and finally I saw Dan walking out, so I ran towards the barricade. There was a guy sitting on a chair, guarding the barricade, and he stood up to stop me, but then Dan gave me a hug, so he sat back down. We talked to Dan for a long time about why we were there and how we're old ladies. I also gave him a present, which was just a little travel game.
Then Dan walked away back to the dressing room. Then we went to get something to drink. After Julia bought a Coke, we sat down on the steps and waited for a while. Then I saw Andy and Dan walking away from us. They had walked behind us, but we hadn’t noticed them. So I grabbed all of my stuff and got up. I made some noises and pointed at them and then I ran after them. Then Julia got her stuff and ran after them too. I stopped running and just walked really quickly until I saw Tim in front of me. It looked like he was talking to these three girls walking behind him, so I didn’t go up to him right away. Then the girls kind of fell behind and Tim was just walking, so I ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He was looking at something, so he didn’t turn around. Then I said something like, “Fine. Don’t turn around.” He turned around right as I finished saying that. He looked pretty surprised and gave me a hug. Then he said, “Walk with me.” So I walked with him, but then a bunch of girls came to talk to him, so I walked away a little bit until I was standing next to Brendan, who was looking back at Tim. Then I said, “I think that’s my fault” because I had slowed Tim down. We kept walking until we were behind Dan. Tim caught up with us after a little bit and then Julia pointed at his shirt, which was a Shout Out Louds shirt. They talked about them for a little bit. Then I asked Tim about the scarf I made him. It turns out, he never knew who gave him the scarf because I didn't give it to him directly. He really liked it though. He said he wore it all the time. We kept walking up a hill and talking about Summer Sonic.
We finally reached the top of the hill, where Yo La Tengo was playing. Then we had to try and walk through the crowd. We saw Dan again. I told Tim about why I didn’t bring them brownies. Then he walked away and I gave the Japanese girls a bunch of stickers. They tried to give some of them back to me because they thought that I had given them too much, but I told them to keep it because I had a lot. They kept thanking me, which was weird because I’m a fat, rude American, so if someone gave me a ton of stickers, I’d just say thanks once and walk away. I went after Julia, who had kept walking. Dan was standing there and Brendan said something like, “Dan is staying here.” Then Brendan walked away. I saw Andy up ahead, so I started following him. Julia went up and poked him with her Sharpie, but he didn’t turn around. We kept walking after him until we reached a barricade. I’m pretty sure that the barricade was blocking off the backstage of the stage Yo La Tengo was playing on. We saw Damian standing there and he was wearing the shorts. Julia had been talking to Andy, but she stopped when she saw Damian and went closer to him and started talking to him. It was funny because there was a light in the ground and Damian was standing right on top of it and when he moved off of it, it got brighter. Then it was really weird because I was just standing next to Andy, not saying anything. I talked to him a little bit about his gold Telecaster, but that was it.
Julia got Damian to sign the set list. He crossed out the part of the set list that said, “MILLION???” because they didn’t play it. Then he was going to put that date on it, but he didn’t know it, so he turned to Andy and asked him what day it was. Then Andy and I both said, “29” and I think Damian realized I was standing there because he looked at me. Then he had a confused look on his face and I said, “July.” Then he still looked confused and said, “Seven?” I said yes and then he finally wrote the date down. They were going to go backstage, so we waved goodbye to them. Tim had found his way to where we were and there were a bunch of girls around him getting pictures and autographs. Julia went up to him because she wanted him to sign her set list, but one of the staff girls stopped her and said no. Then Tim said, “No, it’s all right” and signed the set list. Then Tim was going to leave, so we said bye, but it was then that I realized that he was wearing a Shout Out Louds shirt because I didn’t hear when Julia was talking to him about it. Basically I just pointed at Tim and said, “You’re wearing a Shout Out Louds shirt!” But he just walked away and Julia told me what had happened when she asked about the shirt. Then we decided to look for Dan again. Julia had lost her OK Go fan, so she was trying to find another fan that she could make into an OK Go fan. We found Dan again. He was pretty much in the exact same spot where he was before. A lot of people were coming over to talk to him or get him to sign stuff, so we just waited off to the side. One guy came up and wanted Dan to sign the back of his shirt, so he started to take his shirt off, but Dan’s translator kept trying to get him to just turn around and keep his shirt on. But the guy kept insisting on taking his shirt off, so he did. I was laughing when this was happening because it was pretty funny. Dan looked over at me when I was laughing, but he didn’t say anything. Julia got Dan to sign her set list. Then we wanted to take pictures with Dan, so we did. There were these weird cardboard cutouts of cartoon rockstars behind us, so we decided to take pictures in front of them. Then we hugged Dan and said bye because we had to catch the last train back to our grandparents’ place.
So we started walking back down the hill. Julia had stopped because she was looking for her fan. I had been walking, but I stopped and turned around to see what she was doing. Then I saw Andy walking down the hill. I said hi and then I started walking with him. Then we were walking past a statue of a soldier and a horse. Julia said, “Oh, let’s take a picture here!” Andy started to say no, but then he said fine in a kind of annoyed tone. Julia was holding her drink, but she didn’t want it in the picture, so she hid it behind her back. Right before I took the picture, Andy hid his beer behind his back too. Then he said to me, “You want one too?” I said sure and we took a picture. After we were done, I thought we were going to say goodbye, but then Andy said, “Let’s roll.” So I kept walking with him, but it was weird. We talked a little bit about why we were here, but we were mostly just walking.
Then we kept walking and it was really awkward because we weren’t saying anything and there was no reason for us to be walking with him because we weren’t going to the dressing room. Julia had stopped to throw something away, so I looked back and Andy did too. Then we got to the barricade where we first saw Dan. Andy said, “This is it.” Then he opened his arms up for a hug, which I was not expecting at all, but I hugged him. Then he hugged Julia. Julia said, “Say bye to Mike and Jordan for us.” We said bye to him and then we left. While we were walking out, we saw Dan and Brendan again. I said, “We’re not stalking you.” Julia said, “Bye again.” Then we caught the last train back and Julia never found her OK Go fan again.
The ending was so sweet. I got all misty-eyed for you. What a beautiful moment, after walking alone with him to find a hug at the end of the trail.
Thank you for sharing your story- I loved every bit of it
I left my grandparents' apartment at around 10:30 to head over to Formoz to buy the tickets. I got there around 11, an hour before they start selling the one day tickets. There were lots of people sitting around, but I couldn't tell if there was a line or not. My mom asked a girl if there was a line and she said no. So I just sat down and waited. At 11:30, they made a line and I was definitely within the first 500, so I stopped worrying about whether or not I would get tickets. Then at 12, they moved the line. We didn't actually get the tickets until 12:30 or so. After we got them, we went to get my wristband. My mom had wandered away and talked to some of the girls working at Formoz while I was waiting in the ticket line, so when I went to go get my wristband, she made me get it from the girls she had been talking to. I got my mom to ask them when people usually started lining up. They said that people haven't been lining up too early. People usually get there around 5 and gates open at 5:30. But then she said that the Wind Stage (OK Go's stage) is really popular and so is OK Go, so we should be there around 4 to be safe. Then we went back to the apartment because my mom had to take Julia to get her haircut. So I waited for a long time before we left. I wanted to leave without Julia, but she didn't know how to get there, so I had to wait for her. We ended up getting there at 4:30, but there was no one around. There were a couple of people, but there was no line or anything, so we just sat down and waited. We kept an eye out for the guys or Mike Kent, but we didn't see anyone. Then there was something that looked like a line, but I wasn't really sure. One of the staff girls was saying something about keeping the area in front of the entrance clear and to line up, but she never said anything about where to line up. I ended up standing in the line, which was the actual line, so that was good. We weren't the first people, but we were towards the front. While we were waiting, we heard the girls behind us say OK Go, so naturally I freaked out and started worrying again. I was afraid that I wouldn't be in the front.
A little after 5:30, they let us in. I had a general idea of where the stage was, but I wasn't entirely sure. I just kept walking in the same direction as everyone else. There were a lot of stairs, so I was really tired by the time we got to the top. I found the stage and headed towards the middle, slightly to the left. The stage was like eight feet away from the barricade and at least six feet high. We definitely did not have to get there so early. The stage was in a little square and it was pretty empty. We had little fans that some radio station had been giving away. They were small and circular, so I decided to put OK Go stickers on it because I brought a bunch with me. I still have a ton from Capitol. There were three bands before OK Go. The first two were pretty good. They had little bits of English in some songs. I could only understand a few random words when they sang in Chinese, so I had no idea what most of the songs were about. We were still on the lookout for one of the guys. Julia saw a guy that looked like Mike Kent, but he wasn't. He was shorter, but he was dressed like Mike Kent. The third band started playing and they were horrible. Their guitarist was pretty funny though. He kept making weird hand movements and pretending that his hands were attacking him. During the first song, Julia said that she saw Mike Kent. I looked around and I saw him behind the stage. We started freaking out and we were happy that he was there. I mostly looked at him instead of the band because they weren't that great. It was bad that we were in the front row because he would keep going to the edge of the stage and trying to get people to cheer and stuff, but Julia and I just stood there, fanning ourselves. Then Julia said, "I see Dan, save my place." She grabbed the photo of Dan that she brought as a present for him and ran away. I kept looking over at them, wishing that I could be talking to Dan instead of watching a crappy band with a lead singer that keeps trying to get me to clap. When Julia came back, I kept making sad frowny faces at her. While we were watching the bad band, we saw Jordan walking around behind the stage, so we got all excited again because we weren't sure if they were bringing Jordan with them. Finally, the bad band finished playing.
Mike, Jordan, and Brendan came out and started setting up. Dan came out a little after to set up his drums. We yelled at Mike, but he didn't hear us. When tried again when he was setting up Tim's mic and he heard us. He looked up and we waved. Then he said, "What are you guys doing here?" Then I said something like, "To see you guys" and I pointed at him, but I don't think he heard me. A little later, we yelled and waved at Jordan when he got closer to us and he waved back at us and kind of laughed. After Dan finished setting up his drums, he went to the edge of the stage and started taking pictures of the crowd. I smiled at first, but then I just started making faces at him. I don't think he noticed us and I'm sure I look horrible in that picture. There were a ton of photographers in front. One of them saw my fan and asked if I made it myself. I said yes, even though all I did was stick two stickers on it. Then she asked if she could take a picture of me and Julia holding our fans. There was a girl next to Julia who thought that we were with OK Go and she asked if we knew what flight they were going to be on. Then Julia just said no. Then the girl asked where Julia was from and she said San Francisco. Then the girl asked if Julia was going back with them and Julia said no and that they were going to Australia next. Then the girl asked if Julia was going to Australia with them and Julia said no and that she was just a fan.
At 9:20, they started playing. The set list was:
Television, Television
Don't Ask Me
Good Idea At The Time
No Sign Of Life
The Fix Is In
It's A Disaster
You're So Damn Hot
Prove My Love
Get Over It
Oh Lately It's So Quiet
Here It Goes Again
Do What You Want
When they first came on, Damian said, "We are OK Go" in Chinese. He said some other stuff in Chinese, but I have no idea what. Everyone else seemed to know what he said though. Damian seemed pretty happy. He was smiling a lot and this is the first time in a long time where he hasn't been sick when I see them. He forgot the words in the beginning of Good Idea, but he just kept going. There were some mic problems. It cut out once or twice and Damian made a face at Tim when it happened. When they played The Fix Is In, he changed Boston to Taipei. The cover was Prove My Love. We shouted for ELO, but it was too late because they went straight into the song. We were wondering if Damian was going to leave the stage because it was way too high for him to jump off, but he managed to climb down. I think he might of used the speakers to help him get down. I'm not sure because the crowd went crazy. There were these girls behind me that kept saying, "Damian is sexy!" and "Marry me Damian!" so when he came close to us, they kept trying to push up closer to the front. Jordan was taking pictures of the crowd for Dan during the concert. Damian sprinkled water from a water bottle on the crowd. I wouldn't have cared except I had my camera out and all of my stuff was on the ground in front of me, so it got wet. I forgot to charge the camera battery, so it had the low battery sign on all the time, otherwise I would have taken a lot more video. During Do What You Want, Damian went over towards Tim's side of the stage and stood on top of a speaker. Then he started climbing the scaffolding and the crowd went crazy again and started pushing some more. The security was standing below trying to make sure he didn't fall. I'm really sad that I didn't get video of it. The heat melted my brain, so I wasn't able to make smart decisions. Then it was time for the dance. Damian told this little story about how there were some kids in their dressing room and they could do the dance perfectly, so they had to show Taiwan that they were good dancers too. So they did the dance next to each other. Then it was over. They did a group bow and started hugging each other. The show was over at around 10:10, which made me sad because they were supposed to play until 10:20.
While we were standing there, some lady came up to us and asked us in Chinese if we wanted to say something about the show. We told her that we only spoke English. Then she said, "Okay. MTV." She pointed at the microphone, which had the MTV logo on it. Then she gave us the microphone and turned on the camera. Then we just made fools of ourselves. I said something about how OK Go is amazing and Julia said something about how we've seen them 11 times. It was really bad because our minds had melted from the heat, so we couldn't think. We were also really sweaty. I don't think it will end up anywhere though. At least, I hope it doesn't end up anywhere. We waited for Mike to come closer to us and then we yelled at him for the set list. He looked around and then said, "How am I supposed to get down there?" because the stage was so high, but we didn't know how he was supposed to get down, so we just shrugged at him. He picked up a set list and folded it and a guy was walking by, so Mike said, "Hey, dude!" but he didn't hear him. Then Mike gave it to this lady and pointed at us and she came over and gave it to us. The set list looked like this:
Then I got selfish and wanted one of my own, so I wanted to yell at Jordan and ask him for another set list. When he came closer, I yelled, "Set list!" at him, but he just waved at us. Then he walked away and was looking around like he was looking for a set list, but then he never came back. I don't know whether or not he heard us say set list. People started leaving right after OK Go finished playing, so I had to grab all of the stickers out of my bag and start passing them out. One girl asked how I got the stickers and I said from the record company. Then she said, "You work for Capitol?" I said no and told her I was just on the street team and she said something like, "That's still really cool!" Then we moved towards the side to wait for someone to walk out. We watched Mike, Jordan, and Brendan pack away all of the stuff. We were also hoping that maybe Mike or Jordan would come closer so we could talk to them, but they seemed pretty busy. We waited and finally I saw Dan walking out, so I ran towards the barricade. There was a guy sitting on a chair, guarding the barricade, and he stood up to stop me, but then Dan gave me a hug, so he sat back down. We talked to Dan for a long time about why we were there and how we're old ladies. I also gave him a present, which was just a little travel game.
Then Dan walked away back to the dressing room. Then we went to get something to drink. After Julia bought a Coke, we sat down on the steps and waited for a while. Then I saw Andy and Dan walking away from us. They had walked behind us, but we hadn't noticed them. So I grabbed all of my stuff and got up. I made some noises and pointed at them and then I ran after them. Then Julia got her stuff and ran after them too. I stopped running and just walked really quickly until I saw Tim in front of me. It looked like he was talking to these three girls walking behind him, so I didn't go up to him right away. Then the girls kind of fell behind and Tim was just walking, so I ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He was looking at something, so he didn't turn around. Then I said something like, "Fine. Don't turn around." He turned around right as I finished saying that. He looked pretty surprised and gave me a hug. Then he said, "Walk with me." So I walked with him, but then a bunch of girls came to talk to him, so I walked away a little bit until I was standing next to Brendan, who was looking back at Tim. Then I said, "I think that's my fault" because I had slowed Tim down. We kept walking until we were behind Dan. Tim caught up with us after a little bit and then Julia pointed at his shirt, which was a Shout Out Louds shirt. They talked about them for a little bit. Then I asked Tim about the scarf I made him. It turns out, he never knew who gave him the scarf because I didn't give it to him directly. He really liked it though. He said he wore it all the time. We kept walking up a hill and talking about Summer Sonic.
We finally reached the top of the hill, where Yo La Tengo was playing. Then we had to try and walk through the crowd. We saw Dan again. I told Tim about why I didn't bring them brownies. Then he walked away and I gave the Japanese girls a bunch of stickers. They tried to give some of them back to me because they thought that I had given them too much, but I told them to keep it because I had a lot. They kept thanking me, which was weird because I'm a fat, rude American, so if someone gave me a ton of stickers, I'd just say thanks once and walk away. I went after Julia, who had kept walking. Dan was standing there and Brendan said something like, "Dan is staying here." Then Brendan walked away. I saw Andy up ahead, so I started following him. Julia went up and poked him with her Sharpie, but he didn't turn around. We kept walking after him until we reached a barricade. I'm pretty sure that the barricade was blocking off the backstage of the stage Yo La Tengo was playing on. We saw Damian standing there and he was wearing the shorts. Julia had been talking to Andy, but she stopped when she saw Damian and went closer to him and started talking to him. It was funny because there was a light in the ground and Damian was standing right on top of it and when he moved off of it, it got brighter. Then it was really weird because I was just standing next to Andy, not saying anything. I talked to him a little bit about his gold Telecaster, but that was it.
Julia got Damian to sign the set list. He crossed out the part of the set list that said, "MILLION???" because they didn't play it. Then he was going to put that date on it, but he didn't know it, so he turned to Andy and asked him what day it was. Then Andy and I both said, "29" and I think Damian realized I was standing there because he looked at me. Then he had a confused look on his face and I said, "July." Then he still looked confused and said, "Seven?" I said yes and then he finally wrote the date down. They were going to go backstage, so we waved goodbye to them. Tim had found his way to where we were and there were a bunch of girls around him getting pictures and autographs. Julia went up to him because she wanted him to sign her set list, but one of the staff girls stopped her and said no. Then Tim said, "No, it's all right" and signed the set list. Then Tim was going to leave, so we said bye, but it was then that I realized that he was wearing a Shout Out Louds shirt because I didn't hear when Julia was talking to him about it. Basically I just pointed at Tim and said, "You're wearing a Shout Out Louds shirt!" But he just walked away and Julia told me what had happened when she asked about the shirt. Then we decided to look for Dan again. Julia had lost her OK Go fan, so she was trying to find another fan that she could make into an OK Go fan. We found Dan again. He was pretty much in the exact same spot where he was before. A lot of people were coming over to talk to him or get him to sign stuff, so we just waited off to the side. One guy came up and wanted Dan to sign the back of his shirt, so he started to take his shirt off, but Dan's translator kept trying to get him to just turn around and keep his shirt on. But the guy kept insisting on taking his shirt off, so he did. I was laughing when this was happening because it was pretty funny. Dan looked over at me when I was laughing, but he didn't say anything. Julia got Dan to sign her set list. Then we wanted to take pictures with Dan, so we did. There were these weird cardboard cutouts of cartoon rockstars behind us, so we decided to take pictures in front of them. Then we hugged Dan and said bye because we had to catch the last train back to our grandparents' place.
So we started walking back down the hill. Julia had stopped because she was looking for her fan. I had been walking, but I stopped and turned around to see what she was doing. Then I saw Andy walking down the hill. I said hi and then I started walking with him. Then we were walking past a statue of a soldier and a horse. Julia said, "Oh, let's take a picture here!" Andy started to say no, but then he said fine in a kind of annoyed tone. Julia was holding her drink, but she didn't want it in the picture, so she hid it behind her back. Right before I took the picture, Andy hid his beer behind his back too. Then he said to me, "You want one too?" I said sure and we took a picture. After we were done, I thought we were going to say goodbye, but then Andy said, "Let's roll." So I kept walking with him, but it was weird. We talked a little bit about why we were here, but we were mostly just walking.
Then we kept walking and it was really awkward because we weren't saying anything and there was no reason for us to be walking with him because we weren't going to the dressing room. Julia had stopped to throw something away, so I looked back and Andy did too. Then we got to the barricade where we first saw Dan. Andy said, "This is it." Then he opened his arms up for a hug, which I was not expecting at all, but I hugged him. Then he hugged Julia. Julia said, "Say bye to Mike and Jordan for us." We said bye to him and then we left. While we were walking out, we saw Dan and Brendan again. I said, "We're not stalking you." Julia said, "Bye again." Then we caught the last train back and Julia never found her OK Go fan again.
this is a loooovely story =D
Great story, it made me so happy inside.
Sounds like you had a wonderfuls time (except for the heat!)
You're Amazing. I'm totally jealous.
Sorry about the Andy weirdness, but the hugs at the end were way sweet
Are you going to the Japan show?
Are you going to the Japan show?
I don't know why it was so weird because I've talked to him plenty of times before and it was never weird. Maybe it was just because we were in Taiwan. Everything seemed kind of weird.
I'm planning on going to both Japan shows. Both of them are sold out, but Dan said that he would try to get us in. Hopefully he'll come through.
I don't know why it was so weird because I've talked to him plenty of times before and it was never weird. Maybe it was just because we were in Taiwan. Everything seemed kind of weird.
I'm planning on going to both Japan shows. Both of them are sold out, but Dan said that he would try to get us in. Hopefully he'll come through.
I think everyone gets a weird night eventually.
Ooh, didn't remember there were two. And ooh, no-ticket finger-crosser nights ... Good luck--I hope he comes through! I'll cross mine for you