I write summaries of books for school libraries for a living. My last book of the day today, "Career Building Through Podcasting," I'm skimming around in it, and I pass by a page that nearly gives me a heart attack. I recognize that scarf!!! It's a picture of OK Go! They're used as an example of viral marketing in this book!!!!
:::Worlds colliding!!! Worlds colliding!!!:::
Oh, man, it was so exciting. My arms were shaking a little. I know that sounds insane and ridiculous, but I just can't express how cool it was to be sitting at my f*cking dead-end-ass job and see these guys in the book I was f*cking annotating.
And I worked OK Go into my annotation!!

I would have posted this first thing, but I wanted to scan the pictures and couldn't do it right away.
So here are my photocopies

So cool.
I probably would have freaked out too if I was at work or school in my case and WAM theres the boys.
But OH MY GOD, if I had seen that without even looking for it, I probably would've died too.
Thanks so much for posting!
This really confirms that they are now fully entrenched into pop media culture!
Just think, in ten years time, we'll look back and think..."remember that treadmill video?"
that's freaking amazing!
That's hysterical! You must have been hyperventilating. I bet it was a good 45 minutes before you could settle down enough to go on to your next book.
What a funny thing to find on the boards...
yeah, Damian said something like " I still need to design a motorcycle"
but he also said something about not riding them and then talked about his scooter
I'm pretty sure Damian could write any sort of book and it would be interesting.
I know they are!
...Actually, they are even in my yearbook