I know I've mentioned this before, but I'm CONVINCED that these boys are former Sports Racers (i.e. watchers and fans The Show with Ze Frank [R.I.P. the Show]) because there is no way that the name couldn't have been a reference to this little episode: http://www.zefrank.com/theshow/archives/2006/10/102606.html
And, really, it makes me so incredibly happy that Sports Racers have gone on to do their own thing. The Show's not around anymore, but it's great to see that the spirit lives on.
mm good wholesome peanut butter, mayo, and tomato sandwiches....
did you know there is a store that sells assorted pb sandwiches like an ice cream shop? you get to choose the type of peanut butter and toping. Then they make it and toast it for you.
did you know there is a store that sells assorted pb sandwiches like an ice cream shop? you get to choose the type of peanut butter and toping. Then they make it and toast it for you.
reading here is like "weird... I read that before...somewhere..." haha, yes, KK forum
This video came up on my "Recommended For You". I saw that it was a parody of miley cyrus's song and at first I though, "This video probably sucks" But I was curious so I decided to click on it. And it ended up being pretty funny.
Alright, so me, my sister, and my cousin all made a movie. It's a "horror" film. haha, but not really. It's more of a random comedy horror film. It's a bit more than 10 minutes long. And then there's about 7 minutes worth of bloopers. I've made a couple of movies before for my Interactive Media class, but they're not yet on youtube. This movie wasn't for any class. It was just one that we randomly decided to make one day. And we made it in less than a day. So it's not the best. And we didn't really redo anything, we just filmed it, and if it wasn't perfect we just said, "Eh, it'll work". So here it is...
I Like Towtles
Sorry if this is way too old but I'm new to it. So if you are too...it's hilarious! This one's the ep about presidential candidate anagrams.
And, really, it makes me so incredibly happy that Sports Racers have gone on to do their own thing. The Show's not around anymore, but it's great to see that the spirit lives on.
I'll also mention that the Show is fantastic and I highly recommend looking at some of the old episodes starting with THIS ONE:
OR THIS! (especially this)
did you know there is a store that sells assorted pb sandwiches like an ice cream shop? you get to choose the type of peanut butter and toping. Then they make it and toast it for you.
Here is their menu (I'm surprised their beverages aren't pb flavored):
reading here is like "weird... I read that before...somewhere..." haha, yes, KK forum
HAHHAHAH! thanks fel
http://youtube.com/watch?v=pCDMQvHtV9Q and thats for you !
why does it tag buck 65???
too awesome
The Dark and Stormy Knight
The Dark and Stormy Knight Part 2
That's soo sweet
Hugh Grant Dancing in Love Actually
I love that scene xDD
Dennis Quaid was on Ellen and they pulled a really funny hidden camera prank at Starbucks.
Dennis Quaid was on Ellen and they pulled a really funny hidden camera prank at Starbucks.
great video