A few lovely unknown-types for you!

edited November -1 in General Discussion
These are just a few really nice bands/artists you should all have a little listen to. Theyre a nice lot who have let me use some songs of theirs in a big ol fancy film and its only right I show them off! Plus theyre very show offable, I think. So with out further ado:

Alistair Griffin: He's a nice lad smile.gif He's also mellow and thats pretty rad

The Pieces: An acousticy two-piece from Scarborough, ultra-listenable

The Svengalis: They are The Svengalis! They make me want to dance and have a crazy montage

Plushgun: Chances are you have actually heard of Plushgun already, so I am very lucky to have heard of Plushgun too!

So please do give them a listen, and maybe suggest some smaller artists of your own? Cause they are nice.

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