Hi Everybody.
It's me, Damian. Our fearless cyber-chief Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore has gone missing. Apparently to Antarctica. Seriously. He said something like "if there's one chance in my life, it's now." It's a winning life-method for everyone, really, so when I get done writing this and then when you get done reading it, let's all meet up in Antarctica, and together we can kick Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore's sorry ass for not writing this like he promised he would before he left.
Shows in New Orleans and Washington, DC very soon. New iTunes EP You're Not Alone coming even sooner. Like right now, almost. (February 5) New Record Coming soon.
We spent the 2nd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans recording 5 songs with the trombone soul monsters Bonerama. They are the loudest, most brass-kicking brass-kickers you've ever heard, and I got to sing songs with them. It was ExtraGreat™, and now the world can hear what OK Go would sound like if we were the trombone soul orchestra we've always dreamt of being. It comes out on Fat Tuesday of Mardi Gras and the tracklist goes like this:
1) Rock 'N' Roll Suicide (the Bowie tune)
2) A Million Ways
3) Oh Lately It's So Quiet
4) It's a Disaster
5) I Shall Be Released (the Dylan Tune, with Al "Carnival Time" Johnson on vocals)
The EP will be available only on iTunes, and 100% — every last penny — of proceeds will go toward rebuilding the music community in New Orleans, which has been devastated by Katrina. iTunes even agreed to donate their share. Funds will be split between Sweet Home New Orleans and the fund for building Al "Carnival Time'" Johnson's home in the new habitat for Humanity Musicians' Village. I could go on forever about the recording and the cause, and how excited I am and how important it is, but there's not enough room here. The point is this: you need to buy these five lil' songs to help out the world a little. OK? Stop me me at a show and I'll go on and on about why.
To celebrate the upcoming EP release, we're playing two shows with Bonerama. And check this out: if you buy a ticket to either show, you get a free download of You're Not Alone, the day it comes out! It's the greatest thing since whatever I called ExtraGreat™ in the last paragraph! The first show is this Friday. Get on it! Get tickets now. Buy plane tickets and come to New Orleans for the weekend! It's the greatest place in America!
Jan 11 - New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's
http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEvent...;eventId=234096Feb 2 - Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurc...amp;pid=6150470Again, every cent raised by these shows will be donated to the cause. If you can't make it to either one, but you still want to prove how awesome you are, you should just donate to Sweet Home New Orleans right now. A special thanks to Music Travel Management, Horizon Entertainment Cargo, Sennheiser USA, and Gibson for making these shows possible.
This is kind of a lie. We're writing it right now, and it will be the best record we've ever made — I promise — but we haven't started recording yet, so everybody just cool out and be patient.
OK, that's it for today, but stay tuned for more great things next week, like how it's time to vote soon, how we're about to play a yay-voting show in NYC with my idols, and how we're going to South Africa in February.
Thanks. You're ExtraGreat™. See you in Antarctica.
um um um what?! I NEED to go to this. I NEED to see them. When is this? Does anyone know. I wonder which idols he is talking about. O man, I am so excited!
I'm a pretty impatient person when it comes to things I really REALLY want, but this album that Damian claims will be the best one yet (I don't doubt him at all), it will totally be worth the wait. Big huge duh.
I'm superhappy right now.
And, Umm, Yay-voting show in NYC with idols? Yes please. Where do I need to sign up?
Oh, and Oh Lately It's So Quiet with horns? Thank You so very much.
Dammit. I was going to try and cool out before the DC show, but now I'm sure I'll just go right back to gushy 4-year-old-Rachel.
ok, ok, will try
I love this band so much- it's like the world's most noble people formed OK Go. Thank you so much for all you do for music and society.
I'm so glad they are super excited about helping out New Orleans. I went there two years ago on a missions trip help out and I'm going again this summer. Its just so cool to see them want to help out too!
New record = worth the wait
I love this band's obsession with dentistry and Antartica.
I love even more this band's devotion to providing the world with music, whether from themselves or from other muscians.
i can dream...
only like 26 days to the EP...
Tickets booked already. I got rather excited by the invitation from the man himself
He's officially the sweetest, most adorably lovely man in existence!!
I can't get over the wonderful selflessness that OK Go show when they do this kind of thing, not to mention how involved they make us fans feel.
Is there any chance that by 'about to play a yay-voting show in NYC' Damian means 'we're just waiting for Alice to get over here, and then we'll play a yay-voting show in NYC'?? Maybe? Yes, please?
And I hope Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore's having fun and is making sure he keeps nice and warm and cosy. I miss him.
Great minds, Little Sis. I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I'm a teensy bit worried though, that the show will be while I'm in England!!
exactly my thoughts...
if only i had a few thousand just sitting there waiting for me to spend it... oh well, i'm sure they'll come back to australia some time...
I wanted to share a quick FYI for all of you not coming to the show at Tips tonight. Tips usually does a webcast of their shows. www.tipitinas.com Sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't. When I was living in Seattle I caught a lot of Bonerama shows this way. I did check the website and I don't see it listed, but I am hoping that it will be shown via webcast for all the fans of both bands that can't be there.
If you are in NOLA and will be there, I will be selling Merch for Bonerama so come say HI!