Sooooo I was at this social action save-the-world thingy all weekend
and one of the workshops was run by Evan Greer, this amazing musician/activist.
Not only was it an amazing workshop
but he's an incredible musician, and his songs are really powerful. <-- myspace, duh<-- band website, he's part of a collective of activist/musicians
Personally, I suggest listening to the "Ballad of Hurricane Katrina"
it's based on his experiences when he went down to help.
and he played it live for us.
and it was one of the most moving things I've ever heard/seen.
(plus I love the allusions and wordplay in the chorus...

he also played "I want something", which is just as crazy amazing.
I was just going to suggest him in another thread.
but there's no way he doesn't deserve his own thread.