Hi everyone, just a brief check in. First of all, I owe Kalinda, Rose, and Bekker apologies for either forgetting to call them, or forgetting to save their number in my phone in the first place. I feel like a total asshole for this and I'll find a way to make it up to you.
I did. Really. I think it was Katy's "I'm so beyond all this fangirling business". Thank you, Katy!
Oh and Dan saw me and hugged me straightaway.
There's more. I'll tell you guys later. Katy and I are going shopping now.
I owe Kalinda, Rose, and Bekker apologies for either forgetting to call them, or forgetting to save their number in my phone in the first place. I feel like a total asshole for this and I'll find a way to make it up to you.
Rose as in me? You're so sweet! I wanted a phone call, but didn't ask for one as I was in that horrid licensing exam. I'm so glad you and Katy had a wonderful time. Can't wait for the write-up!
Sorry for the fact that I didn't take any pictures, I let Katy and Amy take care of that and chose to just enjoy the show, myself.
Alright, writing up.
Katy and I set out from Delaware around 3pm because we'd gone to see The Kooks the night before (great show) and slept in on Friday. On the way, we stopped off in Baltimore at my Mom and Dad's to use the BR and get some tylenol for Katy. Apparently I missed it when Dad asked where we were going, and Mom said "Take a guess!". Katy told me about it later when we were in the car, so I explained that my Mom totally doesn't get the whole OK Go thing, and that I once told her "Mom, you don't have to understand me, just love me" (this is the luxury one gets with being a grownup, sorry girls). Katy then said "But what's the point of leaving the house if you're not going to see Skinny Rockstars?" We laughed heartily, and I decided that should be my personal mantra, going forward.
We got to the shuttlebus stop for the fairgrounds (a mall) and took the bus over to the fairgrounds where Amy was waiting for us. The trip took about 2.5 hours, but we had our share of delays and stops on the way, so it was a bit longer. We walked into the fair and directly to the stage. There were a few people sitting at the barrier, but we just sat behind them. OK Go came on almost exactly AT 8pm. They opened with TV TV, and had big smiles throughout! TBH, it was not the highest energy show I've seen from them. I really think they're ready to take a break from the touring. However, there were a few gems from Damian. He asked us if we were celebrating Fairfax, then said that while he was growing up in DC he only went to malls in Fairfax and never saw a reason to celebrate it, but now he knows what was missing. He also referred to Tim as "the Katherine Harris of OK Go" during the voting bit. Tim, btw, went with the will of the people because of the recent vibe of change, so they played Prove My Love (I miss Neat Neat Neat - why is that never one of the choices anymore?). OH! There was an Obama chant (although Damian had nothing to do with it)! One guy yelled "OBAMA" and Damian just said he agreed, and the next thing we knew there was a chant, albeit brief. For the acoustic set, Damian said they were going to present the folk portion of the show because Rock 'n Roll is bad for you, and also said they would be like Simon and Garfunkel. And when they were about to play Oh Lately, Damian asked if Fairfax was for Lovers (because Virginia is for Lovers). We got a huge smile out of "Run's House" btw. Finally at the end of the show, Andy threw me his guitar pick again.
Yes there was almost a catfight in the crowd because these two bitches pushed their way in behind where we were standing and the girls behind them didn't appreciate it (and I can't really say I blame them). The rude pushers though were REALLY aggressive and were pushing around and just generally being assholes. They even pulled Amy's hair. We called security though, and after about the 8th time we asked, they finally got the brats to calm down. Sadly, they didn't get the brats to leave. Listen, I'm all for sharing the OK Go love, but these girls were downright obnoxious.
After the show, almost as soon as it was over, the fireworks started. They were gorgeous. I joked to Amy and Katy - "That's how I feel about OK Go too." We waited by the gate with the other fans for awhile, and then Damian came out and started signing things. Normally I would hang at the back and wait for the bulk of the fans to get their sigs first, but I wanted to make sure I was able to give him the Pressed Pennies that Alice and I made for him. He remarked that one was from the Poconos (I made that one without you, Alice, but whatevs), and he said "There's a song about the Poconos and Cocaine". LOL. The good news is that I was actually able to keep my cool. No stupid fangirling this time around. I didn't get to show him Mayo's shirt (yet).
Dan and Tim came out shortly after. Dan saw me and gave me a big hug right away. Dan continues to be the nicest guy ever. I showed him Mayo's shirt and he was VERY impressed. I even pointed out the fact that she wrote "Ddrum" (or just the um because the view was obscured) on the drum, but I pronounced it as "duhdrum" which he then laughed and corrected me as "Dee-Drum". So I laughed along and said "well, I'm not a drummer, how am I supposed to know?!"
The crowd for Tim was a little long, so when Andy came out I went over to him to give him presents. I made him a CD entitled "Those English Bands I'm Always Talking About" with The Hoosiers, Air Traffic, Cass Lowe, JP Jones, The Delays, and Corrinne Bailey Rae's version of "Sexyback" on it. Also, to show what a good sport I am, I got him a t-shirt that says "I <3 NY, It's The Yankees I Hate!". He loved the shirt and said he'd wear it all the time. During the show, Becky sent me a txt saying "Hey Andy, Satan called. He needs one of your hoodies. It's so cold since the Cubbies are doing so well" or something like that. So I passed on the message, and Andy said "Well, I just got a new one, so she can have one of the old dirty ones." I said "But it's not *for* her, it's for Satan." Andy said "yeah, like she'd give away anything I gave her." I agreed, he was right. I forgot to show him the t-shirt as a result though.
When I got to see Tim, I showed him the shirt and he too was QUITE impressed. I think it was Tim who asked me what she used to do it, and that I should tell Susan Good job in German (although we didn't know how to say it "Guten something" was the best we could come up with). He asked if there was anything on the back, and I blushed and said, " well, yeah." So I turned around and showed him "Run's House" written on the collar, which he chuckled at. I gave him a hug and left him to the other fans.
As the guys were all being rushed out, Katy and Amy were over talking to Damian, so I went over and had him look at the t-shirt. He said "whoa that's great - Look at how skinny Dan is!" So then I turned around to show him the "Run's House" and he thought I wanted him to sign it so he started to when Katy said "No no don't sign it!" and we showed him the collar. But I said he was more than welcome to sign it, so he did, and then wrote "Who's House" underneath "Run's House". That's when he realized his grammatical error, and fixed it so now it says "Who'se House." Damian said "Well, I'll see you guys next time" and we said "not for a long time!" He said "well, yeah, maybe as long as 6 months, but we need some new songs!" We all agreed and said goodbye, then got ourselves funnel cakes and lemonade before taking the shuttle back to our cars, talking about festivals this summer, and saying goodnight.
Ahhh!! Loved the write-up, Rachel. I'm so glad Damian liked his pennies and Andy LOVED his shirt. That man makes me laugh - he obviously knows what Becky's like pretty well by now! And YAY for calming down with the fangirlishness, hehe!
Also the "Virginia is for lovers" and Simon and Garfunkel comments put the hugest smile on my face.
Oh thanks for sharing the experience Rachel You're my hero for having hugged them and at the same time being able to keep it cool and showing them all that you had to show
"Mom, you don't have to understand me, just love me"
Sorry for the fact that I didn't take any pictures, I let Katy and Amy take care of that and chose to just enjoy the show, myself.
Totally acceptable. Sometimes you just have to experience the show rather than multi-task.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Jun 8 2008, 02:24 PM)
We got a huge smile out of "Run's House" btw.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Jun 8 2008, 02:24 PM)
The crowd for Tim was a little long, so when Andy came out I went over to him to give him presents. I made him a CD entitled "Those English Bands I'm Always Talking About" with The Hoosiers, Air Traffic, Cass Lowe, JP Jones, The Delays, and Corrinne Bailey Rae's version of "Sexyback" on it. Also, to show what a good sport I am, I got him a t-shirt that says "I <3 NY, It's The Yankees I Hate!". He loved the shirt and said he'd wear it all the time. During the show, Becky sent me a txt saying "Hey Andy, Satan called. He needs one of your hoodies. It's so cold since the Cubbies are doing so well" or something like that. So I passed on the message, and Andy said "Well, I just got a new one, so she can have one of the old dirty ones." I said "But it's not *for* her, it's for Satan." Andy said "yeah, like she'd give away anything I gave her." I agreed, he was right.
Oh sweet Rachel, have I told you lately how much I love you? And dainfasldnfisdnflkdf. Yeah, you heard me.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Jun 8 2008, 02:24 PM)
As the guys were all being rushed out, Katy and Amy were over talking to Damian, so I went over and had him look at the t-shirt. He said "whoa that's great - Look at how skinny Dan is!" So then I turned around to show him the "Run's House" and he thought I wanted him to sign it so he started to when Katy said "No no don't sign it!" and we showed him the collar. But I said he was more than welcome to sign it, so he did, and then wrote "Who's House" underneath "Run's House". That's when he realized his grammatical error, and fixed it so now it says "Who'se House." Damian said "Well, I'll see you guys next time" and we said "not for a long time!" He said "well, yeah, maybe as long as 6 months, but we need some new songs!"
OHHH THANK YOU for the story Rachel! It made my day. Sad vicarious thrills. I'm sorry if you tried to call me and didn't get through. Still trying to figure out my new phone and I hadn't chrged it enough and so it died promptly at 9 pm central time while I had no means to re-charge it.
I'm dying to hear anything from the show MORE MORE MORE!!
So who's up for meeting at the next show in 6+ months??
So who's up for meeting at the next show in 6+ months??
Amy, Katy, and I were all discussing a gigantic "Meeting of the Boardies" in Chicago. It's actually an idea that's been bounced around for a long time by The Grownups, and I know I've told Adam that as soon as they're touring on the next album, to expect me to be looking up flights to Chicago for a show.
I think I might try and find a way to the next show once they're done recording, regardless of where it is. Just because it'll be their first show in a while and I'll really want to see them again
Amy, Katy, and I were all discussing a gigantic "Meeting of the Boardies" in Chicago. It's actually an idea that's been bounced around for a long time by The Grownups, and I know I've told Adam that as soon as they're touring on the next album, to expect me to be looking up flights to Chicago for a show.
I'm glad you had fun!
(ps are you actually a boy from hawaii? Cause if you are, that's really cool...
and I'm sure Andy and Joe would be happy to have some company haha
I hope it was fun for everyone- can't wait for write-ups, especially since they'll be the last we see for a while.
pretty please?
PS And thank you Rachey for the phone calls. Can't wait for the write-up.
Heh, she wouldn't give it to Satan. Ha!
I did.
Oh and Dan saw me and hugged me straightaway.
There's more. I'll tell you guys later. Katy and I are going shopping now.
I'm glad to see my newly unveiled hipster, I'm-going-to-stand-here-with-my-arms-folded-and-look-totally-uninterested mannerisms went to some good use.
lolz. When did you write this, when I was in the bathroom?
Also, I'm glad to see that those pictures up on Flickr aren't as nice as mine.
ALSO, we almost witnessed a cat fight in the ranks last night! That was a first.
Waiting anxiously...
And there are more pics here. The only problem are the angles. There are so many of them.
Rose as in me? You're so sweet! I wanted a phone call, but didn't ask for one as I was in that horrid licensing exam. I'm so glad you and Katy had a wonderful time. Can't wait for the write-up!
Alright, writing up.
Katy and I set out from Delaware around 3pm because we'd gone to see The Kooks the night before (great show) and slept in on Friday. On the way, we stopped off in Baltimore at my Mom and Dad's to use the BR and get some tylenol for Katy. Apparently I missed it when Dad asked where we were going, and Mom said "Take a guess!". Katy told me about it later when we were in the car, so I explained that my Mom totally doesn't get the whole OK Go thing, and that I once told her "Mom, you don't have to understand me, just love me"
We got to the shuttlebus stop for the fairgrounds (a mall) and took the bus over to the fairgrounds where Amy was waiting for us. The trip took about 2.5 hours, but we had our share of delays and stops on the way, so it was a bit longer. We walked into the fair and directly to the stage. There were a few people sitting at the barrier, but we just sat behind them. OK Go came on almost exactly AT 8pm. They opened with TV TV, and had big smiles throughout! TBH, it was not the highest energy show I've seen from them. I really think they're ready to take a break from the touring. However, there were a few gems from Damian. He asked us if we were celebrating Fairfax, then said that while he was growing up in DC he only went to malls in Fairfax and never saw a reason to celebrate it, but now he knows what was missing. He also referred to Tim as "the Katherine Harris of OK Go" during the voting bit. Tim, btw, went with the will of the people because of the recent vibe of change, so they played Prove My Love (I miss Neat Neat Neat - why is that never one of the choices anymore?). OH! There was an Obama chant (although Damian had nothing to do with it)! One guy yelled "OBAMA" and Damian just said he agreed, and the next thing we knew there was a chant, albeit brief. For the acoustic set, Damian said they were going to present the folk portion of the show because Rock 'n Roll is bad for you, and also said they would be like Simon and Garfunkel. And when they were about to play Oh Lately, Damian asked if Fairfax was for Lovers (because Virginia is for Lovers). We got a huge smile out of "Run's House" btw. Finally at the end of the show, Andy threw me his guitar pick again.
Yes there was almost a catfight in the crowd because these two bitches pushed their way in behind where we were standing and the girls behind them didn't appreciate it (and I can't really say I blame them). The rude pushers though were REALLY aggressive and were pushing around and just generally being assholes. They even pulled Amy's hair. We called security though, and after about the 8th time we asked, they finally got the brats to calm down. Sadly, they didn't get the brats to leave. Listen, I'm all for sharing the OK Go love, but these girls were downright obnoxious.
After the show, almost as soon as it was over, the fireworks started. They were gorgeous. I joked to Amy and Katy - "That's how I feel about OK Go too."
Dan and Tim came out shortly after. Dan saw me and gave me a big hug right away.
The crowd for Tim was a little long, so when Andy came out I went over to him to give him presents. I made him a CD entitled "Those English Bands I'm Always Talking About" with The Hoosiers, Air Traffic, Cass Lowe, JP Jones, The Delays, and Corrinne Bailey Rae's version of "Sexyback" on it. Also, to show what a good sport I am, I got him a t-shirt that says "I <3 NY, It's The Yankees I Hate!". He loved the shirt and said he'd wear it all the time. During the show, Becky sent me a txt saying "Hey Andy, Satan called. He needs one of your hoodies. It's so cold since the Cubbies are doing so well" or something like that. So I passed on the message, and Andy said "Well, I just got a new one, so she can have one of the old dirty ones." I said "But it's not *for* her, it's for Satan." Andy said "yeah, like she'd give away anything I gave her." I agreed, he was right.
When I got to see Tim, I showed him the shirt and he too was QUITE impressed. I think it was Tim who asked me what she used to do it, and that I should tell Susan Good job in German (although we didn't know how to say it "Guten something" was the best we could come up with). He asked if there was anything on the back, and I blushed and said, " well, yeah." So I turned around and showed him "Run's House" written on the collar, which he chuckled at. I gave him a hug and left him to the other fans.
As the guys were all being rushed out, Katy and Amy were over talking to Damian, so I went over and had him look at the t-shirt. He said "whoa that's great - Look at how skinny Dan is!" So then I turned around to show him the "Run's House" and he thought I wanted him to sign it so he started to when Katy said "No no don't sign it!" and we showed him the collar. But I said he was more than welcome to sign it, so he did, and then wrote "Who's House" underneath "Run's House". That's when he realized his grammatical error, and fixed it so now it says "Who'se House."
thank you thank you thank you
Also the "Virginia is for lovers" and Simon and Garfunkel comments put the hugest smile on my face.
PS. I miss your mom and dad.
You're my hero for having hugged them and at the same time being able to keep it cool
can't wait to be able to say that
Totally acceptable. Sometimes you just have to experience the show rather than multi-task.
Oh sweet Rachel, have I told you lately how much I love you? And dainfasldnfisdnflkdf. Yeah, you heard me.
Now that is awesome!!
I'm dying to hear anything from the show MORE MORE MORE!!
So who's up for meeting at the next show in 6+ months??
Amy, Katy, and I were all discussing a gigantic "Meeting of the Boardies" in Chicago. It's actually an idea that's been bounced around for a long time by The Grownups, and I know I've told Adam that as soon as they're touring on the next album, to expect me to be looking up flights to Chicago for a show.
PS: Go listen to Wifflebat right now, I am and they sound fabulous.
This one makes me smile.
Thanks for the pretty piccies!!
Lookie! And that... is Superman!
Which button is it, which button is it? Errrrrrrm... which... button...
Andddddddd... VOILA!
I will be thrilled if/when this happens!!!
Think of all the mischief we'd get into