I got a call from Andy!! To wish me a happy birthday!! Kalinda came through!!
And then I called him bliss in silver pants. Sorta full conversation here filched from my LJ 'cause I'm too tired to re-type it all:
And then Andy called me!!!! As in Rusty Ross from OK Go. As in bliss in silver pants!!! My friend Kalinda was able to go to the LA show tonight and was going to see if she could get one of them to wish me a happy birthday. And she got Andy!!! He was like: A - "Is Becky there?" B - "Yes, this is Becky" (I knew it was Kalinda's cell, but I had no idea which of the guys it was as I've never heard them over the phone) A - "Did you order two large pizzas?" B - "uh, no." A - "Oh, well this is Andy..." B - "OH MY GOD!!!" A - "mumble something" B - "OMG GUYS IT'S ANDY FROM OK GO!!! SAY HI TO ANDY!!!" E - "OK what?"(my friends ask in the restaurant) B - "SAY HI TO ANDY" E - "Hi Andy!" A - "Hi everyone" B - "Oh my god it's bliss in silver pants. Wait, you weren't supposed to hear that." A - "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and wish you were here." B - "Well, thank you for calling me!!!" A - "Bye." B - "Bye."
The call lasted 56 seconds. I kinda wish it went to voicemail so I could save it FOREVER. But it's much better that I was able to converse with him. Except for the part where I called him bliss in silver pants. I'm such a doofus sometimes.
And I'm pretty sure he said he wished I was there or something to that effect. And I'm pretty sure more was said but I can't remember it. It just felt totally surreal and I couldn't stop shaking for a good 30 minutes after the conversation.
Can you say fan girl?
This is one of the best birthdays I have ever had. Thank you so much Kalinda and everyone wishing me a happy day!! Love you all!!
Edit: Now I remember one more thing. He said that he hoped to see me soon and I said that I would see him when he came to Chicago in May.
Still, I feel a tad silly that my word vomit spewed out bliss in silver pants. What is it with me and his silver pants. Hmmm, I wonder if he was wearing his silver pants tonight. Eh, he's bliss in whatever color pants he wears.
Ah I totally missed this thread! Happy belated birthday darling! It seems like you had an incredible one! Don't worry about the silver pants thing - it was your birthday! You're allowed to be silly!
OMG Becky that's amazing! Andy and Kalinda are so sweet to do that for you. I can just imagine Andy's sweet voice saying those words. I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday!
Thank you again everyone for the birthday wishes! Being 29 is turning out to be pretty fucking rad. I highly recommend it.
QUOTE (ezorvera @ Feb 24 2008, 08:38 PM)
Happy Birthday Becky!! Tim was actually the first one I saw, but he had to go back inside really quickly. I wanted to wait for Andy instead obviously.
Ya know, I woulda been elated to hear from any of the guys. Of course, Andy was the icing on the cake. And I'm freaking amazed that he agreed to wish me a happy birthday. He's such a fantastic human being and continually melts my heart. *sigh*
have a fantastic day with cake and family and friends and everything you wish for!
aw, i hope you have a sexy day!!
Happy Happy Birthday!
You're so generous, you're so fun.
I hope you birthday gifts weigh more than a ton!
Have a marvelous day.
Hope it's the best ever!! Bliss in birthday pants!
I got a call from Andy!! To wish me a happy birthday!! Kalinda came through!!
And then I called him bliss in silver pants. Sorta full conversation here filched from my LJ 'cause I'm too tired to re-type it all:
And then Andy called me!!!! As in Rusty Ross from OK Go. As in bliss in silver pants!!! My friend Kalinda was able to go to the LA show tonight and was going to see if she could get one of them to wish me a happy birthday. And she got Andy!!! He was like:
A - "Is Becky there?"
B - "Yes, this is Becky" (I knew it was Kalinda's cell, but I had no idea which of the guys it was as I've never heard them over the phone)
A - "Did you order two large pizzas?"
B - "uh, no."
A - "Oh, well this is Andy..."
B - "OH MY GOD!!!"
A - "mumble something"
E - "OK what?"(my friends ask in the restaurant)
E - "Hi Andy!"
A - "Hi everyone"
B - "Oh my god it's bliss in silver pants. Wait, you weren't supposed to hear that."
A - "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and wish you were here."
B - "Well, thank you for calling me!!!"
A - "Bye."
B - "Bye."
The call lasted 56 seconds. I kinda wish it went to voicemail so I could save it FOREVER. But it's much better that I was able to converse with him. Except for the part where I called him bliss in silver pants. I'm such a doofus sometimes.
And I'm pretty sure he said he wished I was there or something to that effect. And I'm pretty sure more was said but I can't remember it. It just felt totally surreal and I couldn't stop shaking for a good 30 minutes after the conversation.
Can you say fan girl?
This is one of the best birthdays I have ever had. Thank you so much Kalinda and everyone wishing me a happy day!! Love you all!!
Now I remember one more thing. He said that he hoped to see me soon and I said that I would see him when he came to Chicago in May.
Still, I feel a tad silly that my word vomit spewed out bliss in silver pants. What is it with me and his silver pants. Hmmm, I wonder if he was wearing his silver pants tonight. Eh, he's bliss in whatever color pants he wears.
I should go to bed now.
Happy belated birthday darling!
It seems like you had an incredible one! Don't worry about the silver pants thing - it was your birthday! You're allowed to be silly!
*That* is the best birthday present ever, and I might die.
Ya know, I woulda been elated to hear from any of the guys. Of course, Andy was the icing on the cake. And I'm freaking amazed that he agreed to wish me a happy birthday. He's such a fantastic human being and continually melts my heart. *sigh*