I don't know if this forum is checked by the actual band very often but I can't find any information for this subject anywhere and am hoping for a little insight if possible.
I am one of the winners for the AMPM guitar hero contest and will be attending the April 14th House of blues show. I was wondering how you guys ended up getting involved with it or if it was just at the request of the company. Also do you happen to know if the show is open for tickets or is it just the 48 people who won the tournaments. Can't wait to see you guys there.
#2 I think it's a private party as I can't find info anywhere about this. And that sucks because I work a few blocks from the HOB.
Have fun!
And, oh well thats what I was thinking also which is cool. I just feel bad that they have to watch a bunch of people play a game.
Thats my only regret about not winning, didn't get the guitar signed by them. Maybe there will be a next time though.
Thanks for the awesome time.
Thats my only regret about not winning, didn't get the guitar signed by them. Maybe there will be a next time though.
Thanks for the awesome time.
I got to go. Where did you place? I saw most of the competition, did you get very far?
And yes, the show was fuckin' awesome. More details, pics and video coming soon to a board near you.
Oh yeah, they're gonna be back in Chicago for a free concert in Grant Park on May 16th. Though you need a ticket. You should come and hang out with the boardies.
gh3champ... bummer about not winning, but i'm SO happy that you enjoyed the show so much!! keep comin' around
Yesterday morning I was talking with a co-worker about how I was going to stand outside HOB in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the guys and them taking pity on me and puting me on the list. In turn she asked if I had checked Craigslist for any tickets. I had not. I go to check the website and there are two tickets available. The guy who won them was going to have to work late that evening and wouldn't be able to use them. So he was offering them up to anyone who wanted them. We exchanged multiple emails and I secured the tickets. Only hitch, I had to get them from Elmhurst, IL. Luckily I had driven into the city and took the el to work so I was able to go and get the tickets after work. That was one of the longest hours I've had in quite some time.
I turn around, drive back to the city and find somewhere to park near the Fullerton el and jump on the brown line. Depart at Merchandise Mart, try to locate a bathroom and then head to the HOB. It was a little farther than I thought it would be from the Mart, so I'm glad I was able to make that pit stop.
Now, before getting the tickets, I check the website: no cameras allowed in venue. Once I get the tickets, the back says: no cameras allowed in venue. I get to the venue: No cameras allowed in venue. So I'm shakin' in my Chucks hoping they don't check my purse. Nope, they just wanted the ticket and an ID. Score, I'm able to get in with my camera, but unsure if I'd be able to use it. As it turned out, almost everyone in there was using a camera taking pics of the contestants. Since they had them out and the gestapo wasn't doing anything about it I was fairly confident that I'd be able to use my camera also.
The show ended up being in the Back Porch Second Stage area. It's a nice little place with tables, a big bar and a little "dance" floor in front of the stage. I had been there for previous shows and knew it would be a great spot for OK Go. While trying to figure out if I should check my coat I spot Andy. He's heading outside with his phone for whatever and I'm instantly frozen. I really didn't think that he would be walking around the venue as I thought he was judging the show with the rest of the guys. Once I can move again, I try and find somewhere to sit. I find a stool near the bar and watch the contest. The contestants really rocked. I completely suck at Guitar Hero so i was amazed at how good these guys were. Then I noticed Damian and Tim sitting at a table in the "dance" area with two other people. Only Damian and Tim were judging the contest, so that meant Dan had to be around somewhere too. I looked but couldn't find him. Andy kept popping up here and there, but by the time I got my courage up to go and talk to him he had disappeared. And this happened at least three times. I need to get my courage up quicker or he has to stay in one place longer if I will ever get a chance to talk with him again.
There were a few breaks in between the brackets so the guys would wander a bit, but never near enough to me so I could talk to them. But then here comes Dan. And he walks right to where I am, granted he's walking toward someone else, but I had a mission and it needed to be completed. So I said, "Hey Dan!" He looked a tad surprised and had a look of "uh, I need to get over there, but I'll listen", plus he was double fisting. I said I saw him in Washington, DC and that he probably didn't remember me. I then said that I had punched him in the arm and then he said, "oh yeah the 9:30 show". But nope, didn't remember me. Anyway, I told him that I was supposed to give him a thank you hug from Kalinda. He said ok and I hugged him. Then I told him Alice and Rachel still love him. I asked if they were going to Arizona any time soon, he didn't think so. Then I asked about Europe, specifically Germany. He said that it might be a possibility next year. Then he said that he was sorry, but his buddy was waiting for him and he had to go. I said no problem and thanks for answering my questions. He left and I continued to watch the competition.
Finally it was the last bracket and the two best contestants battled for the guitar with OK Go's sigs and a bunch of other neat stuff. I leave my seat and walk to the "dance" floor near the judging table. The winner is decided, much hoopla ensues and it's time to get ready for the show. A girl went to Damian and Tim and asked to take a pic with them. Since I was there I said I would take it for her. After that was done I asked Damian if he could sign my book. He said sure. I told him it rocked. He said thanks. I then told him that I actually drove through Humboldt Park that day and the park is still there. He smiled and then asked for my name. Once done signing he handed the book back over and I told Tim that I was sorry that I didn't have anything for him to sign. So Damian says that Tim should write a book. More convo happens and they have to head off to get ready for the show. I open my book to read what Damian wrote. What a sweet guy.
While waiting for the "dance" floor to be cleared of the tables and what not, I get ready to pounce on being in front. During that time I started to talk with some girls who had never seen an OK Go show. One girl knew all of Oh No, but that was it. While we were talking someone was handing out posters for the band that were pre-signed. They all got one but me. They showed me what it was and asked what the writing on the posters was. So I told them what each squiggly mark meant along with where they hailed from. The person handing out the posters came near us again and I asked if I could have one. I got one of the last ones, yay. Then the girl I was talking with said that if I hadn't gotten one she would have given me hers. We started to talk about other random things and that's when I learned it was an open bar. Score! I asked for them to keep my tres bien spot at the front while I grabbed something to drink. I got a Guinness and a coke, not mixed, like Dan, I also double fisted. I got back to my spot and continued to talk with the girls until the show started.
Here is the set list, though they didn't play The House Wins. I'm kind of grateful for that because when they open with that the ping ping ping ping gets stuck in my head for days on end. And here are a few of the songs I recorded.
Television Television
Prove My Love
Get Over It be sure to check out 2:30!!!
You're So Damn Hot
There are 4 more, but YouTube is exceedingly slow.
Also, here are some pics. All can be viewed here.
The OK Go drum is back!
Your eyes do not deceive you. Damian is wearing horns. There will be a video regarding that, but I'm still downloading others.
I am a puddle of goo when I see this pic.
The only part of my mission that I did not accomplish was talking with/giving a hug to Andy. I also didn't get to hug Damian or Tim. So, hopefully I'll be able to do that at the Grand Rapids show.
The show itself was great. They of course had the vote on which cover to play. And during this he said that if enough people screamed Obama he would start jumping around or something to that effect. Sadly only I and a few others started to scream. Ah well. Violent Femmes ended up winning out which makes me happy.
And since they didn't play The House Wins, when they did their encore they played Don't Bring Me Down and DWYW.
I'm so glad that I made the trip to get the tickets and got to see the entire show. If I hadn't, I'da been standing outside for a very long time. Sadly I didn't wait around after the show to see them outside as it was almost 11pm and I needed to get home to sleep for work the next day (oops, I called in anyway). Hopefully I'll get to see them in Grand Rapids.
that smiley pic
and damian reminds me of flavor flav...
edit: amazing videos and pics as usual becky!!!!
thanks for the femmes vid... i LOVE their version and wish i had it for my ipod
ahhhha dfkjasd;lfjlsdkfjlskdjfsad
i love that little 'battle'
Yeah, before the contest started we just sat around for like 30 minutes talking to them and drinking for free. It was a really good time. If I can get the pics from the PR person, I'll post them. BTW great work on the pics and video, I followed the rules for it, you know on the off chance they did check and would mess up my contest chances or something. I'm actually in one of your pics, I'm the guy in the white shirt who was by the 1 guy who couldn't dance and the other guy who was really drunk.
Oh, I'm definitely getting tickets for that show. It was just too much fun to pass up.
that smiley pic
and damian reminds me of flavor flav...
If only someone was wearing a large wall clock around their neck...
thanks for the femmes vid... i LOVE their version and wish i had it for my ipod
ahhhha dfkjasd;lfjlsdkfjlskdjfsad
i love that little 'battle'
Thanks Katie! I have a copy of their cover of Prove My Love. I think I found it on here a while ago. Lemme see if I can find it.
I was just amazed at how good those two were playing their guitars behind their heads.
Yeah, before the contest started we just sat around for like 30 minutes talking to them and drinking for free. It was a really good time. If I can get the pics from the PR person, I'll post them. BTW great work on the pics and video, I followed the rules for it, you know on the off chance they did check and would mess up my contest chances or something. I'm actually in one of your pics, I'm the guy in the white shirt who was by the 1 guy who couldn't dance and the other guy who was really drunk.
Oh, I'm definitely getting tickets for that show. It was just too much fun to pass up.
Thanks! Ooh, if you could post those that would be awesome! And did you get tired of Cult of Personality, too?
It's a Disaster
Damian is the best! You have got to watch this one. Seriously.
Don't Bring Me Down Yay, Andy and Tim dance!!
And a few things I forgot to mention in my initial write-up.
I think it was during Don't Ask Me that Damian went into the audience and had some of the conestants play his guitar. It was... different.
At some point Damian's mic stand almost knocked out one of the girls next to me as it fell forward into the audience. Immediately Bob came over to try to right it, but he was behind a railing and couldn't get to it. So I tried to pick it up, but it was lodged under one of the speakers. So, try as I might with only one free hand, I managed to get it unstuck and into his hands so he could get it back on the stage. I truly felt like a groupie at that point.
Also, while the crew was packing up the gear, I asked the gal that works with them if I could have one of the set lists. There wasn't the usual crowd standing around asking for the lists/picks/towels/etc. so I was able to get Tim's as that was nearest her. She was the epitome of nice and I thanked her for it. I so wouldn't mind having her gig.
And duh, I'm such a dork. When Damian was signing my book and he asked for my name to write down, I blurted out that he spelled it right. I guess it's a good thing I have the common spelling of Becky instead of Beckie or Beckee. That would have been awkward. Though, since it's Damian, I'm sure he would have crossed out the incorrect spelling and spelled it right in the end.
I want to watch all your videos but I have to check out of the hotel like right now.
You're my hero!
Sooooo much fun to read and it just got me even MORE pumped up for NEXT WEDNESDAYYYY!!!!
Don't worry we WILL get those hugs from all the guys
The Dan pic makes me melt.
How Damian looks in this pic is how I felt all night!
Now I just need to let Damian, Tim and Andy know. Hugs will ensue dammit
It is for that and many other reasons that I love you, Beckysioux.
How Damian looks in this pic is how I felt all night!
LOLOL, you are so good at describing your adventures and illustrating things through pictures.