Apparently you guys are the best boardies evvvver... so who wants to convince me that's correct [not that I disagree]? Fight it out. Share the best reasons for being the best.
Or since you guys are probably too nice to talk about yourselves and this is supposed to be OK Go related, you guys can try to come up with the best reasons for why OK Go is the bestestestest band ever. Let the fighting commence!
P.S. I apologize if such a topic has already been created... or if this one is too lame. *bows off before more random mumbling continues*
I'm not sure if this thread would be better off in General Discussion BUT that brings me to the first reason this board rocks: We don't have a crazed, power-hungry army of forum admins and mods watching our every move, deleting posts, banning members and generally making the place uninviting.
We are much too civilized to have any need for them anyway and, instead, we get Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore as our forum leader. How many message boards can claim that?!
That and, obviously, the bestestestest band ever is only gonna attract the bestestestest boardies ever. Am I right?
and i am rather amazing..
and i am rather amazing..
this is true...
I agree with Juniperberry - there aren't any board nazi's getting all possessive and demanding people to move this post here or there.
I found the Juggling club boards to be a little overbearing at times, with people getting a bit overzealous and yelling at people for stupid stuff.
OK Go boardies don't throw away grammar!!!! They are actually intelligent, useful citizens who just happen to love the best band ever created. =D
We foster each other's creativity. I would never have thought to decorate roaches into broaches without this board. Also, just think of all the wonderful art and stories in the Ok Go fanart page.
Even though we are all virtual friends, we always support each other when one is down.
This board is the only one I've ever felt safe being myself and making friends, other boards you have to fear humiliation if you're not down with the lingo or know every band members favrourite fruit.
OK Goies (as Felster and I have termed you guys) are the best. they're fun, open minded, smart, hilariously hilarious, and perdy... yes you perdy.
everyone heres sweet.
you all are sweet. you make me wish I had nice friends like you in the tdot.
plus Headfullofcrazy andy is a jem.
Forum <3
Aww, gee, now I wish I knew each member's fav fruit as well as Sir Pandy's fav fruit.
Everything mel said is truth.
Aww, gee, now I wish I knew each member's fav fruit as well as Sir Pandy's fav fruit.
Everything mel said is truth.
wow you said Y2J Chris Jericho insults people by saying they are as intelligent as a just made my day =]
and yes, i am rather bloody amazing people...
Aww, gee, now I wish I knew each member's fav fruit as well as Sir Pandy's fav fruit.
If in doubt, go for pamplemousse!!
We do have the greatest boardies. I feel like I KNOW most people here, even though I've only met about 3 and I'm an ocean away from the majority of you. Everyone's friendly and welcoming from the start, and intelligent and able to use correct grammar, which, however geeky it is, I LOVE.
And everyone's so generous. I received birthday presents from a LOT of people here, which is just the sweetest thing EVER, I send present to people and get presents in return, and I've even stayed with a certain boardie
I'll second this. My life would be very different now were it not for OK Go and knowing all of you through OK Go-ness (hahaha, Damian). I get some of the most amazing presents from you all too, and have been overseas TWICE because of a friendship made through this band.
I do have to say - I was pretty impressed by the grammar and overall kindness of all you lovely folk. I love how you guys basically exude the same qualities that I love about OK Go and even though I know you very little, I guess that means I therefore love you, too. It's the transitive property... come on, you knew that.
Also, I understand the fear of humiliation some of you talked about. Thank you for not murdering me for being a newbie on these boards.
And Andy, is it? It didn't take me very long to realize that you're pretty awesome.
I do have to say - I was pretty impressed by the grammar and overall kindness of all you lovely folk. I love how you guys basically exude the same qualities that I love about OK Go and even though I know you very little, I guess that means I therefore love you, too. It's the transitive property... come on, you knew that. ;)
Also, I understand the fear of humiliation some of you talked about. Thank you for not murdering me for being a newbie on these boards.
And Andy, is it? It didn't take me very long to realize that you're pretty awesome.
yes andy is the name, or pandy, or hfoc, or just "rather amazing"
your choice =p
Yes. I love, love LOOOOVE this board. I've had many a bad experience with old boards (John mayer for example... I became a "Fan" about 3 months too late...) and with John's board, I was 15 so I was a dumb stupid girl... big thanks to everyone here for making me feel soooo loved and welcome!
And if it weren't for this band, or board... I wouldn't have met my darling wifey!!!
basically everything everyone's already said.
I've only met one boardie in real life so far, but I hope to meet more (coughcoughSallyifOKGoevervisitsBostonagainyes?yes.coughcough) and anyways, Katy's pretty brilliant by herself so that was great.
and yeah, everyone's really supportive. and loving, and caring, and generous, and (insertanyotherpositiveadjectiveshere)
mmm, and the other thing, that they feel like real people, not internet teenyboppers who can't type in lowercase letters, or can't spell correctly to save their lives. And they are real people, which is always a plus with internet friendships
and Doofball, I love what you said about Ok Go Boardies reflecting the lovely qualities of the band itself. That's quite possibly the biggest compliment I've ever received.
*sigh* SO much nicer and relaxed and better than the Interpol boards. SO much. <3
I totally would have loved them sooner if I had heard them
So, recognizing the name, I say "Oh! Those guys are cool!" So, I steal all of her OK Go songs, and then I go buy the CD, Oh No with the DVD, which I freaking LOVED! And then I continued and bought a bunch more songs off of iTunes. And I didn't stop listening to them for months! I mean, I wouldn't listen to anything else but them. And now, I still only rarely listen to other music
I'm right there with you. never get tired of em. don't listen to a lot of other music anymore. I NEVER thought a modern day rock band would suck me in like this, being a HARD CORE 50'S JAZZ FANATIC.
Also I love Elvis Costello, I adore him, I would marry him if life took me there (move over Diana Krall!) BUT I do NOT listen to him the way I listen to OK GO.
This has NEVER happened to me before with any band (with the exception of my first Beatles phase at age 12)
and so I consider them very very very special.
Everyone on this board seems sweet. I love it.
Also I love Elvis Costello, I adore him, I would marry him if life took me there (move over Diana Krall!) BUT I do NOT listen to him the way I listen to OK GO.
Lori - have you heard their cover of Oliver's Army?
OHHH thank you--- hell to the YES
love love love