In this Discussion

Ok Go Fan Dance

edited November -1 in OK Go
i don't know if this topic exist...

i would like to share with you our surprise during our waltz wedding two months ago and please say to me what are you thinking about it...

(i am french... sorry for my language...)

dance surprise wedding



  • aw, this is absolutely lovely, Félicitations Mathieu. smile.gif

  • D'accord, Rosa. Félicitations Mathieu!
  • Awesome video Mathieu! I had no idea OK Go made such a big impact internationally. And your English is much better than my French!
  • Awesome! That's was tres mignon. (sorry if that was wrong. smile.gif )
  • looooool c'est marrant ça!
  • that's great
    i hope i remember to do something that spontaneous at my wedding (in the very distant future)

    when i did the dance, i did it in front of our whole school for the school talent show
    it was pretty fun
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