'm really sad about this, guys.
One of our own has passed away. Jennifer John, one of the most dedicated music fans I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, passed away last week due to fatal injuries in a car crash on the M5 motorway in England on her way to a Kasabian concert in Cornwall.
The band dedicated the gig to her that night, and since then a number of the bands she followed have posted their own tributes.
Coldplay and
Bloc Party to name a few.
Nettie was a very dedicated OK Go fan as well, having flown to Vegas to see them when they played there for New Years Eve 2006-07. I met her outside KOKO in Camden on my first trip to London. We all stood around talking to Dan for awhile that night. Shortly thereafter she joined the boards and the Grownups group. She somehow managed to meet everyone. As a myspace friend of hers, I used to marvel over her album "Nettie and a few famous faces", which had a new photo of her and some rock star or British celebrity every few weeks. ALL the fandoms knew her in some way - I used to laugh whenever I'd make a new friend and find that Nettie was a mutual friend of ours. Even though she wasn't an active member on here (and for goodness' sake she certainly was an active member of so many communities I wonder at how she kept up), this is a loss to our community.
A photo of her was posted on the outside of London's O2 arena awhile back, and she wanted her friends to go and have their pictures taken by it. This is currently at the top of my list of things to do on my next trip to the UK.

RIP honey. Music was lucky to have you.
but its a very sad loss indeed.
Imagine the concerts she'll be able to take in there, huh Rosie?