I bought my show ticket, now I just have to get a plane ticket!!!!! I REALLY want to go to this one
A) because one of you guys (can't remember which one of you sorry!) was raving about the place, and it's small so that is an automatic win in my opinion.

I love Northampton
C) My Mum-In-Law lives an hour away so I will stay there for a night
D) I need to roll the F*** up outta here for a few days.
I gotta get a new avatar..
Um, that was probs me. They'll be playing in the ballroom, which is significantly bigger than the tiny clubroom, but still. It's one of my favourite venues, and NoHo is a fantastic place.
edit: that is a hella' long trip, though. well. maybe not "hella'." but a significant one.
Fr srs?
I go to school in Noho nao, so I'm deff there!
Also, depending on my classes, I'ma try to make it to Boston too. But idk if that'll go over or not.
either way, yay for meeting boardies!
Um you should just cut class 'cause that's what I always did.
I know, I'm seriously considering it.
But I have three classes on Thursdays, plus the one Friday, and that's a lot.
Right now I'm thinking of going to morning classes and then cutting my one afternoon class and taking the bus back to Boston, and also missing my Friday class. That wouldn't be bad, I'd be missing my two easier classes.
Anywho, I'm still thinking bout it.
But I have three classes on Thursdays, plus the one Friday, and that's a lot.
Right now I'm thinking of going to morning classes and then cutting my one afternoon class and taking the bus back to Boston, and also missing my Friday class. That wouldn't be bad, I'd be missing my two easier classes.
Anywho, I'm still thinking bout it.
Also, Rachel and I will have a car. I don't know when we will be leaving NoHo (like, it really depends on who we're meeting with in Boston and when, etc.), but if you're so inclined, we can squeeze you in.
(Please note that I'm not sure what kind of car Rachel and I will be driving at this point....:S It will, however, probably be no smaller than a Passat.)
(Please note that I'm not sure what kind of car Rachel and I will be driving at this point....:S It will, however, probably be no smaller than a Passat.)
My friend Megan is making dinner for me (and Katy if she doesn't have other plans) in Boston, and then putting the two of us up overnight. Also, we're not heading back towards NoHo after the show, so you'd need to find your own way home. But I see no problem with taking you there.
Oh, yeah, that, too. But, again, that would just save you on the bus trip to Boston, and you know how silly-expensive Peter Pan can be.
I guess it still depends on when you guys are leaving/ how many classes I can get away with missing, but thanks for the offer and I'll deffo consider it
now, back to being super excited out of my mind because Ok Go is coming to Massachusetts! WHOOOOO!
OHHH yeah, it's gonna be a long one (if I can do it)
I sure as hell hope so because I want to meet Y'AAALLLL
Have fun, girls! I wish I were going with you.
OH, I don't know...I was gonna fly in to Bradley, but hell if I'm gonna take a turbo prop, which is all I can find right now.
I want to go SO SO SO much!! AGGHH!
I wish we had Virgin here, but they don't come to Minneapolis. We've been all locked up under Northwest for ages and don't get a lot of good airline choices here!
I will be there, though, goddammit...even if I have to miss Logic class again on a Wed night.
So many logistics....getting to NoHo via anything other than car is a royal pain.
As long as I don't have to take a puddle jumper aircraft, it's on. All I have been finding under $500 are the tiny commuter craft flights with a stopover.
As long as I don't have to take a puddle jumper aircraft, it's on. All I have been finding under $500 are the tiny commuter craft flights with a stopover.
Ah, okay. If you're going to rent a car, flying into Boston makes a lot more sense.
so we will see.
The flight availability to Bradley AND Boston on that tuesday before the show is ridiculously nonexistent
It's Thursday morning and I have a regret hangover for not going to Pearl Street.
goddammmn logic class
But class is an understandable excuse to not come. In fact, it's the same reason I'm not on my way towards Boston right now
so, recap-
overall it was very good
I was by myself because it's midterms and all my friends had a ton of stuff going on, but no matter. Got there a bit late, Oppenheimer had already started playing, but I found Katy and Rachel pretty fast, said hello, spent the down time between bands listening to stories from the road and quizzing them a little bit about the new music
The opening bands were both good, but very different. Oppenheimer is very synth-pop. Singing drummer and robot-voice-manipulated bassist. Unexpectedly Irish, which meant the banter was delivered in lovely accents. Longwave is more guitar, more indie and not as pop, but they were still very good. I think the two together were a good mix to warm the audience up for the boys.
Ok Go played the same set list as the other shows, which Rach posted in the thread about the New Haven show, but I'm too lazy to go find it right now. But it was the same. The old songs were lovely, just as always, pretty standard. The crowd really only went nuts for HIGA, predictably, but they were a decent crowd besides that. Surprisingly even ratio of guys to girls, and not very many teenybopper fangirls.
Ok, so onto the new songs:
I wasn't that that excited about the new cd before, but OMFG. SO GOOD. SUMMER, WHERE ARE YOU?
***(If you're not up for a play-by-play of each new song, then I'd stop reading now. I'll let you know where to pick up.)
I don't know if I remember much about all of them, but I'll try to highlight what I can recall.
Shooting the Moon is pretty cool. I don't remember that much about it, but I know I liked it.
Then there's White Knuckles, which is super catchy and danceable and really shows off Tim's falsetto. Also, a super-badass solo from Andy. All I'm saying. Fantastic.
Thennnnn I Want U So Bad, which can only be described as SEXY. Seriously. Daym.
You remember the video, KAT? Apparently that song is still named Back from Kathmandu, and it was really fabulous. I'd say it was possibly my favorite new song, it was definitely up there. I don't remember specifics, I think it just had an overall sound that I really loved.
Then they totally switch it up, with Damian playing a solo acoustic love song called Last Leaf. SO adorable. And really, really lovely. And he was really cute about it, too, like "I'm going to try and take a break from my sarcastic nature and play a truly heartfelt, earnest love song" like it was a big deal for him to be bearing his soul in front of us and it was SO cute.
This Too Shall Pass, which is a total powerhouse. Catchy and dancy and powerful and in your face but sexy. I had the biggest grin by the end of it. Rach's favorite, and I can totally see why.
And finally Skyscraper, which is different. I'd say this was the least pop song they played, and it felt like it had some of the weirdness from their early stuff (treacherous friends or unrequited orchestra of locomotion) except more fleshed out? Idk. It was very soundscape-y. But it still had the same dance-y feel as the other new stuff. And Damian's full-out scream totally took me by surprise the first time. But it was epic and amazing, as always.
So yeah. All in all, the new stuff is mind-blowingly amazing and I can't wait for the cd to drop. GAH.
*** okay, new songs are sufficiently fangirled over, back to the rest of the show
What To Do on handbells is totally magical. That's the only word that can describe it. That's one of my favorite Ok Go songs of all time, and mannnnnn was it good. The boys never cease to surprise/amaze me.
As for in-between banter, Damian seemed to be fixating on hippies. He even showed the crowd a picture of himself as a hippy from that Woodstock movie he's in- it was really hilarious. Rach and Katy both got pictures of it, so be prepared for some serious lulz whenever they get around to posting pictures.
They had the screen showing video stuff in back of them, as per usual, but there seemed to be a bigger variety of what got shown- like there was the wallpaper and the paisley stuff, but there was a lot of other themes as well. Idk, it was cool.
They still throw out tambourines during Don't Ask Me. We were far to the side, so we didn't catch any, but afterwards, when the venue ppl were cleaning up the 7,000 tons of confetti that had been blasted at the crowd during the show, Rach spotted a tambourine on the floor and snagged it and gave it to me
Speaking of the confetti blaster, they must have used it 5 or 6 different times throughout the show. It was cool, but the blaster itself was off to the right side of the stage, which meant Andy was standing DIRECTLY in front of its blast. He was basically getting blasted in the back of the head by confetti from a pretty powerful cannon, and it must have sucked. I felt so bad for him by the end. He looked cool playing through the cloud of confetti, though.
After the show Dan, Andy, and Tim came out, no sign of Damian. I talked to Andy and Tim and they signed my tambourine, but I missed the opportunity to talk to Dan. Oh well. Andy thought he remembered me, but Idk if he actually did or if he was thinking of someone else, seeing as I saw them so long ago and barely said a word to him in my nervousness. Either way, both Andy and Tim were lovely and wonderful and it was great to talk to them.
It's funny how much of a difference I could see in myself between this time and the last time I saw them, which was two years ago. I can definitely say that I have mostly gotten over my incapacitating teenage fangirl obsession stage. Not that I don't still fangirl, but I was much less nervous and much more natural this time around. I mean, I was still nervous, but then I'm always nervous in approaching people I don't know well and striking up a conversation- and once I got over that, it was smooth sailing. Which was nice. I also remember being a lot less focused on their attractiveness. Which I really wasn't expecting, but that was also nice. Idk. I think it has to do with growing up a lot in these two years, and also on having developed lots of other serious obsessions- you know, to balance things out a bit, lol.
Anyways, I think that's it. It was a great night, it was great to meet more boardies, and I am so excited for the new music now, you wouldn't believe it. I know a lot of us have been in a sort of "eh" rut when it comes to the band, but this new album is going to blow that all out of the water. Fr srs.