In this Discussion

The Packages



  • I just have a couple questions concerning the package for those who have ordeded it. Mine was shipped out back on April. 14th, and I still have yet to recieve it (although, I do live in Canada and customs is know to take their sweet time). But the online receipt, was I supposed to recieve a tracking number? It's blank except for the ship date. That's what makes me wonder.

    I am getting a teensy bit worried now, but chances are it'll show up soon. Wating for this much awesomeness in the mail is hard. I probably just need to be patient.  

  • I got an email with this header when it was shipped: TTSP Package Shipment Notification. That email contained the sender, recipient, carrier & service, and tracking & reference information. I was able to track the package until it was delivered.

    With my package I received a letter stating that if there were any problems or issues to contact: info (at) I would suggest you send an email to the above addy to get more info on your package.

    I hope it's just stuck in customs like you said and you just have to wait a little longer.

    And yes, it is a box full of awesomeness!

  • I guess I shouldn't have been so worried. My package came a few days ago and I must say that it was definately worth the wait. Very awesome indeed. Laugh

    And thanks for the email address becky. I had sent a message which ended up answering my questions.

  • Yay, I'm glad you finally received it! How's the hat fit?
  • It might be a bit tight, but I still think it fits fine. It looks good when it's on, anyways.

    And as for the coat, it surprised me. I was sure it would end up being too small, but it actually zips up quite nice! Sleeves might be a bit short though. But overall, i'm very happy with everything!

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