How could it have taken me this long to become a huge fan of okgo? Oh wait, I remember, because I don't scour the new music scene looking for what's new like I did when I was a kid. But that's the funny thing about this bright spot in the entertainment industry that is okgo, they shine so much I was bound to find them one way or another. Actually, I feel like they found me. I love the fact they have left EMI and are throwing all kinds of things at the wall to see what sticks - they are living the dream! (Well, my dream anyway). And, by doing so, they are connecting with like-minded individuals in new and exciting ways.
I can honestly say that I am a happier man knowing these guys are out there doing what they do. I for one am doing just a little living vicariously through them. I make my art by the same methodology (just make cool stuff) but now I'm thinking I should apply it to all other parts of my life as well.