If we're doing 80's then I might just make my hair really big with some wax or something since its short now and I can do anything with it...but I wouldn't know what to wear
Oh good grief, I already have a behind the scenes vid. My first uploaded video! This is what I get for borrowing a camera. I've got it set for "unlisted" so you need to go there via the link (should you be interested). It's just my friend suddenly deciding to interview me.
WT...? How did I post that as "facebook user"? I was logged in as me. And how the heck did I post it three times?! my computer, like my property, is haunted. OooOooOoo.
Okay, ya all are in trouble, because I filmed my bit today and will be posting it tomorrow (Sunday) on my YouTube channel. The vid will be unlisted, so you will need to click the link that I'll profide. Unfortunately the "wind machine" was both loud and ineffective, so you can't really hear the song. Also, I could only do the dancing for a minute because I just COULDN'T continue further!
I would suggest a new thread to contain this project with a link to this thread in the first post. BUT I've been playing all day, bossing my friend and my hubby (ie my crew) about, so I need to hold back now and not impose my opinions on ... .oh whatever, I'm rambling, tired, giddy, and very pleased with myself. (RGM almost done!!!)
At the least, it's an example. If we want to do this differently, I have no problem re-doing this. I still have my friend's sheet!
Your video is pretty cool,Amber!! I recorded mine yesterday, but it comes out so crazy….I mean I'm jumping on my bed and playing air guitar that hard that it looks too crazy… I don't know if I should upload it on YouTube..
I suggested Terminal 5 10.29.
See new thread. . .maybeeeeee?
Re: Video idea
Oh good grief, I already have a behind the scenes vid. My first uploaded video! This is what I get for borrowing a camera. I've got it set for "unlisted" so you need to go there via the link (should you be interested). It's just my friend suddenly deciding to interview me.
I hope to record my dance clip this weekend.
Okay, ya all are in trouble, because I filmed my bit today and will be posting it tomorrow (Sunday) on my YouTube channel. The vid will be unlisted, so you will need to click the link that I'll profide. Unfortunately the "wind machine" was both loud and ineffective, so you can't really hear the song. Also, I could only do the dancing for a minute because I just COULDN'T continue further!
I would suggest a new thread to contain this project with a link to this thread in the first post. BUT I've been playing all day, bossing my friend and my hubby (ie my crew) about, so I need to hold back now and not impose my opinions on ... .oh whatever, I'm rambling, tired, giddy, and very pleased with myself. (RGM almost done!!!)
I must be nuts.
At the least, it's an example. If we want to do this differently, I have no problem re-doing this. I still have my friend's sheet!
But being nuts comes with being an OK Go boardie!
That was wickedly cool Amber! *cyber high-five*
I think I'm gunna have to use a bedsheet for the blue background haha
When do we have to get the video done and sent here anyway? I have revising to do for my exams for the next couple of weeks and, well yeah...
Your video is pretty cool,Amber!! I recorded mine yesterday, but it comes out so crazy….I mean I'm jumping on my bed and playing air guitar that hard that it looks too crazy… I don't know if I should upload it on YouTube..
btw. I used an orange background..is that okay??
Whatever background is fine I guess as I dont think I have a pattern-less blue sheet of material (I think I'm gunna have to use a purple-ish colour)
I'm gunna get my video done on friday as I have a whole day off from school!! yay for study leave!
Any and all dancing vids are welcome, I would say, because the more OTHER people with vid clips, the LESS I'm in the finished product.
Okay, I'll make an executive decision and start a new thread…