Wow!!! Dead since December 2009???

edited November -1 in OK Go

I miss the Juggling Club.  I had enough points for the flipbook, but when I realized I did, the Juggling Club was disbanded.

Any possibility that we might be getting it back?


  • I miss it too, I had quite a few points as well. I don't think we'll get it back, but most of the old jugglers have always been boardies as well, so these boards are just as good. 
  • Aye, Alas. I was bummed as well, thought maybe it was just Hibernating for a bit. :( I had spent points and sadly I think it was lost in the loop as I never recieved the item. But I talked to Tim about it at maker fair, I think He told me to talk to Jorge about it. But he was to busy at the time, I loved the promotion aspect more anyhow, and the chance to meet other fans. :)
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