So, the boys headlined at the Cubbie Bear Side Stage at the Q101 Jamboree. I did not find this out until I got to the venue as the radio station decided to keep the line-up and stage times hush hush until the day of. Thankfully I asked on Twitter what time they'd be on and I got the response of 6pm(ish), which meant I didn't have to get there at noon when doors/gates opened.
I made it to the FMBA around 2:30. I caught the end of AM Taxi's set and started to make my way to the barrier. They did a pretty good cover of the Rolling Stones' "Paint It Black". I made my way up a few more rows to get closer to the barrier when their set was done. Up next was the Flobots. I'd never seen them live before and was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed the electric fiddle, er, violin. Around this time, Amber found me waiting at the barrier. Then the Crash Kings were up. I thought I had never heard them before, but I had. It's three guys somewhat akin to Ben Folds Five. They were excellent. I'll probably be picking up their CD the next time I'm in a music store. They did a great over of Black Sabbath's "War Pigs". Damian, Tim and Dan watched most of their set from backstage right. I *think* Damian recognized me, but I didn't wave or anything. However, Dan did wave at me. At least I think he waved at me. So I waved back. Blah, anyway.
Then it was finally time for OK Go. However, there was problem after problem after problem. During set-up for the other bands, there were issues with the sound. But that just grew worse when they were setting-up for OK Go. Neither of aross' mics worked. It took about 10-15 minutes for it to get figured out and corrected.
OK Go were scheduled to go on at 6:15, they didn't make it onstage until about 6:45. Their set was scheduled to end at 6:55. Yeah. Well, it would appear that the schedule was flexible.
This was the set list they had for the show.
White Knuckles
Don't Ask
With an impromptu encore:
You're So Damn Hot
Even though they started late, they did their entire setlist, minus Skyscrapers. Don't know why they cut it, unless it was a time issue. There was little if any stage banter which makes me sad. I really like to hear what Damian has to say, even if I've heard it before, which doesn't happen often. He did bring up the new label and that the album was going to be re-released this coming week. Though, he didn't say the name of the label. At each show I've been to, he's never said the name of the label.
After DWYW, aross threw me a pick which I didn't catch. Why? Because there were 5 other hands trying to get the same pick. Then I get a look from him as if to say, "Really, you couldn't catch that? I threw it right at you." Gee aross, thanks for making me feel special.
They leave the stage and the audience starts chanting "OK Go, OK Go, OK Go". Looking at the setlist, they were not planning on doing an encore. Plus, there was that whole schedule thing. They came back onstage and Damian said fuck it and they performed an encore. We got Debaser and You're So Damn Hot. I would have much preferred Wave Of Mutilation over Debaser as I haven't heard that one live from them, but whatevs, I got two songs in an encore that probably wasn't supposed to happen. It looked like Damian wanted to do WTF?, but there was no cowbell. (side note, speaking of no cowbell, there was no cowbell for Back From Kathmandu, aross had to make due with one of Dan's cymbals.)
After their last song, Amber and I rushed to the side of the stage to try and see the guys. Sadly, they went backstage and didn't come back out. It felt like Indy 2008 all over again. I really wanted to find out about the whole "Underwater!" and Maker Faire thing. I guess it will have to wait until I see them again. And that's if I remember.
I guess I just got so spoiled after seeing a few or all of them after the last few shows I went to. That and it's gonna be so long before I see them again. I'm probably going to go through some kind of withdrawal.
Tomorrow or Monday or when I have time, I'll post my pics and vids. Thankfully this venue didn't prohibit cameras.
I'm sure I may have missed or forgotten something. I'm just a little sad that this was my last OK Go show for a while.
aww...well he should have thrown a few more out to make sure you got a good chance of getting one haha
But it was the thought that counts :D
I'm sure Amber will fill in the missing pieces when she's back on here. Ooooh I can't wait to see the photos and videos :D:D
I have to keep reminding myself of that.
So, my pics and vids are up. All the pics are available here. Below are the vids. Did I mention there was a shit-ton of technical difficulties?
White Knuckles
You're So Damn Hot
Outside fest = sunglasses.
Tim's rockin' the old frames.
Red and redder.
All the boys!
Yey, for old glasses. I don't really like the red glasses. They make it hard to see his eyes. Thanks for the great pics and vid, Becky!
Crap! Why did I come on here so late? I'll have to watch the videos tomorrow night.
The photos are stupendous. Festival shows may have some downsides but you can't beat the awesome daytime pics.
Thanks Becky!
I think both frames are cool. Though I wouldn't mind seeing him in his old frames circa their self-titled release. And, you're welcome. Though I still kinda hate you for the awesome sunset pic you got with a certain someone who shall remain nameless right now.
Thanks! Alas, there were more downsides than upsides for this show. None of which were the boys' fault. And I know someone I'm never, ever going to try and piss off. But, yes, my Kodak likes festival shows.
Love the videos. It's a Becky and OK Go sing-a-long.
(You're cute, Becky.)
Wow! Damian was pissed, especially during IWYSB. And then did he just give up in the middle of Invincible? It looked like he couldn't hear. Maybe that's why they skipped Skyscrapers? And that would explain why there was little banter, too.
But the problem must have been fixed by the encore. (perhaps that's why they did the encore??)
Interesting show.
Yeah... I thought that the sound was loud enough to drown me out. If I could edit my voice out, I would.
I don't think he could hear himself/the other guys to sing in the same key for Invincible. You're probably right about skipping Skyscrapers.
I'm not sure if the problem was fixed or not. But I think they did the encore #1 because we were chanting for them to do so, #2 because the first part of the show was FUBAR-ed and #3 they fucking rock like that.
Math = 22. Dammit.
This was my second time seeing OK Go.
I don't know what to say, so, I'll just go with:
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I CAN SEE THE BOYS AND HEAR THEM AND SEE THEM AND I'M ON THE RAIL THE BARRIER I'M RIGHT HERE AND I'M IN FRONT OF ANDY OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG it's outside and I CAN SEE THEM CLEARLY and Damian I have to clean my brain of unpure thoughts now thanks to the tight black jeans THE BLEEPY BOX FOR THE WIN!!! Andy's eyes are soooooooooo blue!!! I can't see Dan, dammit!!! (jump jump jump up)There he is THEY ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AAAGGHHHH!!!! >incoherent psycho happy fan girl screaming!<
I'm so glad that Damian was doing some smiling by the end, because he was so terribly upset about the tech issues. (that's my gentle way of putting it)
I'm happy.
Interview with a radio guy from the sponsoring station: Go Backstage At Q101's Jamboree 2010 Concert. It basically sums up the YT vid Amber posted above.
Pretty peek-ture!
Finally had time to watch these, and (even with all the sound issues) I have to say nice camera work Beckysioux! And singing along, as well!
Debaser was the highlight for me (but I'm biased). I just love it when Andy starts singing Kim's part. Gets me every time.